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You meet such interesting people on the subway.

For lynxer on FA




Having lived in NYC for a while, this is pretty normal stuff you'd see in the subway, relatively speaking.

Cult of Dust

And I only ever get druggies and drunkards smh


Gotta make sure you check the seats for cum before you sit down


Yes, seriously. Sometimes it's "performance artists" and sometimes it's homeless people. Most people riding the subway don't give a fuck what others are doing and just mind their own business unless someone tries to drag them into something or gets touchy.

Mazer Ulven

Honestly, I feel like I'm peaking into hell when I go on the NYC subways so that wouldn't surprise me


I've never seen anyone do that on a public bus or train. In most towns, such behavior would almost certainly result in an arrest. It's surprising that New York tolerates it. What if a child witnesses it? In this video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlFbQ76XUGQ a A black woman accuses a man sitting next to her on a subway train of masturbating and makes a big scene, despite the fact that the man is not doing anything. He was simply sitting in his seat, holding his backpack. She threatens the man with violence if he doesn't get off at the next stop, and he shields himself with his backpack. He does, however, get off at the next stop. If it had been me, I would have told her to Stfu. I would have called the cops if she had laid a hand on me.


Yeah I agree with you and I've never seen anything that extreme when I lived there, also it's been more than a decade since I've been there. A lot has changed since then regarding the legality of public nudity in NYC but sexual acts in public will def get you arrested in most places lol.