Kim's New Look (POLL) (Patreon)
Here is the poll for YOU to decide what Kim will look like in her next animation, whenever that is, still need to come up with story and learn new techniques depending on what happens, still open to suggestions so better tell me before I get to nailing it all down. I tried giving you guys a lot of options so have at it, you can vote more than once I think. Let me know.
OPTION #1 - ORIGINAL - She looked good in Kim's Revenge, why change it?
OPTION #2 - GODDESS RED - She's grown right, almost to a goddess level, so her wardrobe should reflect that.
OPTION #3 - TURTLE NECK - Honestly, the turtle neck is cute as fuck, plus this outfit really shows off her legs.
OPTION #4 - ABG - Guilty Pleasure but who doesn't like some short shorts and a revealing top, total ABG look.
OPTION #5 - GODDESS NO TOP NSFW *- You like the goddess red but you want to see more
OPTION #6 - ABG NO TOP NSFW* - You like the ABG but you want to see more
OPTION #7 - NUDE NSFW * - Forget clothing, you want to see it all
*IF A NSFW option wins, keep in mind it most likely WILL NOT be posted on Instagram in full.