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Hello dears! I haven't seen a sign of life in a while. I have to say, I'm alive and did not give up the project! That is all right :)💪💪💪
I read all your comments, thank you for staying with me and follow the development of the project! I will answer some questions.

What took you so long to get in touch?
   My mother and brother came to visit me on vacation. Every day we go quite a long distance. At the end of the day I have absolutely no strength to do anything.🥺

At what stage of development are you and when will the new version be released?
  I've already finished writing the script. I've drawn some Art. I just have to finish one animation to draw a few more acts and finish drawing new enemies for the Arena. I think at the end of this month or the beginning of the next I will release a new version. 🙏

As you can see, the online translator does not perfectly cope with his work, so if you have a desire to help, you can translate the text above more correctly and send it to me by e-mail)) I will be grateful :3
Many thanks to those who stay with me despite the fact that I release versions so rarely.https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.5bd5951bb82e0970688812ce7cf9feb9&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fIcGkqdUmYLFGE%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=PaVKHtQfdXczt7%2feyAvP3g
I am very pleased to read your comments :)
By the way! About bug in the first tape room. While playing the first tape, you can just download the previous version. Love you <3



Qiwi Card:



I think that is a "no"


please do provide the source for the claims, i also got many red flags from this "developer", the momo account was the biggest red flag, but i would love to know where the art is from


i really like your projet and i speak rusha ;) noticed that main post haven't any worked image pls fix it