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Feel free to suggest themes for future polls. For that matter, feel free to make any suggestions for rewards that you think you or potential other patrons might enjoy. (I'm not promising I'm going to take all these suggestions, but if I like them I might!)



As far as Patreon stuff, a sketch commission tier might draw some people. If you do do that do, place hard rules and a slot limit to not overdue yourself. Maybe voting on a monthly or bimonthly comic page of you feel bold. I do feel you are underated and there should be more people here

Jarl Matt of Thundroar Isle

In terms of themes, what if you had a poll for Disney, Dreamworks, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Netflix, etc. ?Then after one of those franchises are selected, you do a poll of characters?

Mattie V

Oh shit, a sketch tier is an EXCELLENT idea! I did have a free drawing tier a million years ago, but that was way too much. Sketches I could probably keep on top of, though. Just with rules and limits, like you said. I comic would also be great, but I don't think I could handle that much extra work right now, haha. Maybe in the future though. Maybe as a stretch goal? Also, thank you! Means a lot. In terms of getting me more fans, I guess just keep sharing my work around? Much obliged!

Mattie V

I can't believe I didn't think of that! I'll have to make sure there are enough characters I want to draw before from each company before I do that, though. Maybe skip the preliminary company-choosing stage, and just start with one I know I can work with.