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(NOTE: This piece is named after the really sweet 1995 sapphic anthem by Jill Sobule,  not the Katy Perry pop ballad that even Katy Perry admits is kinda queer-baity.)

Sora and Hikari thought they knew where they stood. To Sora, Hikari was the lovable little sibling she never had. To Hikari, Sora was the cool big sister she looked up to, and would be thrilled if Taichi made an official part of the family one day. But at some point in the night, something had changed.

The girls' respective dumb blondes and goggleheads were driving them crazy asking the girls to choose between them, and Sora and Hikari sought each others' company for a much needed break. As the wine and the commiseration flowed, a hand on the shoulder turned into a caress, a look of sympathy became a look that lingered.

Neither one was sure which of them leaned in first, but as their lips brushed gently against another girl's for the first time, they couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was a reason they were never able to choose...



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