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Hi there everyone, just a quick update for what's going on right now!~

I've decided to get back to working on an unfinished animation, since most of the work regarding the feet and legs was pretty much complete so with some work I should have it complete later this week.

As for what the animation is, it focuses on a favourite resident sharky Goombus giving the viewer a lovely little footjob!~

I'll be working on that as the primary focus this week alongside other things once it's done, but for now I want to finish this animation.

I dropped it in the past due to losing the motivation to personally want to make it, but I looked at it recently and felt that I'd done such a good job with what was already there that'd it'd be a shame to leave it unfinished.

So there's the plan for the moment, I hope you all enjoy it whenever it's done!

There'll be a teaser for non-patrons, and supporters will have access to the full animation, around 1 minute in length.

Thank you once again for all the love and support, and have a great week!~


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