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Zofia Bosak crept along the floor of the decrepit warehouse her team and herself were sent to investigate. Intel said that this property was owned by a terrorist group that liked to specialize in unorthodox biological warfare. Even though Zofia had pressed the matter top brass wouldn’t clarify what unorthodox biological warfare meant.

Looking around at the shoddy condition of this warehouse she wasn’t unconvinced that the terrorists’ methods were going to be their tetanus riddled bodies. This building was old, rusty, and poorly kept. Still, Rainbow Six had been called in so Dokkaebi, Ela, and Zofia were here.

The South Korean Dokkaebi kept the rear and watched their backs. Zofia kept her younger sister Ela in the middle. She knew she would hear about it later and even though she and her sister didn’t see eye to eye very often Zofia still wanted Ela safe.

The static of the coms shook Zofia out of her train of thought “this place is a dump, over,” Ela said to her two teammates.

Dokkaebi put a finger to her ear “roger that, over,” she kept the other two women in her sights why scanning around the open space. “This place seems deserted,” Dokkaebi said as she grimaced “are you sure we got the right place?”

Zofia came to a stop behind some crates, slowing scanning her surroundings she made the same assessment Dokkaebi made, there was no one here. Still, she wasn’t ready to let her guard down yet. She flagged the all-clear to her squadmates “group up,” she added as she kept her eye on the vacant building.

When the two other women rendezvous with Zofia, Ela was the first to speak “so what now?” she said as she looked back and forth between the other two girls.

Zofia looked down contemplating, she exhaled slowly “we finish the mission, fan out find the weapon, we’re not leaving empty-handed.” Ela and Dokkaebi gave sharp nods before splitting off to check the building for their objective. Zofia put a finger to her com “stay frosty, this could be a trap.” The two replied with roger then went silent to continue their search.

Making her way to the south end of the building Zofia eventually found a pallet of strange-looking containers. They were clean looking like they had been placed their recently “this must be it,” she said as she closed in. Zofia wanted to confirm it before she called it into the others. As she got closer she circled the pallet looking for some kind of writing to indicate what was in the containers.

Once she was sure there was nothing on the sides she decided there must be something on top. The pallet was stacked taller than herself so she jumped up and caught onto the binds on top of the canisters. As Zofia went to pull herself up the band snapped and she fell on her back with a thump.

At the same time the top, middle canister slid free and fell towards her. It came to a halt just centimeters from her face. As Zofia let out a gasp of pain, the end of the canister bust open. A white liquid spewed out from the tip of the canister pouring directly into Zofia’s mouth. Zofia swallowed on instinct the white liquid was thick and coated her mouth and throat.

She swore in her head, then tried to push the container away from herself. This only caused it to slide down further wedging the tip of the canister into her mouth. Unable to pull away from it Zofia had no choice, but to swallow the liquid as it poured out. Gulp after gulp she drank; she could feel her belly getting fuller. Then bit by bit her belly distended out swelling with all of the fluid she was drinking.

Zofia grunted and struggled to get the metal tube off of her. As her belly swelled bigger the canister grew lighter. Now well past the terms of pregnancy Zofia was finally able to push the container up and roll away from it. The rest of the contents spilled out onto the floor while Zofia coughed and sputtered.  

Looking down at herself she was shocked. How had she managed to drink so much before she could question anything else a warmth washed over her. Whatever she had drank it was starting to affect her “oh no,” she muttered. She turned on her com “Ela, Dokkaebi, group up to me I have a situation.”

Her breasts started to tingle like they were being massaged all over, looking down at her chest Zofia gasped as her once flat chest lurched out bigger and bigger under her coat and bulletproof vest. Said bulletproof vest was quickly becoming a problem as it was not designed to stretch. The strong Kevlar pushed back against Zofia’s rapidly swelling breasts. As things grew tighter Zofia was having trouble breathing.  

The woman let out a moan of pleasure and pain. As the vest applied more and more pressure to her breasts. The pressure inside of Zofia’s breasts mounted to her nipples. She groaned as her chest and coat were soaked from milk seeping from her compressed tits. Zofia grit her teeth and finally managed to pull the zipper of her bulletproof vest down.

With a gasp of relief, she was able to suck in a proper lungful of air. One crisis averted she turned her attention back to her boobs. Now she was able to see the full volume of them. It had only been a few moments, but her breasts were easily the size of basketballs “Gówno! My breasts are getting huge! What was in that canister?”

White liquid dripped out from under Zofia’s coat. Her coat and shirt were soaked unzipping her coat she tossed it aside. Under her coat, she wore a white tank top that was almost see-through now. Cupping her breasts Zofia let out a grunt of pleasure. They were so full, so sensitive, and her nipples were huge both were bigger than her thumb now.

Milk sprayed out through her tank top’s thin material “holy crap my breasts are turning into massive, fat, milky udders!” Despite her complaints Zofia couldn’t stop rubbing her breasts. She had always been flat as a board, now she had plump, perky, round, juggs. They felt amazing to play with. As she rubbed them sparks of pleasure were sent to her pussy and brain.

Zofia started to fondle them harder, this only seemed to encourage their growth as her already large breasts made another swell out in her hands. She cried out in pleasure as her nipples started to shoot milk out like a high-pressure faucet. Even for the size of her breasts, she was making way more milk than she should.

The pressure continued to build in her udders the stretched and swelled bigger and fatter with milk. They were now the size of beach balls. Her nipples were dark, long, and thick almost thicker than a cock. They were also now out of Zofia’s reach. “Ohhh no I need to milk my breasts more! They’re so tight!”

Ela was the first to arrive, she was shocked to see her sister standing there with a massive pair of tits fatter than any Ela had ever seen. Which were shooting jets of milk from a pair of obscenely large nipples. Below her freakish breasts was a large round belly protruding out like Zofia had swallowed a beach ball.

Ela was about to ask what happened when Zoifa let out a loud moan. As she moaned her belly shrank, but her breasts expanded fatter and fatter in front of her. Ela could hear the sloshing of milk inside her sister’s breasts as they expanded fuller and fuller with milk. Zofia’s milk was shooting out almost ten feet away from her now. “Ohhhh they’re getting even milkier! They’re so tight!” Zofia cried out.

Despite her complaints, Ela’s sister looked like she was more than happy to keep fondling her massive milk tanks. “Zofia what happened?” Ela asked just as Dokkaebi arrived.

“Jesus Christ, Zofia your tits are gigantic, what’s going on?” Dokkaebi parroted Ela’s question.

Zofia let out a shout of passion as she came hard, falling to her knees her breasts rest on the floor “unnngggh I swallowed some of that canister. Now my breasts keep getting bigger and I keep lactating more milk!” Zofia cried out again as her now yoga ball sized breasts lurched out again growing and growing and growing bigger.

The two women stepped back dodging the jets of milk soaking more and more of the warehouse they were in. “Please Ela, Dokkaebi I need your help, they’re so tight! I need relief! Suck the milk out! I need more pressure release.” The other two women looked at their commanding officer then at each other.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Dokkaebi said uneasily “you ingested an unknown bio weapon?” she added with a hint of confusion as to what exactly was the practical application of something like this.

Zofia moaned louder than ever as her monster tits swelled out again creeping across the cool dusty floor. “Ahhhh so tight! My tits are going to pop!”

Ela shook her head “ahhhh fuck! I’ve got to help her! She’s my sister,” Ela moved in getting on her knees she wrapped her lips around one of Zofia’s plump nipples. There was so much milk spraying out Ela struggled to swallow it at first, but soon she got into it and was sucking and gulping hard on her sister’s nipple.

To her pleasant surprise, her sister's milk tasted amazing. Ela sunk her hands into her sister’s mammoth breast squeezing for all she was worth anything to help drain some of the milk. As she drank and drank the warm milk coating the inside of her mouth, throat, and stomach Ela felt a warm tingly sensation wash over her. She was starting to feel aroused. The more she thought about Zofia’s giant fat udders the more they turned her on.

Ela gulped and gulped the creamy milk her belly lurched and bloated out as she continued to suckle harder and harder on Zofia’s nipples. “Ahhhhh Ela! You’re sucking too hard! Ohhhh it feels so good! I’m going to cum!” Zofia shouted out in pleasure as Ela moaned into her sister’s thick nipple.

Dokkaebi looked at Zofia’s other breast it was now looking rounder and tighter than ever. It seemed like what Ela was doing was working. She couldn’t let anything happen to one of her sisters in arms. “This is a bad plan, but it’s the only one we got,” Dokkaebi said begrudgingly as she joined Ela in sucking on Zofia’s ballooning milk filled blimps.

As she drank the milk she let out a delighted mmmmm as the taste exploded on her taste buds. Dokkaebi sucked harder and harder on her leader’s nipples as the taste was amazing. She soon found that she was getting hornier with every swallow. Zofia groaned loudly “unnnggghhh they’re growing again!”

The other two women grunted as Zofia’s fattening nipples were stuffed deeper into their mouths. Glancing over at Ela, Dokkaebi’s eyes went wide her teammate’s belly enormous from all of the milk, but then again so were her breasts. Ela had only been a very modest B cup before. Now she was quickly catching up to her sister’s size.

A large pool of white milk was starting to form around Ela as well she had soaked her coat with milk. Dokkaebi watched as Ela’s large belly started to shrink, it grew smaller and smaller as her breasts lurched out in spectacular fashion. She was clearly growing more than Zofia was each time. Ela let out a gasp as her coat burst open letting her pale, creamy white breasts spill out.

Dokkaebi had been so focused on Ela that she hadn’t noticed that she had quite the belly full of milk now. She felt her breasts swell out under her clothes she couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation. Being Korean she wasn’t exactly known for her curves so to say she wasn’t a little envious of other women would be a lie. She wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, but if she got more than a little boost from this experience she wasn’t going to complain.

Ela panted lustfully as she felt her breasts expanding again, it was a wonderful sensation. It made her so horny she could barely think straight and when she could think straight again all she could think about was getting bigger. Ohhh fuck I’m gonna cum again! She screamed inside of her head as her breasts ballooned fuller and fuller with milk.

Zofia’s tits were so massive now Ela was pretty sure she could lay down on them. She wanted to be just as big. This was the best, she couldn’t believe how horny she was right now. She wanted more. She wanted to suck on Dokkaebi tits too. She wanted to be fucked while her tits grew. She never thought like this before, but it was like something was unleashed in her now. She just wanted to be this depraved, horny, giant uddered slut.

As Zofia’s tits grew out again they were reaching a tipping point. Zofia’s nipples were too big now to suck on, Ela had to pull away. Ela heard a satisfied gasp coming from Dokkaebi, she looked over to see her friend and teammate was now sporting plump, gushing, milk stuffed tits as well.

Ela stood up to get a look at her sister, it was a sight to behold. Zofia’s boobs were now almost the size of cars. Though it did seem like they were finally starting to slow down in their growth. “Ohhhh that felt soo good!” Zofia shouted in pleasure “I can’t believe you two drank so much, but my breasts still feel tight. I need more relief.”

Ela looked at Zofia’s thick nipple shooting its payload out from the small milk duct on the front of her nipple. “What if we widen the hole?” Ela said as she stuck two of her fingers into her sister’s nipple. Zofia screeched in pleasure and began to beg for more. “Oh shit that’s hot,” Ela said as she started to push more fingers in. As she widened the hole more milk gushed out like a fire hydrant.

“Oh my god, how much can they take?” Ela said as she slid her entire hand inside of Zofia’s nipple. Not satisfied with that and curious to see if her sister’s colossal breasts could take, even more, Ela started to push her other hand into Zofia’s nipple.

Dokkaebi watching Ela and hearing Zofia’s reaction followed suit. She pushed both of her hands inside of Zofia’s nipples. Ela and Dokkaebi together started pumping their arms in and out of Zofia’s nipples. Zofia was going crazy from the pleasure having her nipples stretched was causing her “Ahhhhhh fuck yes! Fuck my nipples! Harder! HARDER!” she screamed as milk gushed out soaking everything around them.

“I think we need something bigger,” Dokkaebi said before pulling out one of their recon drones. With their large all-terrain tires they were much wider on the round than even two of the girl’s arms. Taking her drone, she pushed it inside of Zofia’s nipple. The commanding officer’s head whipped back as she screamed in pleasure.

Ela’s breasts continued to lurch out bigger and fatter now. They were starting to outgrow Zoifa’s now shrinking tits. Ela’s belly was all but gone now still she wasn’t satisfied with the size of her tits. She wanted them even bigger and sluttier. Looking at the size of Zofia’s nipple and all of the milk gushing out she knew she couldn’t get her mouth over it but another idea struck her.

Dropping her pants Ela turned around and slide Zofia’s almost forearm sized nipple into her ass. Ela gasped in pleasure as her asshole was stretched and her insides were pumped full of milk. Letting out a guttural moan Ela started to ride her sister’s nipple hard. Zofia’s stretched nipple let so much more milk flow into her.

Ela rubbed her belly as it distended swelling out with gallons and gallons of milk “unnnggghhh yes! That’s it Zofia stuff your sister with milk! I want the biggest fattest titties!” Ela would get her wish too as the milk started to absorb much faster this time going in through her ass. Her breasts billowed out bigger and bigger and bigger.

It wasn’t long before Ela’s breasts made Zofia’s look small her tits were so fat and full of milk now they could easily fill a room. “Ahhhhh yes! My breasts are getting so full! More! More! Bigger!” Ela moaned as her tits and belly ballooned more and more.

Dokkaebi decided she was big enough, but that wasn’t going to stop her from having fun. Retrieving the other two girls drones she stuffed the other two into Zofia’s nipple. The cries of passion from her commanding officer told Dokkaebi she was helping. With all three inside of Zofia’s nipple, Dokkaebi used the remote controls the make them start rotating around inside of Zofia’s nipple.

The rough treads of the drone’s tires caressing the inside of her nipple made Zofia cum harder than ever. Even still her massive breasts were starting to look less and less round as they were finally drained of milk. Even though she wanted to keep going to keep cumming harder and harder. Zofia was exhausted she had cum so many times already. Her thoughts were fuzzy she needed sleep. Collapsing against her breasts the tall woman fell asleep. Though her dreams were very pleasant as she only continued cumming over and over in her sleep.

Ela continued to ride Zofia’s hard nipple even though her breasts were no longer stuffing her with milk. The horny younger sister still wanted more. Her tits were so massive now, though it was clear they were slowing down. She wished she could get to whatever it was that Zofia drank she would drain every last drop if she could. She knew this wasn’t the end for her. Just the beginning she found something so sexually satisfying she wasn’t going to let it end.

Dokkaebi looked between the sex-crazed Ela and the passed out Zofia, then down to her jumbo beanbag chair sized boobs. She put a finger to her com in her ear “headquarters come in, we need an extraction. The mission is a bust, in more ways than one.” She looked again at the two sisters who were far too large to transport normally. Dokkaebi sighed this was going to be an interesting one to explain back at base.

The End.


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