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Heya, here's a non private post for all you freeloaders. 

Some of the image content I post in Patron only posts, I also post on my Twitter if anyone's curious about what they miss in private posts. I only make posts private if they include NSFW images per Patreon rules.

My first post on Patreon was last month on Aug 30th, so it's been about a month since I started devlogging and began promoting Naughty Sandbox. (Naughty Sandbox has actually been in development for several months prior to going public.)

For everyone following and supporting so far, thank you so much. I am confident that Naughty Sandbox will become the most stunning erotica game ever made, please continue to help me on this mission.

The first post had the following image, and I wrote

...here’s some head / face progress which I’m not super happy with but I  feel like is still higher quality than many lewdy games I’ve seen. 

I feel like I've made a huge improvement since then, and while there is more improvement to make, I feel like the face is reaching production quality and I'm quite happy with her. I recreated the old image to use as the header image for this post, since I felt like the old pic worked quite well as a benchmark. 

If you're wondering what the girls are looking at that's so bright - it's Naughty Sandbox's future.

The more I work on Naughty Sandbox, the more I think that a lot of lewdy artists could benefit from using UE4. It can almost reach the quality of most of the top tier lewdy content in terms of lighting and rendering. Even content that takes hours to render, UE4 can compete with in my opinion, and then the artist gets the benefit of realtime adjustments and iterations, and possibly releasing interactive scenes. It's probably that artists just stick with the tools that they're familiar with because learning software takes time, but I wish a few of the high profile guys would experiment with UE4 a little and see what they can do with it.

Anyway. I realized that different hair styles are a good way to stay objective while working on the face, since it sort of changes the way you see faces when someone has a different hair style. Here's some examples, using Paragon hair. Most of the hair models bottleneck the overall quality I think, I definitely want to make higher quality hair at some point, for now paragon hair will work fine for lookdev stuff.

And here's a shot of some eyes. In retrospect I should have changed the eye color on each of them, but I didn't think about it in time. I plan to make her very expressive with her eyes, so you really feel what she feels when you're lewding her to your dick's content. For VR players especially, I want you to feel very uncomfortable and guilty when she looks at you, so I've been trying to make her eyes as realistic as possible.

That's all for now, thanks for the great month so far. It's really exciting to work on my dream project and have other people interested and following along too. 

In the coming weeks I'm going to look at adding voting so that people who want to be involved in the development direction can have a say, since I think community contributions and not being stuck in my own bubble when it comes to decision making will be important. 

Thanks again and enjoy the rest of your weekends <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



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