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Hot steam pooled around the room as Blitzen's shower came to an end. He put his hand up to his now floppy hair and navigated past other men to find his towel. With a couple good tousles his hair, now alleviated of water, could stand up on it's own. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his brother Donner. Heftier than most in there but still supporting a sculpted body much like his own.

"Coach seem pissed?" asked Blitzen as he wrapped his towel around his waist and walked in tandem with his brother back to his locker. "Come on it's just one game, how angry can he be!?" As if on cue a piercing smack echoed along the walls, and a scream reverberated with it. The two brothers rushed to the scene only to see an old satyr holding a paddle in one hand and holding down the shoulders of a bear who was bent over the bench.

"Next time I say no showboating I hope you remember it!" he snarled out delivering another crisp smack to the already red mounds.

"Yes sir,” blubbered out the bear as his ears drooped further. The paddler turned around and the two brothers could confirm that it was indeed their coach, Coach P.

His scowl combined with the angry red in his face looked like a recipe for disaster, and as they saw that the two athletes began to back away slowly. "Oh you’re not going anywhere you two! I have the key!" Sure enough, Coach P. held up the metal key, sealing the fates of the two bros.

"Also you may as well lose the towel, Vix. Trust me, you’re not gonna need it!" barked the coach. The only thing that could pass by Vixen's lips was air while Donner had a much more elegant way of describing their situation:

"Well, we’re fucked..."



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