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Aeron III


The salty air and brisk breeze of his home island brought Aeron Velaryon no joy. He had been here for almost three moons now and he was so bored it beggared belief. 

He still remembered his father’s words which sent him here. “I am sorry Aeron but I am very busy right now, I think it would be best if you remained on Driftmark while this all blows over,” he said with sincerity and Aeron gnashed his teeth thinking about it. 

His squireship had gone so spectacularly wrong it was hard to fathom. Aeron received no advice from a master swordsman, he was not knighted for his valor, and he was not even able to follow his knight into battle to get experience. His squireship consisted of sitting in the cabin of his father’s ship and watching him feud with Ser Osmund and prepare for naval battles which never came. 

It all irked Aeron, especially when he wanted so much more. What was he to do if he could not gain a knighthood? Could not get experience along with some glory and prestige. He was a second son, without that he would be a nobody. 

It did not help his mood that he had not seen most of his friends in almost three moons now. Rayford remained in Castle Rosby, getting ready to inherit the castle from his aging father. Jasper had left the Crownlands entirely, returning to the Vale with his knight, Ser Gawen. Most terrible of all was Maegor, who had been banished from the entire kingdom. 

Aeron could not even count on his own family for companionship or entertainment on the island he called home. His father and mother remained in King’s Landing, Daemon was ever busy running his father’s domains, Alyssa may as well not exist, and even Valarr was hardly speaking with him now. 

Valarr,’ Aeron thought through his gnashed teeth, and his expression softened. His little brother was always Aeron’s closest friend. He still remembered exploring the inlets and caves on the island with his little brother years ago. He remembered dreaming of sailing the seas with him. Of captaining their own fleet and showing the world just what two Velaryons could do. 

Yet he had hardly seen, let alone heard from his little brother in the last six years. Besides intermittent contact during the year he spent on Dragonstone, he could not even remember writing letters to his own little brother. ‘Fuck,’ Aeron thought again, regret coloring his thoughts, he had let the one familial connection he treasured most wither on the vine. 

No longer!’ Aeron thought with a renewed sense of vigor. He could not merely wallow in his misfortunes. He was merely six and ten years old, and his brother was only five and ten. They had more than enough time to work out their flaws, he just had to try. 

Bouncing up from his bed, Aeron hastily threw on his armor and other gear he may need. It had been a long time since he last sparred with his little brother, with any luck they could test their skills against one another once more. 

Walking down the familiar, salt-stained walls of Castle Driftkmark left a sense of foreboding in Aeron. Mostly because he knew his destination would not be easy. While he had not written to Valarr frequently, his brother had done the same. Aeron was quite confident in the assumption that his brother was at least upset with him. 

Reaching the door quickly, for their rooms were not far apart, Aeron hastily knocked on the door and awaited his little brother’s answer. 

“What is it?” he heard from inside and Aeron sucked in a breath before beginning. 

“It is Aeron, might we speak?” Aeron asked with the most sincere tone he could muster and awaited a response. 

“You may enter.” Aeron heard after a while and he nearly sighed in relief. He knew this would not be an easy road, but he must walk it all the same. Valarr was worth it. 

Entering his little brother’s room, he found it to be quite similar to their father’s solar. Covered floor to ceiling in books and scrolls and other manuscripts. His little brother’s familiar silver hair and purple eyes greeted him as he looked towards the small desk in the room. 

“You wished to speak?” Valarr said in a disinterested tone after he returned his light purple eyes to whatever paper he was writing. 

“Aye, I wanted to know if you would go out and spar with me for a bit, it has been years since we last had a duel,” Aeron said jovially and with a smile, even if Valarr was not looking to see it. 

“No thank you,” Valarr said instantly and Aeron was almost dumbfounded at the immediate reply. 


“As you can see, big brother, I am busy.” Valarr quickly turned around and pointed at his paper before returning to writing. 

Aeron sat there silently on his little brother’s bed then. Unsure of what to say, he had expected a little pushback but the Valarr Velaryon he knew loved sparring almost as much as he did. ‘What has changed?’ Aeron thought with trepidation. The thought of already losing his chance to make up soured his spirit. 

“You are still here,” Valarr pointed out plainly and Aeron resolved himself. 

“Valarr, might we speak, please?” Aeron tried again, he wanted to get down to the root of the problem. He was certain he could make up with his brother, he just needed to know how. 

Aeron heard a quiet scoff before Valarr put down his quill and turned his chair towards Aeron. 

“Speak then, I am busy learning,” Valarr said in a disinterested tone and Aeron got the faintest feeling that this situation was familiar. 

“Can you tell me where I went wrong? Please Valarr, I want to make this right. Do you not remember our days in the yard? Our days exploring this island together with Daemon? Do you not want that back?” Aeron said easily, so easily that Valarr looked taken aback. 

“Where did you go wrong? Perhaps when you left our home to follow a dragon around for six years,” Valarr said with bitterness and Aeron had to stifle his own. He could never consider his time with his friends a mistake. 

“I am sorry Valarr, I should have spent more time with you, spoken more with you, written to you,” Aeron began before he was cut off. 

“You think!? Of course, you should have Aeron! How do you think I felt, seeing my entire family leave me behind on this island with our elder brother Daemon? It was not like he could spend too much time with me, he is busy running this island and he has a family of his own. You were my only friend, the only person I could talk to and you just left, barely speaking a word to me for over two years,” Valarr descended into a rant and Aeron accepted all of it. He had indeed done those things, and they were mistakes. 

“I know, trust me Valarr I understand what you feel, if not to the same scale at least the same feeling,” Aeron answered and he spotted the incredulous look appear on his little brother’s features. 

“And yet you are here all the same? You claim to understand my feelings yet you dare ask to go back to how it was before, to ignore the last six years?” Valarr nearly yelled and Aeron gnashed his teeth. It was hard not to explode back, yet he could not. His brother was already upset, angering him further would be folly. 

“Aye, I am here all the same. Because I miss what we once had, our friendship, our brotherhood, our dreams. Valarr we are still young, there are still many many more years before we are locked in place. Do you not still share my dreams? We used to speak of sailing around the whole world,” Aeron continued on his own and Valarr looked disgusted. 

“You still dream of that? That is a foolish, shortsighted dream Aeron, one fit for ten-year-olds not nearly adults. How can you not see your own position? Your destiny is already laid out before you, you are a second son of House Velaryon. Your destiny is to support our elder brother in all things, not sail around the world in some pointless display of bravado,” Valarr said with a tone of disinterest and disgust and Aeron came to a realization then. 

He and Valarr were far more different than he had originally thought. Aeron Velaryon had dreams, dreams of adventure, glory, and honor. Of being remembered for the next thousand years. Showing the world exactly what he could do.

Valarr Velaryon was different, he was contented with his lot in life. He was fine with disappearing as merely a footnote at best into the pages of history. He accepted that he nor his descendants would ever earn great honors or prestige. 

Aeron and his brother had drifted irrevocably apart in the last six years. Much to Aeron’s sadness, he would not be able to fulfill his dream with his little brother anymore. Mostly because his little brother no longer shared his dream. 

“Very well Valarr, I will let you return to your studies,” Aeron said, standing up from his seated position and making his way toward the door. 

“Perhaps you will begin your own soon,” he heard Valarr whisper but he had not the strength to face his brother in a contest of words right now. He already hated arguing with his sister, arguing with his little brother would be too much. 

Exiting the small room he made his way back toward his own. He had barely reached the door to his room before his mind began to wander once more. ‘What do I do now?’ Aeron thought as he pushed open the old ornate door. Flopping onto his bed he thought he was truly cursed. 

Aeron Velaryon oftentimes thought he was not a part of his house at all. He was the black sheep in their family. Now that Valarr had happily slotted into the role of helper Aeron felt alienated. Like he did not have a place of his own.

Damn it all,’ Aeron thought as he stared up at his ceiling. Just a year ago he and all of his friends were happy and full of life on Dragonstone. Now he was alone in his own home, with no friends, a family where he did not belong, and nothing to do. 

He fought his mind not to curse Maegor then. His friend had thrown away all he had earned over the last few years for a single, rather uninteresting girl. Now Aeron was without all of his friends because Maegor was the glue that kept them from going back to their homes. 

Aeron wanted to hit himself then and there. He hated these selfish thoughts that would drum up in his mind. Detesting the very friend who had changed his whole life, who had helped him make new friends and start to make a life of his own. 

All of a sudden Aeron felt a dark thought rise to the forefront of his mind. ‘If I never met Maegor, would I be happier?’ Aeron thought before he hit himself on the thigh. 

NO!’ Aeron thought in his mind once more. These kinds of internal fights with himself had become a common occurrence over the last few years and Aeron was struggling to make a choice. 

He forced himself to change his angle then. Maegor always tried to look at issues from multiple angles, mentioning that one lens was often times too few. So Aeron tried to ignore his own perspective right now, his own bitter feelings at what had happened. He needed to make a decision. 

Do I stay on Driftmark, or pursue my own destiny?’Aeron asked himself in his mind. He had dreamed so long of pursuing his own path. Yet now he did not know if he could. ‘How?’ Aeron thought again before it finally hit him. 

He had been following Maegor for so long. Trying to emulate his path. Hard work and due diligence had gotten Maegor far, yet he had thrown that all away. ‘To pursue his own destiny,’ Aeron realized then and it felt like a weight had been lifted off of him. 

For too long he had not looked at what Maegor had done from his friend’s perspective. He and Maegor Targaryen shared many dreams and goals. Yet he had been unable to see his point of view. He understood it now though, Maegor was forging his own path in Pentos. Irrespective of what his kingly father wanted to do. 

Pentos…’ Aeron thought before another idea struck him then. He had a plan, it was rough, crude, and barely coherent. But it was a plan and he had to pursue it, it was either that or become his little brother. Aeron Velaryon would not fade into the history books as a nobody, he would not allow it. 

Aethan Velaryon rarely visited Driftmark after the conquest. Preferring to remain in King’s Landing, where the real power and wealth were. So enticing him off of the mainland and back to Driftmark was a mighty task indeed. 

Yet Aeron had accomplished it all the same, sure it took a few sessions of begging his elder brother for a favor and several letters of his own before he received a response. But he got the one he wanted. His father was returning to Driftmark for a day. Ostensibly to “rest from years of hard work.” 

Aeron did not care for the excuse his father used with King Aegon though, all he cared about was that his father was due to arrive soon. Word had quickly spread of Veiper’s Veil docking at Hull and it was only a matter of time before his father arrived and Aeron had to make his pitch. 

Aeron shuffled the papers in his hands. He had always prided himself on his writings. He had started when he was just a boy yet it was something he genuinely liked doing. Planning things out, cataloging events, and writing his perspective on things. His infatuation with history was deep, though hopefully, it would help him here. 

Aeron waited patiently in his room. Drawing up the final plans he would present to his father. He would not allow himself to come off as deranged or foolish. His goals were clear and had merit. He just needed to convince his father. 

Before long he heard a knock on the door and his breathing became quick then. He had managed to stifle the nervousness when his father was still traveling here but now it was time to win this battle. 

Departing his room with a false calm, he moved briskly towards his father’s solar. That was definitely where he would be and it would provide the security to talk about his ideas. 

Aeron could hardly blink before he was in front of the ornate silver plated door that adorned the entrance to his father’s solar. ‘This is it,’ Aeron gave himself one more reassuring thought before he pushed open the door, the door to his future. 

Good evening, Father,” Aeron said easily as he slipped into the Solar. Quickly closing the door behind him. 

“Good evening, Aeron, I am here now. What did you so desperately wish to discuss with me?” His father looked tired from the journey. The choppy winter waves no doubt made for quite the grueling journey. What should have been a few hours at most had almost taken a full day of sailing. 

“Father I-” Aeron began before his father cut him off. 

“Please do not tell me you called me here to ask for your knighthood. I have already told you, I will knight you in the future, you can participate in a tourney in a few years and earn your spurs,” his father made a quick assumption but Aeron shook his head. 

“No Father, I asked you to come here because I need to ask you for a favor, a large one,” Aeron said and lowered his head into a bow. He needed his father’s support on this. Without his help this whole idea would be dead in the water. 

“What are you so desperate you are willing to go to such lengths for? Find a girl you like?” his father asked with some interest in his tone but Aeron shook his head again. 

“I… I want your support in gathering willing volunteers to go east to Pentos,” Aeron said through grit teeth and patiently awaited the response of his father. Who fell into a deep silence after Aeron finished his thoughts. 

“To Pentos? So you intend to follow Prince Maegor into exile?” his father said with an overly serious tone and Aeron chanced a glance upwards, meeting his father’s violet eyes. 

Holding his stare, Aeron took in a deep breath before nodding. 

“I intend to do just that,” Aeron said with a resolute confidence. Wavering here would only doom his cause. He had a plan, he just needed to see it through. 

“And you want me to gather an army for you? You do understand my gathering an army to send east would surely raise King Aegon’s attention, yes?” his father said in an exasperated tone and Aeron was reminded of the dicey situation in King’s Landing. 

King Aegon’s wrath was so great that the whole kingdom could feel it. It was enough to make even Queen Visenya hide out on Dragonstone. None were willing to push the King on anything right now. All feared Aegon the Dragon once more. 

“I am not asking you to give me an army father. But I want to take volunteers with me. My friend is in the East, with little support of his own. Surrounded by Essosi slavers and treacherous pigs. Leading a force there is exactly what I must do,” Aeron continued and he could feel the skepticism wafting off his father. 

“Yet you want my help in this all the same?” his father said with a raised eyebrow and Aeron resolved himself there and then. 

“Yes, your word reaches farther than my own, with your help. I can ferry groups of soldiers across the narrow sea, and gather a group of willing and capable lords to support my friend in the east,” Aeron continued and he spotted a glint appear in his father’s eyes. 

“Tell me your real motivations my son,” his father said suddenly and Aeron was taken aback. 

“What?” Aeron helplessly asked and his father merely shook his head. 

“Do you take me for a fool? I can see it in you, Aeron. The thirst for adventure, glory, and honor. It beggars many members of our house, and it takes discipline and effort to stifle it. Does this affliction exist within you?” his father spoke softly and earnestly and Aeron was taken aback. 

“...Yes, Father. I wish to carve my own path. To forge myself into history. I will not be forgotten,” Aeron said with resolution and his father returned a smile. 

“Very well, I will put out discrete calls for volunteers. Though you will have to move this army piecemeal lest King Aegon bring his wrath down on this house. We no longer have the benefit of foolish Andals floundering in front of His Grace or your sister aiding in covering for our blunders. King Aegon is wrathful and will accept no rebellious thoughts,” his father said quickly and produced his own papers in no time at all. 

Aeron was taken aback at his immediate response. “What?” he helplessly asked and his father returned another smile to him. 

“You are my son Aeron, I have failed you in many ways. If this is what you wish to pursue, I will not stop you. Plus, it is a given Prince Maegor will one day return to Westeros. When he does, I would rather not be on his bad side,” his father said with a cocksure smile and Aeron returned a smile from ear to ear. He thought that would be a lot more difficult. 

“I assume those papers are parts of your plan yes?” his father said easily, all the while writing his own papers on his desk.

“Yes father, I would like to discuss them with you,” Aeron said, placing them on the table before his father shut them down. 

“I am afraid I cannot do that. If you wish to walk your own path. To follow a prince east and fight barbarians and heathens. You will have to work with him. I will help you get there. But meddling in foreign affairs would no doubt violate the King’s Peace, and our house is on thin ice already,” his father said apologetically, though resolutely, and Aeron stifled a groan. 

He had learned much from watching his father command forces in the Stepstones but his plans no doubt reeked of optimism and foolish inexperience. He needed a more experienced eye on this. 

“So what do I do Father?” Aeron asked once more. He would not be able to ask this much in Pentos. He might as well get the most out of it now, was his thought process. 

I suppose I can give you a little advice, though this remains between us. If you really want to assemble a force, an army to aid your friend. Go to Dragonstone and speak with Queen Visenya. Despite her troubling circumstances, she holds far more sway and influence than myself,” his father said and Aeron suddenly got very cold.

That cold feeling did not dissipate for the remainder of that night and well into the next day. Not even the cold winter air could loosen the fearful chill that gripped his body. ‘Asking Father is one thing, but Queen Visenya?!’ Aeron thought with another shiver down his spine. 

Queen Visenya had caused a huge storm in King’s Landing a few moons ago. Fully revealing her wrath to the whole of Westeros. None could fault His Grace for sending her away after that. The insolence and vitriol on display there were legendary. With even the lowliest gutter rats in Hull whispering about the verbal beatdown. 

Now Aeron had to face the same beast. A Queen Visenya who owed him nothing. He was not even sure if he would get to meet with her. Rumors out of Dragonstone say she rarely left her room since Maegor departed Dragonstone two moons ago. 

Yet now he had requested an audience with her. Or more specifically, his father had relayed his request. His name carries far more weight as the cousin of the Queen than his own. So as he walked towards the carriage at the docks of Dragonstone, not even the brimstone in the air could warm his spirits. 

The ride up to the castle felt much longer than it truly was. Aeron fretted over every possibility. He wondered if it would be better if Queen Visenya would not meet with him at all. ‘At least a liaison might shut me down nicely,’ Aeron thought as his carriage finally crested the final hill and moved towards the great gate. 

The halls of Fortress Dragonstone felt distinctly empty and cold as Aeron walked through them. The lively energy he knew from the year he spent on this island was long gone. There were no quiet whispers between the castle staff. The guards all looked tired and miserable. It felt like the whole castle was sharing in Queen Visenya’s rumored mood. 

Finally reaching the throne room was a relief. What was not a relief was seeing the Queen sitting there. Patiently drumming her fingers on the Black Stone of the Dragonstone throne. 

Aeron quickly moved closer before taking a knee and bowing his head. He had no intention of trying to infuriate Queen Visenya here, he wanted her aid, not her wrath. 

The throne room was practically barren. Aeron spotted four guards and the rest of the great stone walls laid bare. Devoid of life or energy. 

“Good Morrow, Aeron Velaryon, why are you here?” Aeron heard the cold, disinterested voice he knew from the very few interactions he shared with Queen Visenya and he suddenly felt bad for Maegor then. 

His own mother was certainly not the greatest but having to deal with this? Merely the thought of it made him shiver. 

“To request your aid… Your Grace,” Aeron choked out and waited for the cold voice of Queen Visenya to answer. 

“Aid in what?” Queen Visenya replied with disinterest and it was all Aeron needed. He raised his head to look at the queen and the contrast with the figure he remembered was stark. Queen Visenya looked extremely tired. Like she had not slept for days on end. 

“I… I wish to lead a force east, to join Prince Maegor in Pentos,” Aeron said quickly, sweat dripping down his face. Queen Visenya was terrifying, even in this tired state. 

“So Aethan wishes to foist this onto me?” Queen Visenya deduced exactly what his father must have been planning in an instant and Aeron realized then he had perhaps jumped into this too quickly.

“...He…he said…” Aeron began before Queen Visenya cut him off. 

“He told you he cannot aid you more than helping recruit from Driftmark, yes?” Queen Visenya said in an instant and he wondered if she could read minds. 

“Yes, Your Grace,” Aeron said once more, trying not to meet her dark purple eyes. 

“Very well, to hell with His Grace, you may recruit here too if you wish, I hear there are already whispers from some people down by the docks, that and Maegor’s lowborn squire too,” Queen Visenya said with disinterest before Aeron took his gamble. 

A force from just Driftmark and Dragonstone would be lucky to number five hundred. Most people had families and lived here on the Blackwater Bay islands. Aeron needed more, whispers abound from the east about Prince Maegor working with the Pentoshi prince. To not be absorbed into the Pentoshi army. More men would be needed. 

“Your Grace…” Aeron began again, raising his head once more to make eye contact with Queen Visenya. 

The dark purple eyes of his queen could have killed him then. So filled with rage and sadness and exhaustion. But he fought it off. He had to do this. It was the one chance for Aeron to lead a real force east. Not a rag-tag group of smallfolk from Driftmark and Dragonstone. 

“Yes?” Queen Visenya asked expectantly and Aeron swallowed down a gulp. 

“Might you… write some letters? Ask some other lords if they wish to join?” Aeron choked out once more and he could feel the icy glare bore a hole right through his head. 

“Should you not be doing that? You are the one who wishes to lead this force east no?” Queen Visenya asked easily and Aeron could practically feel himself wither under the pressure. 

“With all due respect, Your Grace. Your word carries much more weight than mine. People still listen to you, I am merely a boy, you are a queen,” Aeron continued with a shaky voice and he spotted Queen Visenya’s eyes narrow. 

“I suppose you are right. However, do not get your hopes up. My influence has dwindled recently. I will send some letters to Crackclaw Point, but that is all I will do,” Queen Visenya said before abruptly standing up and exiting the throne room from one of the adjacent exits. 

Breathing a sigh of relief. Aeron picked himself up from one knee after he saw Queen Visenya exit the room and thanked every god he could. ‘That went better than I thought it would,’ Aeron thought as he wobbled his shaky legs out of the throne room. 

He had hardly taken a step outside of the throne room before he was accosted by a boy no older than two and ten. 

“Lord Aeron!” a yell spooked Aeron out of his shivering and he turned to spot a brown-haired boy rushing towards him. 

“Dick Bean, right?” Aeron pieced his shattered mind back together and placed the face to a name. Prince Maegor’s choice of squire was peculiar but none could doubt the boy’s enthusiasm. Though Aeron felt a little pang of bitterness. This two and ten-year-old smallfolk boy was squired to a prince while he got practically nothing out of his own squireship. 

“Yes, my lord,” the brown-haired boy said quickly, before bowing. 

“What are you doing in this castle?” Aeron could not help but ask. His knight was no longer the Prince of the Island. Why was he allowed in?

“My father is a guard, and nobody has removed me from my room,” Dick Bean said sheepishly before Aeron got back on topic. 

“Alright, you ran up to me shouting my name, what do you want?” Aeron asked easily, he could act lordly in front of this boy at least. He did not feel overwhelmed here. 

“You are going east yes? That is why you spoke with Her Grace?” Dick Bean said with an energy Aeron wished was infectious. 

“Yes, I plan to go east,” Aeron said hesitantly. It was still kind of weird to think about. He thought he would have had to struggle longer. Fought harder to convince people. Yet he really was going east, though nobody could say how long it may take to gather up all the men and organize them and actually go east. 

“Please take me with you!” Dick Bean practically yelled and leaned down at the waist. Bowing his whole upper body towards Aeron. 

“What?” Aeron asked. ‘Is this my first recruit?’ Aeron thought with a dumbfounded look on his face. 

“I am Prince Maegor’s squire, Lord Aeron. He is without a helper in Pentos. It is my duty to follow and aid him in his duties until I become a knight. So, please! Take me with you!” Dick Bean said and the last bit caught Aeron’s eye. 

“Your father approves of this?” Aeron questioned and he saw the sweat start to dissipate from the boy in front of him. 

“Aye, my lord! My father is a loyal man, he would follow me too if my mother were not sick,” Dick Bean continued and Aeron nodded his head. 

“Right, I will be returning to Driftmark for now. When I have a clearer idea of who is all going, and the ships allotted. I will ensure you are taken along,” Aeron promised and the smile on Dick Bean’s face was nice to see. 

Hopefully, others are just as eager to join,’ Aeron thought as he spun on his heel and moved back towards the docks. He still had a lot to do.


Shiera VII


“Your Grace?” Shiera queried into the open void and was met with a swift response. 

“Shiera!” the distinctive voice of her goodmother responded to her call and Shiera let out a wide smile. The fruits of her labor were before her. She was unsure if this glass candle would work, given its poor maintenance, though she was pleasantly surprised by the results. 

“You can hear me yes?” Shiera asked in a calm voice and was met with a similarly calm reply. 

“I can indeed, it is good to hear from you again,” Queen Visenya said and Shiera relished in the change in demeanor, ever since her wedding. Queen Visenya had been much kinder with her. 

“First of all, how did you get a glass candle?” Queen Visenya asked readily and Shiera could not remove the smile from her face. She and Maegor had extracted plenty from Pentos. 

“It was a gift from Magister Gessio, in return for taking his daughter on as a lady in waiting, along with some goodwill. He was more than happy to part with his this candle.” Shiera still recalled his smile. He had no idea he had just been swindled out of a priceless artifact. 

“Right, and these Magisters are treating you two well?” Queen Visenya carried on seamlessly. 

“Of course, they are quite fond of Maegor, especially now that he is committed to defending their city,” Shiera continued. She was still iffy about Pentos, but as she spent the last four moons here she grew to enjoy it more, even if she was unsure if it could ever be her home. 

“I trust that my son is not doing this out of altruism, yes?” Queen Visenya questioned and Shiera chuckled to herself. Perhaps the Maegor from before he fought the giant would have. But Maegor was making Pentos pay for every moment he helped them. 

“Indeed, our payment is so vast it beggared belief, though our refurbished manse, and some lesser ‘gifts’ are certainly appealing. Especially the Manse, oh it is wonderful,” Shiera said with her smile stretching from ear to ear. It was hard to overstate just how good today was for her. 

“I must thank you for the wonderful job you are doing Shiera, you are fulfilling all of my expectations and more,” Queen Visenya said again and the sincerity was transferred right through the glass candle. 

Glass candles relayed emotions much more clearly than regular speaking. There were no facial expressions to see or body language to study. It took a steady mind and an iron will to hide one's emotions when communicating over a glass candle. Yet she could feel Queen Visenya’s emotions. ‘Odd,’ Shiera thought as her smile dimmed ever so slightly. 

“There is no need to thank me, Your Grace. I am merely doing my duty as a wife,” Shiera said with a particularly proud smile and she wondered if Queen Visenya could feel her overwhelming joy. Shiera had trained hard over her six moons on Dragonstone but she still felt like she could not even see mastery.

“Right you are, now enlighten me on what is going on there, I last received a letter from Maegor two moons ago,” Queen Visenya picked right back up and Shiera fell into lockstep, just like she had for the last six years of following Queen Visenya around.

“Maegor is meeting with a sellsword company right now, I believe they were called the Iron Shields.” Her husband was reluctant to leave the city to meet with them but securing more forces for the coming clash was important. 

“Hmm, gathering more men is he? Smart,” Queen Visenya said and Shiera could not agree more. Even with a dragon, it paid to be cautious. 

“Feel free to tell him there are more from Westeros on the way,” Queen Visenya said and Shiera was stumped. 

“Pardon?” Shiera asked. A handful of former soldiers had arrived in Pentos and were currently being employed as guards. ‘How many more are coming?’ Shiera thought as the prospect of hosting potentially hundreds of people haunted her thoughts. 

“Maegor’s friend, Aeron Velaryon. He has been gathering men and equipment on Driftmark for the last two moons. There are also smaller forces mustering around the Crownlands. Who knows when they will depart,” she could feel the light surprise in Queen Visenya’s tone. 

“And King Aegon has allowed this?” Shiera hesitantly asked. She knew that King Aegon was a touchy subject with Queen Visenya, but the prospect of enraging him further frightened her. 

“He has not commented. I think he just does not care. Less mouths to feed for the winter I suppose,” Queen Visenya replied with a level of disinterest that sent a shudder down Shiera’s spine. 

“I will be sure to let Maegor know,” Shiera said after gathering her calm demeanor once more. 

“You do that,” Queen Visenya replied and Shiera could feel the familiar sense of exhaustion start to build. 

“Well, I must be going, Your Grace. I have a meeting with my handmaidens,” Shiera said regretfully, she would have continued talking but she had a lot planned for today. Glass candles were terrifying inventions. It is little wonder why they fell out of use. Even using a glass candle for an hour could leave someone feeling like they just ran three laps around the walls of a castle. 

“Indeed, stay safe Shiera,” Queen Visenya said before she felt the connection slip. 

Allowing her own eyes to close. She remained kneeling on the pillow for a time as her mind calmed itself. Using a glass candle was exhausting. Luckily she did not need to be pulled out like with astral projection but leaving a conversation using a glass candle could still be dangerous if not done right. 

After remaining kneeling for a few more moments. Shiers shuffled to her feet. She did indeed have a meeting with her ladies scheduled for today. Perhaps one of the last in the palace of House Narratys. As the manse Maegor had negotiated for was rapidly being renovated. 

Exiting the dark room. She noted the two black armored guards fall into lockstep behind her. It was quite a shock when a group of twenty Dragonstone guards showed up in Pentos with a Lyseni man. 

Maegor seemed happy to see them at least. He tasked five and ten of them to guard herself and kept five around his person, along with the Lyseni. Shiera appreciated the gesture of giving her more guards, though she would prefer they stay with Maegor. She was certainly in less danger than he was, after all, he was meeting with dangerous sellswords today after all. 

Rounding the bright and lively halls of the House Narratys manse, she relished in the energy and warmth it gave off. Shiera had spent so much time in dreary castles or small mansions that being around large groups of people had been a new experience for her. 

It was one she welcomed though. Along with the prospect of new friends to call her own. That was part of her giddy joy as she finally rounded a corner and entered a stunning garden. Which even in the mild winter chill, remained bustling with dazzling colors. 

She spotted her ladies then. They had picked out a small table near a ledge overlooking the city. ‘Damn, I am the last one here,’ Shiera thought with a little disappointment. She was the lady and they were her handmaidens. She was not supposed to show up last to her own meeting. 

Taking a quick seat next to Tyanna. She cleared her throat before beginning. 

“Good day ladies, how are you all?” Shiera opened quickly. She was still getting used to actually performing the duties of a lady. They were enjoyable and interesting though, so she did not mind the challenge too much. 

“Just wonderful, Lady Shiera. What about you?” the three replied in unison and Shiera smiled and nodded. 

“I have never been better,” Shiera said with a smile before the three of her ladies descended back into their small talk. 

“Right, so where were we?” Lady Narha spoke in her usual, jovial tone and Shiera listened intently. She regretted scheduling her meeting with Queen Visenya so close to this luncheon. Unfortunately, you had to coordinate very closely to actually communicate with glass candles due to the short time to speak and the fickle nature of the candles. 

“I believe we were speaking about Lady Fereah’s upcoming marriage,” Tyanna replied easily and Shiera’s eyes darted to Fereah. 

“I believe you have a story to tell,” Shiera said with a cheeky grin. Fereah was the newest addition to her roster. Thus she did not know her the best. 

“What is there to say,” Fereah said tucking a stray lock of her sand blonde hair behind her ear. Revealing her wide smile. 

“How about everything,” Shiera replied. This was just the kind of juicy gossip Shiera so desperately wanted. 

“Hmm, my father just decided on the date of my wedding, that's all. I had known I would be marrying into House Dokkello since I was a little girl,” Fereah continued with her wide smile and Shiera wanted to know more. 

Fereah Seltra was a young woman just reaching adulthood, just a year younger than herself. The young Pentoshi noblewoman was quite the catch in the city. Her sandy blonde hair and deep purple eyes would certainly entice any normal man. 

She had met Fereah during one of the many banquets she and her husband continued to attend. However, the number was decreasing, with the whole city gearing up for war. Now that the conclave had officially affirmed Maegor’s demands for his aid. 

“That must be nice, knowing the certainty,” Lady Narha Brenyl commented and Shiera did not really know how to feel about that. 

“Only if your match is already good, if not, you merely have longer to dread,” Tyanna replied instantly and Shiera backed her thoughts. Knowing for years that you would be married off to some fat slob like her brother made her genuinely shiver. 

“I concur with Tyanna, knowing is nice if you like your match,” Shiera commented and gave her friend a smile. Tyanna was her first handmaiden and she was no doubt the closest to her. Despite her husband’s best efforts. 

Before she could dwell on that particular sore spot with her husband. Fereah’s confident expression softened. 

“Lady Shiera, might you tell me? What is marriage like?” Fereah said in an uncharacteristic bout of nervousness and Shiera was more than ready to give her experienced reply. 

“It is wonderful, to share your life with the one you love is a dream. Though my experience is hardly ordinary,” Shiera said with a small smile. She imagined few girls were as lucky as her. 

“Right… is there anything I should look out for?” Fereah continued and Shiera finally spotted her nervous squirming. 

“Do you know your husband-to-be?” Shiera asked and Fereah nodded. 

“Yes, he is a good man. Not fat, not too old, kind when I have met him,” Fereah continued and Shiera nearly sighed in relief. She did not wish a terrible marriage on anyone besides mayhaps Alyssa Velaryon. 

“Then I believe you will be just fine. There are some things to get used to. As your life is no longer solely your own. But I think the positives outweigh the negatives,” Shiera said with a smile as she recalled her last argument with her husband. 

Maegor Targaryen greatly disliked Tyanna of Pentos. Shiera had a hard time understanding why. From the moment the two first interacted. Maegor treated her like she was made of poison. 

He tried to forbid her from meeting with Tyanna at all. The very notion enraged Shiera, so she took on Lady Tyanna as a handmaiden. Partially out of spite and partially because Tyanna was just an interesting person to be around. 

The baseborn daughter of the Prince of Pentos and the maid of the fields from nearly twenty years ago. Tyanna was well-liked in the city. With an excellent education and an interest in magic and politics.

Sharing the same interests as herself, she found Tyanna to be the truest friend she had in Pentos. Their discussions were lively and energetic. Tyanna was someone she could speak freely to. Speak about her genuine interests. She had to play no ladylike games with the black-haired woman. 

Yet her husband did not relent. Unable to merely dismiss her without alienating Prince Nevio. He laid some very strict ground rules upon Shiera. She was never to meet with Tyanna alone. She was not allowed to spend more than half a day with her black-haired friend. He even forbade her from eating or drinking around Tyanna. Hence why they were at a “luncheon” without any food or drink. 

It all grated on Shiera. She and Maegor had nothing come up for a full moon of marriage. They agreed on everything and anything. Yet they had devolved so easily into an argument. ‘Why won’t he just tell me what is wrong with her,’ Shiera thought as she took another glance at her friend. 

She was met with a returned glance as Shiera realized she had been thinking for far too long. As all of her ladies were staring at her. 

“Ahem, sorry about that, I got lost in thought,” Shiera waved away the concerned look on her handmaiden’s face before they all reluctantly fell back into the conversation. 

“Thank you, Lady Shiera,” Fereah said with a light bow and Shiera continued to wave it away. 

“It is no issue, Lady Fereah. We are friends after all,” Shiera said with a smile. Genuinely having friends again was a magical thing. No longer did she spend her days locked in her room. Reading books, making potions, or scouring the world with a glass candle. Now she spent her days with her husband or with her friends, it was a joyous thing. 

“Forgive me for backtracking so, but you mentioned your own abnormal marriage Lady Shiera, might you answer a question for me?” Tyanna suddenly asked in her usual deeply calm voice and Shiera cocked her head. 

“Of course, ask away,” Shiera said with a smile. Sure she and Maegor had shared a few arguments over the last few moons but besides Tyanna, they were as close as a husband and wife could be. ‘Soon to be even closer than that,’ Shiera thought with a smile. 

“I have heard the story of you and Prince Maegor’s daring secret marriage. My question is, why go to such lengths, to banish yourself, when you could have opted for a polygamous match?” Tyanna questioned and Shiera felt her body go cold. The very notion was disgusting to her. 

“I dislike the very idea truth be told. Marriage is supposed to be a special thing, shared between two people,” Shiera answered half-heartedly. She did not like this train of thought. The idea of sharing Maegor, let alone being a second wife disgusted her. 

“Hmm, is it not a Valyrian tradition?” Tyanna asked thoughtfully and Shiera narrowed her eyes at her friend. ‘Why is she pushing this?’ Shiera thought before she continued on instinct. 

“I have seen the effects of a polygamous match firsthand. I do not wish that life on myself, my husband, or our children,” Shiera said quickly before she clapped a hand to her mouth. 

“You are with child?!” two of her ladies suddenly, and loudly, exclaimed before Shiera mentally berated herself. 

Great job Shiera!’ she thought, wanting to hit her thigh. She had wanted to tell Maegor first. But she had just let it slip. The healer had told her just this morning and she was trying her damnest to keep it a secret. She tried to catch Maegor after figuring it out but he had already departed the city atop Terrax.

“Yes, please keep your voice down. I wanted to tell my husband first,” Shiera said sadly. 

“Of course, my lady. I apologize,” both Fereah and Narha said quickly and Tyanna said quietly afterwards. 

The conversation quickly devolved into baby talk. Names, whether it will be a boy or a girl, being a mother. It was all discussed and throughout all of it, Shiera could not help but feel that Tyanna was staring at her when she thought she wouldn’t notice. She didn’t know why, but she felt a strange sense of foreboding. Like she had just stepped in front of a dangerous beast.



About who could support Maegor: 1) Maegor's Dragoons whom he lead on Stepstones. They have only one leader and that is Black Dragon 2) People of Narrow Sea, he is Prince of Dragonstone and they are his vassals. Also he has support of his mom and Driftmark, two most important players in this region 3) Crackclaw Point, they swear only to one woman and it's Visenya Targaryen. They will follow heir of their queen elsewhere 4) Riverlanders. He saved them from Giant of Triedent and he marry to heiress of Harrenhall 5) Vale' volunteers. His teacher and one of the best friends are valemen. People of this region praise chivalry, friendship and battle mastery 6) Lords, knights and men-at-arms who participated on Stepstones' expedition. They remembered who was the main hero of this conflict, who lead them to final battle when two King's counselors checked whose "powers" bigger! They will thank their Prince for opportunity to get back to their families So yeah, Prince Maegor has a lot supporters for his campaign against barbarians!


By the way, according to TV show Daemon's helmet is from valyrian steel and most likely was brought from Valyria when Targaryens moved to Dragonstone. And you know, it's possible that even lesser dragonlord's family has not only sword, but some armor. If Aegon don't use it, maybe we can send it to Maegor, pretty please? It would beautiful move from father to son, even if they have disputes and conflict good father would always try to protect his child 🥺 And maybe Magisters could present him shield from that wonderful metal, as he becomes Defender of Pentos. Quite symbolic gift, what do you think?


The nobles of the Narrow Sea were not his vassals. They are King Aegon's direct vassals as part of the crownlands. Though you are mostly dead on with his Westerosi supporters.


I generally wish to avoid the show where possible. It fucks with so much shit and GRRM already left a tangled web of mysteries where canon should be. Though the possibility of getting more VS is certainly there.