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Another reward pic for Digifan (upgraded obviously).

They should have known not to play Truth or Dare with Mimi. She loved to see her beautiful gal pals all hot and bothered, and tonight was no exception. The rules: vibrators, front and back, with no panties, all throughout dinner.

Poor Hikari could barely hold herself together, biting her lip and blushing furiously at the foreign sensations. Sora sat stock-still, and could almost keep a straight face... but Mimi was right in her element. What's more, she felt the others weren't really keeping with the spirit of the dare. Sora gasped as she felt Mimi hook her left leg around her right, with her other leg around Hikari's, forcing them all to spread wider. Hikari bit down even harder to suppress a squeal. Now they were completely exposed to any passerby who cared to look.

And the waiter hadn't even taken their order yet...
