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An astronaut landed on the Moon with the worst luck ever, because near him rested a weakened but relentless cosmic horror, the only and powerful Sinistar! He came from the other corner of the galaxy, and has been sleeping even before Earth was formed. What could a mere mortal do against him?

Of course Sinistar possessed his body, twisting it as it wanted, and made a vow to keep him forever, as he ate and conquered every celestial body, making him grow every time. Such a privilege to live forever and acquire the power of the cosmos itself, right? ó3o

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/b5aid1u2229g8am35vion/ABf5TCRWq69jzXA8zzIINuM?rlkey=j6pnfss4u7imt5qh84yu397cf&dl=0



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