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WOW! Patreon looks weird now! My friend is outta the ER! And I finished a project!

October is weird!

So mates! tonight I give to you something i've been working on for a little over  a year! This started out as just  a little idea and a sprite or two, than I made  a little room and showed y'all some ideas I had and spankings to give well- This isn't that project!

I realized that I was gonna be developing that for years and I'd never get it done unless I made something different! And so- I did!! This short little demo chronicles Box's time at the P.F.H. building as he retraces his steps to find his keys! Will he find them!? Will he get spanked!? IDK but you should probably play just to find out

Im working on a browser version but if you have a computer please go ahead and give this a download and tell me what you think! I'd appreciate feedback rn cause I really wanna do this for something, maybe as a month for patreon? up to y'all!

But yes please download and have fun and expect glitches please still gotta iron this out!




WOW, this was incredible, great work, regarding the performance of the game, the animations were very fluid, only when moving around in the bathroom stall it seemed to slow down a little, but nothing that affected the performance of the game, will I use the engine to program it? congratulations on the great work