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Hello patrons!

Look what I, your James Introcaso, have for you today. A little preview of what’s to come in ARCADIA 7! Let’s dive into this table of contents, shall we?

The Pickling Guild by Sharang Biswas

The Guild of Pickling, Fermentation & Food Preservation is a network of eccentric culinary enthusiasts who enjoy experimenting at the intersection of alchemy and gastronomy … or so the public believes! If you ever wanted to know how you can make cheese in the chest cavity of a zombie, this article is for you.

Wonders of the Wilds by Hannah Rose

Doesn’t it seem like wizards and fighters get all the coolest magic items while druids and rangers get diddly squat? Not anymore! Is there a magic item that allows you to use Wild Shape to become a unicorn? Heck yeah there is.

Aethelfaer by Sara Thompson

Aethelfaer is a badass NPC ranger who could become friend or foe to the characters, depending on how they treat his forest. He’s one of the coolest characters we’ve ever featured in ARCADIA, and I can’t wait to share him (and his poison arrows) with you.

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Got theories about what else might be in these articles? Want to share the hype? Come jam with us on Discord and Reddit.

It’s time for me to get back in the word mines. I’m currently working on something rather … wild.

—James and the ARCADIA crew



Roman Penna

I am ready for the nature!!!


Ooh Aethelfaer sounds really cool! I love getting NPCs in Arcadia that I can immediately place into my game. Super useful stuff.


Pickle me, daddy


I am really looking forward to this new NPC article. I already believe I have need of it for my current campaign.