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As the morning dew glistened across the meadow Gobber let out a mighty yawn amongst the sun. He tasted his morning breath and just barely began to open his eyes but his eyelids proved too heavy he then went to rub his eyes but couldn't. His arms were tied together and amongst that he was upside down and not in his bed at all! And even weirder, his pants were down!

“What's going on!” He bellowed, disrupting a horde of small dragons causing them to fly away. He squirmed a bit trying to undo the knots but to no avail only leading him to get even more frustrated. “Hoo! Well it’s yer birthday friend!” shouted an all too familiar voice. “Stoick,” Gobber let out, his fear turning to annoyance. “Yup!” he responded, fumbling with something just out of Gobber’s view. “So what is it this year? Hiding my underpants somewhere in town? Having the village have their way with me?” “Nah, we did that last year! Your 50th has got te be special! There we are!”

Gobber resituated himself a bit still wondering about the large man until a wild stinging pain ran across his ass! “OW!! Aye! What’s the big idea!!” Another slap rang across his ass leaving another slightly high pitched shriek! “S- Stoick Come on now, not a tanning!” All Stoick did was grin and begin to walk away from the two. I’ll come back to pick you up in 50 minutes friend! Have fun while I'm gone!” Gobber kept wincing and screaming with every near smack delivered to his rear constantly thinking about who Stoick roped into this and how red their own butt was gonna be when HE was done with them. Little did he know Stoick’s partner in crime was the very dragon that Gobber rode day in and day out!



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