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               Pace yourself. Control your breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Connie was on top to set the pace. They always wound up fusing whenever they came together, as well as whenever he came inside of her. If they were going to attempt the latter, Connie figured they should try to avoid the former. So she was going o make sure Steven got off before she did. It was important to them both; it was just for fun for now, but they did both want to have kids one day.

               Dammit, Connie, don’t think about having his baby!

               Connie slowed down and focused on the task at hand. Fortunately, Steven was easy to please. As she ground her hips on top of him, she could hear him moan. It was honestly very cute, but again she banished such sentimental thoughts from her mind. Right now, Steven was not her beloved boyfriend, he was her opponent, and she had to defeat him before he defeated her!

               But god he felt so good! He was so fucking thick! Not for the first time Connie swore he’d grown since they had first become sexually active.  She stopped grinding and started moving up and down. That was only a little better; she had lost the clitoral stimulation, but she just loved the way he filled and stretched her. Still, she had defeated larger foes before (granted this one was quite a bit larger) and she knew that the real key to victory was in the mind.

               Picture Nanafua naked, she thought. No, White Diamond. No! That dick Kevin! That did the trick.

               Steven was bucking up to meet her now, obviously getting close. In a flash of inspiration, Connie leaned in as far as she could and whispered in his ear.

               “Come for me, Steven.”

               Steven grabbed tight to her thighs as spasms shot though him, spilling rope after rope of his seed into her. Connie sat stock-still. It was such a strange, yet intimate feeling. She felt a shiver in her nether region. Was she about to fuse?

               In through the nose, out through the mouth.

               She rode out the feeling, and let it pass through her. Then it was done. Steven relaxed his grip as malted into the bed, fully spent despite his relative lack of movement.

               “I came inside of you!” he breathed, voice catching. “That was amazing! You did it—how did you do it?”

               Connie giggled at his flushed face and watery smile. “I just had to make sure you came and I didn’t,” she said.

               “Well,” said Steven. His grip tightened again as he sat up, effortlessly tossing her onto her back. “We can’t have that, now, can we?”

               And Steven set to work at his own task.


