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Jim was sat in his room pumping his hands up and down on his massive four-foot cock. He was looking at pictures he took yesterday. He had the picture maxed out on his 60-inch screen so that tits filled his entire vision. Having the picture maxed out like this made the boobs look even bigger than they really were.

Why did Jim have to have the misfortune of being born into such a family? His mother, his sister, and even his cousin who was staying with them for the summer were all incredibly well endowed. His mom had tits the size of yoga balls, and his cousin Sara had breasts as big as beach balls. The cream of the crop though was his sister. Jeanette's giant fat udders were the size of bean bag chairs.

Thanks to his family's hyper curvy looks, Jim had no interest in other women. They just didn’t hold a candle to his own family. They just made him so horny all the time. Jim was the youngest at 19, his sister was 20, and his Mom was in her 40’s. Even though his Mom was in her 40’s she looked amazing. Jim thought back to that night last year when she came in a little tipsy and expressed how lonely she was.

Their Dad had died in an accident when they were younger. She never got over that, she always made comments about how much Jim looked like his Dad. That night she climbed into his bed and asked if she could just lay with him. He, of course, said yes. He quickly came to realize that she had nothing on under her robe. As she lay next to him holding him Jim couldn’t help, but grow hard.

Given the size of his cock, he knew his mother was well aware. She said it was okay. She knew he was a young man and that he had needs. She took his cock between her breasts right there and started to suck on his head. That night the two of them made love for the first time, and much to Jim’s dismay the only time. Jim tried to get it to happen again, but his Mom always seemed to pull away at the last minute. It was obvious she wanted more, maybe she felt guilty.

Either way, it had been a year since then and since then his sister had become extra flirty with him too. Though again never going all the way. She eventually did let slide one night she had watched Jim and their mom having sex. She wanted to know what it would feel like to have his cock bulging her belly out as he did to their Mother.

When he said he would love to, Jeanette said no, it wasn’t normal for brothers and sisters to have sex. She couldn’t get over that. Even if she really, really wanted to. So with that in mind here sat Jim pulling his huge throbbing cock off to the two women he would only ever lust after. With no chance of ever getting with them again. He had tried to move on, but it was no use. They were just so much more than other women.

Outside of the room, Sara looked in chewing her lip, she lusted after Jim’s giant cock as much as Jeanette did. Once her cousin had told her about how big her Jim was. Sara decided that she had wanted to spend the summer with her cousins and aunt. In the few weeks she had been here Sara had quickly learned that this family was a lustful powder keg waiting to go off. She had already slept with both Jeanette and her aunt Susan. To neither of their knowledge.

The only one left she hadn’t slept with was Jim. She had made some pretty obvious flirts with him, but it seemed his eyes were only for his mother and sister. Well, Sara couldn’t disagree with him. Both women were super busty, curvy and beautiful. Sara, who easily had the biggest tits of her family, was totally outclassed here.

Not that she minded. Sara was a total pervert too. Seeing all of these horned-up family members doing their best not to sleep with each other was more than enough to make up for the fact that Jeanette and Susan were bustier than her. She would have much more fun with that.

Speaking of which it was time to put her plan into motion. It was a dangerous plan as what she had in mind was going to impact her too. Once this started there was no getting out. She drew a few arcane symbols on her phone and with a touch of the send button her plan was started.

Jim was just about to nut when a popup came up on his screen. Click here to activate the magical dream bubble. Where all your wishes can come true. Jim looked at the popup if it had been any other time he would have scoffed and closed out of it. However, it being the year anniversary of when he slept with his Mother he was feeling serendipitous.

He clicked on the begin button “I wish Mom would just get over her inhibitions and come in here and fuck my brains out with her giant fat juicy tits!” Jim said out loud. He then smirked “well since we’re talking nonsense anyway I wish Mom’s tits were twice as big, filled with milk, and she was an insatiable nympho too,” Jim chuckled to himself.

Sara wasted no time ducking away from the room. Peering down the hallway, she licked her lips as she watched her aunt come from the kitchen naked. Her tits were down to her knees and leaking milk. She looked like a woman possessed. “Wow,” was all Sara could say as Susan went into Jim’s room.

As his Mom entered the room with her much bigger tits Jim’s mouth dropped open in awe holy shit it worked he thought to himself. “Sweetie!” His mom said as she dove on top of him kissing him. “Mommy is so sorry! I’m sorry I kept saying no to you when you asked to fuck me.” She kissed him over and over before stuffing his cock into her pussy and riding him hard.

Her belly bulged out from his huge cock. Her massive tits bounced and jiggled in front of him “I wanted to fuck you, baby. I wanted to fuck you every day. I wanted to tell you to quit college so you could spend all your time fucking me!” Jim sank his hands into her fat ass cheeks as she thrust harder. “I just knew people wouldn’t understand, but I don’t care now,” she continued as she rode him. With all of the bouncing milk sprayed out of her nipples

This is incredible Jim thought to himself. She’s fucking me so hard! Her tits are so fucking big! I’ve never been so horny before in my life. I love it. Jim opened his mouth “Unnnngghhh fuck Mom this feels so good! I wish all of us would just keep getting hornier and hornier forever!” As he shouted that his already peaked arousal started to grow and grow and grow.

A wave of passion came over Sara “holy shit!” she moaned out loud as her nipples grew hard through her top and her pussy was now soaking wet. Chewing her lip, she started to pull on her nipples before a hand made its way down her pants, rubbing her now gushing pussy. “Ahhhh god! I’ve never been so horny! Unnghh fuck, but I just keep getting hornier! Ohhh fuck yes! It feels so good! More! More!”

Sara made her way back down to Jim’s room she walked in on Jim and his mother fucking like rabbits. Jim noticed her coming in “ohhh Sara you’re here too, I wish your tits were just as fat as moms!”

Sara groaned lustfully as her breasts started to balloon out in front of her “ohhhh shit yes! Give me big blimp titties!” She moaned as she rubbed her inflating tits. Her breasts burst from her top, leaving her hard nipples exposed to the air. Sara wasted no time crawling onto the bed with the two of her family members.

Jim’s Mom got off of his cock “Sara Hunny take over, I have to go get Jeanette I need all of you here so we can fuck each other’s brains out,” Jim’s mom left the room leaving Jim and Sara to their own devices.

Sara pulled Jim on top of her “fuck me with that giant cock of yours!” she demanded as she helped guide him into her waiting dripping snatch. Both of them moaned loudly as they fucked each other hard on the bed. Sara loved how massive her tits were. She rubbed them all over Jim, covering him with titty flesh.

Jim huffed and panted in pleasure before letting out a loud moan. His balls clenched over and over, pumping their goo into his cousin. “Unnnghhh fuck I love cumming! I wish I could keep cumming forever!” Jim cried out. As the magic went to work Jim’s balls expanded bigger and bigger between his legs. They filled with cum and then kept stretching bigger to make more and more cum.

As Jim’s never-ending supply of cum shot into Sara her belly lurched out swelling bigger and bigger on the round. “Ohhhh shit yes! Look at my belly! Stuff me with cum Jim! Bigger! Bigger!” she cried out as she rode him harder.

There was a thump behind them. Looking back Jim and Sara could see Jim’s mom and his sister Jeanette making out in the doorway. Both of their massive tits rubbing and squishing together. Jim’s mom’s tits leaking milk all over the floor. “Jeanette you’re here,” Jim said hungrily “mmmm I wish I was fucking you right now!”

There was a blur and Jim’s vision changed. He was no longer below Sara. He was now on top of his sister Jeanette. “Ohhh fuck Jeanette your pussy is so tight!” Jim moaned as he pumped his hips into his sister without missing a beat. He was so sexually charged right now he didn’t care how crazy this was. He just wanted more and more and more.

Jeanette gasped in pleasure as her pussy was stretched by Jim’s massive pole “ahhhh Jim! I knew it would be good! Fuck! Fuck! I wish your cock was even bigger than this! So you could fuck me harder!” When Jim heard her say those words, he prepared for something amazing to happen. Only it didn’t. He then realized that the magic only answered to him. “Unnghh I wish all of our desires could come true.”

As he said that his cock and balls started to grow inside of Jeanette. She screamed in bliss as his fat pole stretched her more and more. “I wish your tits would keep getting bigger as long as I fuck you!” Jim said, looking at his sister. Jeanette groaned as her already impressive breasts started to billow out fatter and fatter and fatter.

Jeanette’s breasts spilled out over the bed, filling up the room quickly. As the advancing titties made their way towards Sara and her aunt, the two women climbed up on top of them. Laying on Jeanette’s nipples the two of them started to make out and pleasure each other. Everyone was so horny they didn’t care about swapping partners as long as they had someone to pleasure.  

Bigger and bigger and bigger Jeanette’s tits ballooned taking up every square inch of the room. Jim was safe in between Jeanette's cleavage. He continued to thrust, unaware that Sara, Susan, and even Jeanette herself were getting smothered by her ballooning tits. All three of the women moaned from the pressure as they were pushed against the ceiling and floor.

The bed gave out from under Jim and Jeanette as her tits grew and grew. Jim was so horny now he couldn’t stop thrusting his hips. It was to the point now that he was even getting squished in between his sister's massive blimp titties. Even then he didn’t stop he couldn’t “tooo horny!” Jim groaned “I have to keep fucking!”

The sound of creaking wood groaning filled the air. Cracks started to form in the walls and ceiling, and the floorboards below creaked dangerously. Bigger and tighter things grew. It wouldn’t be long before the gyprock walls caved under the pressure of Jeanette's billowing bust line.

Sara moaned as her jumbo tits and herself were squished into the wall. She had one arm wrapped around Jeanette's thickening nipple. She could hear the groaning of Susan not far from her. Sara closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle. To her surprise, a thunderous bang filled her ears. Suddenly she felt weightless.

The floor gave way and they were in free fall. It only lasted a few moments as they all fell towards the living room below. Jeanette hit first. The impact knocked the wind out of her. Stars flooded her vision. Having more room to work with Jeanette’s tits quickly filled out more and more as she continued to grow hornier and hornier by the second.

Jim landed next, his swollen cock slamming its way back into Jeanette’s still wet pussy. The two of them cried out passionately. Jim was so aroused now that as soon as his cock was surrounded by his sister's hot wet pussy again he started thrusting. “Ahhhhhh god yes, Jim! Keep fucking me! Fuck your slutty sister harder and harder! God, I wish you would never stop fucking me harder!” Jeanette shouted.

The magic went to work and Jim’s hips pumped harder and harder and harder into his sister. “Ohhh shit! I can’t stop! Unnghhh it just keeps making me hornier! Fuuuuuccckkk I’m cumming even harder!” Jim roared as his never-ending cum pumping cock stuffed his sister's belly bigger and bigger and bigger. 

Sara gasped in pleasure as something massive penetrated her pussy. Opening her eyes, she could see that she had landed on Jeanette's plump nipple. Jeanette’s massive nipple bulged Sara’s belly out she squealed in delight and rode her cousin’s nipple hard. Jeanette and Sara moaned in ecstasy. Jeanette's nipple forced its way deeper into her pussy as it swelled bigger, thicker and longer.

Sara heard Susan moaning loudly, looking over. She could see that Jim's mother had also landed on her daughter's other nipple. Sara was amazed at the insatiability of Susan. She was already bouncing up and down on Jeanette's nipple as it continued to swell inside of her. Jeanette's lust-crazed mother was now licking her belly as it distended, bigger and bigger, filled with her daughter’s giant growing nipple.

With every thrust, Jeanette's tits surged bigger and bigger and bigger. "Ooooohhhh fuck me harder Jim," Jeanette moaned, "I want my big fat boobies to grow and grow and grow." Jeanette could feel something bouncing up and down on her right tit. She looked to the right and could see in the mirror that her mother was fucking herself on Jeanette's nipple. "Oh yes mom fuck my nipple it feels so good, keep bouncing on it you horny slut."

Sara moaned with pleasure as she felt Jeanette's nipple swell inside her again. It was growing so fast now as Jim was picking up the pace down below. The growing bump in her belly was much bigger than Sara. Her body was stretched to accommodate the swelling nipple as it penetrated deeper and deeper into her.

Sara loved the feeling of Jeanette's nipple growing inside her. Stretching her pussy and womb out. She watched as the bulge in her belly surged up and up and up. “Ohhh it’s not enough I want more! I wish Jeanette’s nipples were ten times as big and growing faster than ever!” Sara nearly passed out from pleasure as Jeanette’s nipple shot out, growing massively in size. Sara and Susan’s belly bulges smashed through the roof of the house as Jeanette’s nipples grew freakishly disproportionate from her breasts.

Sara heard shirks of pleasure coming from Jeanette's other nipple. Sara looked over to see Susan feverishly thrusting herself up and down on Jeanette's nipple. Susan looked like a woman possessed. She had her bloated tits wrapped around her swollen middle, working them up and down as titty fucking her daughter's nipple deep inside of her. “Ahhhh yes! Yes! YES! STRETCH MOMMY MORE!” Susan screamed in bliss.

I never knew she was such a nympho Sara thought to herself. She gasped in pleasure as she felt herself rise higher into the air along with Jeanette's growing tits. Jeanette’s tits and cum stuffed belly burst out of the house as she continued to expand more and more. The lump in Sara’s belly jutted out more and more it was like there was a skyscraper inside of her now.

Jeanette heard Sara shout “oh my god, she's up there too!" Jeanette said excitedly. I'm fucking two girls at once with my big sexy balloons. Jeanette couldn't help but moan at the thought. Shame Sara's not quite as energetic as mom, whatever she's doing up there it feels amazing. "Sara please, please, please fuck the other nipple I want to cum knowing I'm pleasuring two horny sexy bitches with my big fat nipples" Jeanette waited for some kind of reply.

"Tell Jim to pick up the pace then,” Sara called back “your nipples aren't anywhere near fat enough for me yet" Sara finished.

"Oh Jim, fuck me, fuck me hard please, I want you to pump my zeppelins up and up and up until they're the size of blimps," Jeanette's pleaded.

When Jim heard what Jeanette said, he started thrusting harder. He could hear the combined screams of the three women around him and smiled. "Jeanie, I don't think houses will cut it when I'm done, each tit will be the size of a mountain," Jim said as his body thrust with everything he had.

Sara screamed in ecstasy as Jeanette's nipple was now rapidly getting massive inside of her. She didn't know how her body was taking all that girth in. Though she didn't care, she just wanted it to grow and grow and grow. Taking a page from Jim’s mom, Sara wrapped her mammoth mammaries around her nipple stuffed admen.

Working them up and down, Sara came immediately. Her stretched midsection was more sensitive than her clit could ever be. Sara continued to tit fuck Jeanette's nipple and began to bounce up and down fucking Jeanette's nipple just like her mom.

Sara came and came and came each one lasting longer, feeling better, more! She thought to herself there's got to be a way to make this feel even better. Sara looked over to Susan, she's always one step ahead of me Sara thought to herself. Now it was no different. Susan's tits were huge, bigger than her body.

Susan was sucking on her nipples. Drinking the milk, she was producing and making her tits grow. That clever, pleasure-driven slut was all Sara thought before stuffing her nipples into her mouth. Wedging them against her distended belly to hold her tits in place. “I wish my titties would fill up with oil tankers of milk and stuff me with their fat milky goodness!”

Sara shuddered in pleasure as her tits ballooned out of control bigger and bigger filling with milk. Her nipples gushed milk with so much force Sara had no choice but to swallow it all. Her once nipple-shaped belly quickly became round as she drank and drank and drank her milk. I wish the same thing for Jeanette and Susan, Sara thought to herself.

Sara wrapped her arms around her stretched middle and began sucking her tits. Sara couldn’t stop fucking Jeanette's nipple. Rubbing the sides of her, now taller than a city block, belly. As the nipple inside her body and her tits continued to swell. Each of Sara's raging orgasms continued to intensify. She just wished that her mouth wasn't full so that she could scream and shout and moan to her heart's content. But then her tits would stop growing and she couldn't have that.

Jeanette was sighing and moaning. Even with all the pleasures shooting through her body. The girls fucking her giant tits, Jim thrusting inside of her everything was making her cum harder and harder. Then she felt it, a massive pressure building in her tits. It quickly rushed forward towards her nipples.

Jeanette and her tits were about to lactate. The pressure she felt was milk building up in her colossal tits. With all the stimulation, Sara and her mom were giving her nipples, how could she not lactate? “Jim play with my clit, I wanted to cum harder, I want to cum and cum and cum!” Jeanette begged. “I'm going to pump those horny bitches full of my udder juice," Jeanette cooed in a sexy voice.

Jim started playing with Jeanette's clit. While he was fucking her she arched her head back and screamed. The most powerful orgasm of her life rocked her body and it didn’t stop she kept cumming harder and harder. She felt the pressure in her tits, forcing its way up into her nipples. She was racked by what could only be described as pure bliss.

Sara felt the nipple inside of her swelling abnormally fast. Which was an odd way to put it all things considered, but it was getting much thicker. As she swallowed another mouthful of milk she realized what was about to happen. Jeanette hadn't lactated yet; she was about to pump them full of milk.

Of fuck! I'm going to be huge! Sara screamed delightedly in her head. No sooner had she thought about it, Jeanette's nipples burst forth with milk. Gallon after gallon after gallon of rich, creamy, fatty milk poured into Sara's womb. Her belly expanded out fuller and fuller growing bigger than the city in seconds.

Sara and Susan cried out at the same time. Their tits fell to either side and were quickly dwarfed by the two women's swelling bellies. Sara screamed, moaned and shouted as the perpetual orgasm continued to get more and more intense. She was pumped fuller and rounder by Jeanette's breast milk. Jeanette's tits grew out of control as constant orgasms racked her body. Now that she had started cumming she couldn't stop. She came again and again and again

Up on top, Jeanette's tits had grown so big that Sara and Susan could see for miles and miles. Like dough rising out of a bread pan, the two women’s tits and bellies continued to expand out, fatter and rounder. Jim’s cock and balls were ballooning just as fast as his sister's giant landscape consuming titties.

All of them were completely consumed by lust, unable to stop fucking and cumming. They all wanted more and more. The giant swelling family orgy continued to expand across the state. Bigger and bigger they grew only getting hornier and more addicted to the unrelenting pleasure of their taboo sex.

“I don’t ever want this to end Jeanette I want to keep fucking you and Mom and Sara forever! I wish we could do this forever!” Jim cried out in pleasure knowing that because of his wish this was never going to end. They were going to keep growing bigger and getting hornier until the end of time. They were going to outgrow everything even now they were ballooning bigger than the country. They weren’t going to ever stop which was exactly what they all wanted.

The End.


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