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Hey you lovely little angels.

Following on from yesterday's post about Naughty Sandbox's soft squishing simulation, I thought I'd show some it off in VR, along with the poseable rig feature

Players are gonna be able to pose their girls in some modes, my idea right now is to have a Sandbox mode, where players can just go to town on their characters with toys and fun things.

I'd like to expand it with AI and all of that good stuff for authentic reactions, but until then it may be a lot like a doll fucking simulator while I get the physical systems down and polished. 

The rig, squish and jiggle systems are quite prone to errors and when they glitch out it's really ugly, so an FYI that this system might take a bit of time to polish. I'll try divide my dev time up between this and other things though so it doesn't bottleneck my progress.

It might be that for the first couple builds I release a Sandboxy doll play mode with the physics system, and alongside them, polished scenes with baked animations and stuff but which don't have the physics system. Then once it's polished enough I'll merge them into a more unified experience

Gotta say even though the system is quite work-in-progress right now, it's incredibly satisfying to squish her in and out of VR. Here's another giffy.



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