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Pics of this month's participants: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/4irknhbxfin9kzir8szfd/h?dl=0&rlkey=ol0go03jns7xdb3xxlo0tjpbt

This month we're focusing on characters that don't get enough fanart, or characters of mine that haven't gotten full illustrations yet/haven't been drawn in forever.

Be sure to check the dropbox link as there's more characters than what's shown above.

As always the top 2 winners will be made into merch for Crispymail. Poll ends on the 5th at midnight EST. Voting on multiple characters is allowed!



I don't thing Tanya's gonna win but I'm still gonna vote and hope


Hoping Naughty is able to pull out a win! 🤞❤️