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I've been trying to keep a sort of semi-fairness to it by tracking everyone's previous suggestions when selecting characters to fill out the poll but it's becoming a bit of a headache with the growing number of suggestions each month, trying to balance picks between newcomers and long time supporters along with just keeping myself happy with the work.

I feel like it's time to start considering changes to how things are run. While I haven't settled on anything yet it's likely I'll be removing the suggestion aspect as a reward. I'll still be drawing from the list of characters that have already been put forward and allowing you all to suggest characters at times, but it won't be a regular thing at the start of every month and I wont be advertising it as a guaranteed benefit of becoming a patron/subscriber.

If I keep things as they are I'm worried I'd leave a lot of people feeling ignored when their candidates don't make it onto the poll. I don't want to lead people on by advertising a reward that I can't actually guarantee.

In other news, I'm planning on adding a new tier in the not too distant future. I've been figuring out recording timelapse videos and thinking of offering PSD/clip files as well. I've also considered starting a comic but I don't think that's something I'm currently able to commit to, especially considering I'm still mostly reliant on commissions. Extra votes are also on the table as a reward.

As I said, nothing is in stone yet, things are still going to run as usual for the next month or so. I'd like to get your opinions on how things are currently run and suggestions for what you might like to see changed.



I must admit, I really like the suggestions aspect of your patreon. I feel it gives an opportunity to give lesser known or forgotten characters a go in the spotlight. Would it be a lot of work to add all the suggestions to the poll? Perhaps making the sending of a reference image part of the requirements for a suggestion would cut down on the amount of work that goes into making each poll. This would eliminate the need to keep track of suggestions and the nature of the polls being multi votes means that there wouldn't be a problem with votes for similar characters being split. As a downside, it would limit your ability to gracefully veto a character you don't want to paint, which could get fraught. Also, it might not be viable over time if the number of patrons expands considerably. Alternatively, you could have a system where you ask patrons to like any of the suggestions they want to see, as kind of a pre-vote. Then you might pick from amoungst the top half a dozen or so for an actual poll. Just some ideas for how you might maintain monthly suggestions as a viable thing. If you aren't keen on that, I'm fully behind however you decide to make things work best for you. As for the possibility of a higher tier, I would be really interested in timelapses and extra votes. Sorry for the wall of text.


I like the suggestions too, I've found some great characters that I wasn't aware of before. I'd still keep it in some aspect, its just not something I can offer to everyone fairly, so I don't want people feeling like they're not getting what they signed up for. Edit 'cause I hit enter too early: Patreon polls can take 25 options max but you already mentioned some of the downsides to adding all suggestions. There's also the issue of getting permissions from the owners of characters, which can take some time. I'm already sort of doing something like the 'likes' system you mentioned. I take likes and comments into account when picking, but the same issues as above still apply.

Antoine Davis

For the suggestions, I think it'd be good to do them every once in a while for when you aren't sure on what to draw other than commissions. Like, every 2-3 months possibly? Unless you mean/plan to not do suggestions at all. I thinking that something that could be added/some ideas for future plan could be practice/tutorial like art. Maybe this can go with the PSD files/clips or be something separate.


Name checks out! Merch will be something I will have to look into more in the future.


I'd like to keep suggestions in some form. Every few months sound like a good idea. Tutorials might be interesting but honestly I feel like I still have so much more to learn myself.