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Hey folks! The monthly Live Q&A is happening this Thursday, 4pm Pacific Time! Actually, let's let Dael sell it.

Hello again, humans! Dael Kingsmill, back again, seeking your juiciest of questions for another Patreon Q&A. 

I know you must have many a burning query given all the excitement since our last session, so please leave them in the comments here for me to peruse with my eyeballs and also frontal lobe. 

We will be livestreaming the Q&A just like last time, at 4pm Thursday (Pacific). The link will be posted here on Patreon when we go live, and we’d be stoked if you could join us, but you’ll be able to access the VOD later if not. Looking forward to it!


I (Matt) should add that these live Q&As are for folks to ask questions about development. If you're looking for rules clarifications based on the playtest packet, the Discord is a better place for that, AND that's a good reason to remind all y'all IF you use Discord, to link your Discord and Patreon accounts!

One or both of these links should explain the process. 


They also have this one: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002341603-I-don-t-have-my-Discord-role

Thanks everyone! See you Thursday!



Kyle Beck

I'm sure you have a lot of class-related questions but I would LOVE to hear any details you have about the Troubadour and how you'll handle non-combat features & abilities!

Ben Mortensen

How close are you to figuring out the base classes of the game?