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Hey guys, just want to give a quick update on what I'll be doing in the near future.

Commissions are opening again on the 15th at 8pm EST! Gonna try and limit how many commissions I take down to 20, but I usually end up taking more then I mean to. It'll be first come first serve, although I'll still be rejecting any submissions that either violate rules, or simply aren't ones I want to work on, commissions will closed once all the spots are fills.

Here are the commission prices:Commission prices and info (updated 1/21/19)

Another thing I'd like to announce is what conventions and events I'll be going to!

Megaplex was a huge success for me and I really want to sell at more furry conventions, plus there are a couple events that I'd like to just attend at and treat more like a vacation.

Events that I'm confirmed going!
- CEOtaku (volunteering and running Them's Fightin' Herds)
- MFF (Artist Alley for at least a day or two, but mainly just attending)
- TFF (Vending, or attending)

Events that I might attend, depending on my budget, time, or if I get accepted to vend at.
- Makai World Cup (competing, or spectating)
- Combo Breaker (competing, spectating, or volunteering)
- FWA (Vending)
- DenFur (Vending)
- Anthrocon (Vending)

I hope to see a lot of you at these events, I really want 2020 to be a productive year for me and here's hoping that it is!
