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Been thinking about what I want to say in this update and I think I've delayed it long enough.

So as you can tell from the title I'm making some changes to my patreon and commissions.

I'll run down a list of what I'll be doing.

1. I'm going to be adding a new $40 tier and commission option 'Cel Shading'.

Which means...

2. ...'Detailed' commissions, which will now be called 'Soft Shading', are now $50. If you have a soft shaded commission that I haven't completed yet, don't worry, I will not be charging you extra. Everyone who's $40 has until the end of the month to change their pledge tier to the new tier or keep it $40 and get cel shading instead.

3.To my non patreon commissions, I will no longer be charging extra for anthro and human.

4.I'll be updating the look of my patreon page whenever I get a chance.

5.I might also do milestones again, but I'd have to actually think about how much money be needed to do certain projects.

EDIT: 6. I FORGOT TO MENTION AND THIS IS IMPORTANT =3= I'll be releasing patreon exclusives outside of patreon as artpacks containing both monthly sketches, high res illustrations and the monthly thank you for $5. There have been some people who want to support but don't trust patreon or just simply don't like it.


I also want to talk about what I'll be doing with my artist alley business and Etsy.

I'm planning on discontinuing a bunch of my prints, usually the ones that are super old or just don't seem to sell. I'll make a list of what'll be going out of print.

I also really need to update my Etsy store sense I haven't touched it in forever, I have plenty of new prints and buttons that aren't listed on there.

I'm also planning on making more acrylic charms, mostly of ponies and maybe one or two of my ocs.

Now for what I have planned for 2016...

I want to start on a small comic that'll be around 10-20 pages, I've been wanting to get into making comics more for awhile now. I have an even bigger comic project in mind but I need to do some smaller ones before I tackle something huge with multiple chapters.

I also would love to start tumblr blog on the side, sort of like Socially Awkward Pony but starring some of my bbw girl ocs and small little one shot comics. I've been trying to come up with a name but every time I think of one it's already taken =3=

I THINK that's all I wanted to say, I'm hoping to really improve myself this year and finish stuff more on time. Last year while I did improve I still had a lot of problems with getting stuff done in time and other things.

Take care and have a good one~



Sounds like a good plan Neko!, I'll probably keep my pledge at the same level. My only concern with your plans; Will you have enough time to dedicate to everything? Patreon Commissions per month, commissions, comics, blogs. Sounds so lovely! but don't take more than what you can do. Looking forward to what you come up this year on your own :)


Well at the moment patreon is my main priority, the tumblr side blog would be something I do for fun on the side. The mini comic I want to do is the only thing that concerns me because I'm going to be doing a lot of time planning out the script, which by the way, I haven't done creative writing in a good while hehe, and making sure everything's planned out for it before I begin drawing pages for it.