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$5 supporters, be sure to check out the monthly sketchdump in the Google drive folders under 'sketchdump' > '(56) sketchdump'  

Doodled a couple things in this sketchdump, mostly sketches of male characters and and then some pony milfs :3c

I've drawn this Rat character a couple times before in previous sketchdumps. She's Azure's arch-nemesis and leader of a rebellion that's trying to bring down the higher class and government officials of the royal kingdom (a place Azure and a couple of my other characters reside (name not final)).

Azure's clan, The Moonlight Clan, works for the kingdom as contracted vigilantes, so the two groups end up budding heads which starts their rivalry.

I can't think of a name for her. so if anyone has an idea for a name let me know.


I'd also like to point out that we've reached 100 patrons! I really appreciate everyone's support especially during these crappy times.  That being said, for those that are struggling to make ends meet because of the current situation, please don't feel obligated pledge.  I rather you save your own money than risk hurting yourself financially over furry art.

I really don't know if I'm gonna do anything special for this milestone, but for now I just want to show my appreciation to y'all.  Thank you~




"Verminga", perhaps?


That doesn't sound too bad. Does the name have any meaning behind it? Was thinking Verga could work, but when I googled it I found that it could mean something vulgar.