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Tonight the heroes start by attempting to murder Lady Orozivaar before she can alert the Church of Saint Ysabella to the location of Ringwell.

They have other tools at their disposal, the Rod of Count Rhodar von Glauer might be of use, but who knows? I don't think this is something they can talk themselves out of. 

They'll probably talk about subduing her? But they have a poor track record in this regard. Usually Slim just kills them. :D

If they subdue her, they'll probably try to deliver her to the Sapphire Sky, which will piss them off as well, as they're supposed to be a secret society. That should be interesting.

I fully expect the session to begin with violence. Lady Orozivaar isn't stupid, as soon as Slim put his hand on the door and said "You can't leave" she knew what was going on.

The only prep I've done for tonight is statting out Lady Orozivaar using the same method I used on the Black Iron Pact. And drawing the map! 



Grant Brees

This is like my standard amount of prep XD


Wow she's got some nice abilities. I'm hoping they can find a way to not kill her, but I'm not hopeful in that regard.


So excited for this showdown. The moment that she started to leave and they stopped her I was so excited for everyone to finally see how The Chain is a Necessary Evil, not the Good Guys.

Robin Baggett

Ohhh man. I really wish they chose to fight

Matthias Havrez

I hope she gets to kill one of them. THAT would be dramatic. For a lot of reasons.

Matthias Havrez

I just realized that she would have to kill King in order to make the death stick, at least for a bit. That would be difficult.


Hey Matt, is there anyway to get in on testing the new Illrigger, has that happened yet?


".. the countless stars of heavens field, were mirrored in her silver shield." Are the hero actions like the villain actions? As in an ability that she can do in player's turns?