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I wouldn't say that work's slowed down, I just haven't really been working in the directions I really probably should have been.

Sholstim's now got an unfinished gut state you can access if you rub his gut from within enough.

Also included in this WIP Release are three new things I've poked at, intended to be smaller projects to keep myself occupied and shake off the rust:

-2 Lugias, one large and one even larger.

-The beginning work on my character Devalo Nevala, an anthrotized Anjanath.

All three of these are very unfinished, mostly lack sounds (the big lugia's got a few). The big lugia is very experimental.


47.71 MB file on MEGA


Miyagawa Ketsueki

I try not to be this guy because I understand the creative process and getting demotivated when working on a single thing for an extended period but I think it'd be great if you could finish some of the older projects you started before starting more things. I've loved your flash animations/games for years and I hope that you're doing well. I don't want to come off an unappreciative and I apologize if I am.


Nah I get that entirely; I stress out about it a lot and want to be better about it.


Any plans to finish Citra?