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Well, this is an old one that I finally got done! Guy got transformed into an "Operational Unit" but stayed longer than expected on sale. Until the price got low enough for someone to buy it. Too bad that parts are scarce for an old model! Oh well, they could be made compatible in the end >:3

And the poor thing can only think with a "Robot Head", otherwise it will just percieve things, like something in its butt, but that's it. And there's no use for asking for an or.ga.sm, its chastity is permanent ó.o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/usozvg1ir5prmdf/AACbrOa38ynBjgEz7E2SS4eZa?dl=0



axel chapas

It may be one of my favorite transformation you ever done. I loved everything in it. The transformation into a unit, the head glued down, they thinking process, and most important the upgrade? Well done :D :D :D Too bad you post things like so rarely ^^'

axel chapas

Cant wait to see them. I'm reading this again and again and again. I love it!