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Hey Patrons,

It is I, your James Introcaso, bringing you tidings of great cheer. In two days hence on the 26th of December at 2PM Eastern time, the first MCDM RPG Playtest Packet will be released.

This first packet is focused mainly on combat and a little on negotiation, because that’s what we’ve really been working on so far! There is lots more game to make, including rules for crafting and research, NPC contacts who owe the heroes some favors, a system for tracking renown, a system for tracking wealth, levels of play beyond the first, more classes, more ancestries, upbringings, careers, and a whole, whole lot more. What I’m saying is that you won’t be getting anything CLOSE to the full game on the 26th, but we will be sending you some rules, an adventure, and five pregens that you can use to play with your friends!

You are free to share the playtest documents privately with anyone who you want to play with! You are not limited to testing only with fellow Patrons. You are also free to talk about the contents of the packet in public. There is no NDA here!

About a week after we release the packet, we’ll also put out a survey through Patreon to get your feedback. The survey will be open for three weeks and then close down. We’ll give you the exact date once the survey is sent to all of you. However, the documents will remain on Patreon for you to read or use at your leisure. That survey will be limited to Patrons only. It's okay if you don't have time to try the game during this period. Plenty of folks will be able to, we'll get good feedback either way, and there'll be plenty more opportunities to give us feedback with future packets. You’ll also be able to fill out the survey if you’ve only read the packet as well.

If you want to chat more about the game or find folks to run a playtest with, visit mcdm.gg/Discord. We will have a Looking for Group channel set up for folks to run playtests once the packet arrives. It won't exist before then.

Looking forward to seeing what you all think! Thank you so much for supporting this game and helping us make it the best it can be.

Ex animo,

James Introcaso

MCDM Lead Game Designer


Art by Nick DeSpain



Great timing! My gaming group meets Thursday - guess what I’m running? :)


Time hack on drop?