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Hi everyone, Anna here! I've got some cool news to share with you regarding accessing back-issues of ARCADIA :D

So! We've been digging through the results of the patron survey we sent out a few weeks ago and there's been a lot of follow-up discussions with the team about how we wanna change our approach to certain aspects of publishing ARCADIA moving forward. Now, this whole thing kind of started as an experiment and our mindset continues to be "Well, let's try it out and see what happens!" So that's your disclaimer if we're three months down the road and realize, "This was cool, but ultimately not for us," or "Oh god, what have we done??"  and change things up again.

One of the BIG decisions we nailed down (before Matt peaced out for some R&R) is that we're gonna try a new way of handling where patrons can get previous issues of ARCADIA. Here's what's changing:

  • Issues of ARCADIA can now be redownloaded directly from their Patreon posts and will no longer be removed when future issues are published.
    • The only requirement is that you're in the Master of Locusts or Master of Ravens tier; those are currently the only tiers these posts are unlocked for (custom tiers will not have access to these posts).
    • You no longer need to be an active patron when the issue is published. Once you've pledged to one of the above tiers, those posts will be unlocked for you so you can go back and download the previous issues.
  • We are adding a "Patron Downloads" post with the previous issue PDFs attached to it; this should make it easier to find all the ARCADIA issues in one place.
  • We are NO LONGER sending out codes via email to claim your issue of ARCADIA through the MCDM Shop. 'Twas a silly thing to do.

The meetings will continue once Matt is back from finally leaving us alone so we could get some work done and we'll tell ya about any additional changes before we roll out ARCADIA 4 — which is looking like late May or early June? If I'm wrong, I'll likely get sacked and you'll never have to hear my lies again.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your feedback in the survey, and for the incredible reception to ARCADIA since we launched our first issue back in January. The whole team is repeatedly blown away by your support and we've been having a blast developing ARCADIA. There's some cool stuff in the pipeline, and we can't wait to put it in front of you and your players and hear what y'all think.

Please enjoy the rest of your week and give your pets extra scritches from us! ♥


Q: Which tiers get access to all the back issues of ARCADIA?
A: Master of Ravens and Master of Locusts, currently.

Q: How many issues of ARCADIA are there?
A: We've published 3 issues of ARCADIA that are available for patrons to download.

Q: How many future issues of ARCADIA are planned?
We're currently working on issues 4-11 and already have all articles submitted for issues 4, 5, and 6 (they're in various states of playtesting at the moment).

Q: How often will issues of ARCADIA come out?
A: Good question! We're pretty ambitious so our goal is to release an issue every month. I can't definitively say we're there yet (we did really good with issues 1-3, but we also started development on those waaaaay back in September/October of 2020). We're still working out the snaggly bits in our production pipeline and the team needs to finish discussing the patron survey results about what content you all liked and what wasn't as popular. We also have our own ideas about new stuff we'd like to introduce.

So this is a long way of saying: We're working towards a monthly cadence, but we have a tendency to bite off more than we can chew (the results usually speak for themselves though)! :D

Q: I need to cancel my pledge; how do I keep my ARCADIA PDFs? What if I need to redownload them?
A: Our recommendation is that when you download your issues, you save them to both your computer's hard drive AND a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. so you can redownload them later if something happens to your PC or you just can't locate where you saved it locally. If you're not an active patron, the posts that the files are attached to will become locked, so if you don't have the files backed up you'll need to re-pledge as either a Master of Ravens or Master of Locusts to regain access to those posts.

If you save the files to the cloud, please make sure that they're not publicly accessible or being shared with others! We've tried to make ARCADIA as accessible as possible, and piracy does significant damage to a small team like ours.

Q: I want to get ARCADIA, but I'm not interested in signing up for Patreon. Is there somewhere else I can get it?
A: Definitely, and we understand! When we release a new issue of ARCADIA to Patreon, we add it to the MCDM Shop at the same time. Issues 1, 2, and 3 are $7 each, or you can purchase the ARCADIA 1-3 bundle with the first 3  issues for $18. Make sure to look over the product page to see a description of what's inside each issue, and check out the preview pages too (if you hover over them, it's easier to read the text).

Q: I have a question and it's not one of the ones listed here. Where do I get in contact with you?
A: We don't regularly check our Patreon creator inbox, so if you need help please email our support inbox and we'll respond as soon as we can: 💌 hello@mcdmproductions.com

We've brought on some help to tackle our gnarly backlog of support tickets and are whittling our way through them in the order they've been received and really appreciate everyone's patience. Rest assured that when you hear back from us we will do everything we can to make sure you're taken care of! :)






I'm curious what went into the decision to make all back issues available to patrons. Maybe back issues don't sell well enough to justify restricting them? Not that I'm complaining of course, it IS more convenient.


As someone who just subscribed a few days ago, this is a show of faith that I intend to pay back for as long as I'm able. Thank you!


I am continually surprised by how in touch MCDM is with its customers and fanbase. Love the work you guys and gals do! No sacking for you!


> If I'm wrong, I'll likely get sacked and you'll never have to hear my lies again. Spoken like a true illrigger.

Matthias Havrez

Happy to see you try this new way of doing PDFs through Patreon :)

Dalen W. Brauner

Finally, a Patreon post without that Matt guy, SHEESH. Lol great update, and I'm looking forward to what else Arcadia has in store! (And take your time! Quality trumps expedience here!)


THIS great art, this ambitious idea, this is what I'm excited about. This is why I just became a patron. I love this!