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Wanda was what you would call a gum aficionado she loved gum, she chewed it all the time. She was always trying out new brands of gum looking for the next big thing. She chewed so much gum her friends often joked she could bite through steel her jaw was that strong. She had a collection of rear limited-edition gums. She followed gum blogs and even had her own gum podcast.

She posted videos of her reviewing gums on YouTube; she was even sponsored by some of the companies. Given she was a hot woman doing well anything on the internet she did alright in terms of the views. She got her fair share of comments about other things she could chew on, but for the most part, Wanda ignored the comments.

Still one day she got a strange comment from a W.W. on one of her videos. He said she would be very interested in trying his gum as it was one of a kind. It packed in more flavor than any other gum out there. In fact, he boasted that it would never run out of flavor. It would stay permanently juicy. Wanda wasn’t totally won over by the random comment. Still, it had piqued her interest a little.

She decided to check out the commenter's profile there she found a link to a blog. It was run by an older man and this guy seemed legit. Though his interests pursued candies of all variety and not just gum. Still, he seemed knowledgeable Wanda decided to bite. She sent him a message telling him she was interested.

It wasn’t long before she got a reply and the two started chatting. Quickly they determined a time and place to meet outside of a candy shop that had been in town for years. If Wanda was a betting woman, the old man probably owned it. He never said so and she didn’t want to pry so she left it here.

Wanda stepped out of her car making her way to the side door the old man had told her to go to. Knocking on the door she waited patiently. She waited an uncomfortable amount of time for someone to answer the door. Deciding that maybe he didn’t hear her Wanda went to knock again. Only this time the door opened.

As the door opened Wanda was met with a peculiar sight it was indeed an old man, but he had a very strange outfit on. It was an all pink and purple suit, with a tall purple top hat, and he steadied himself with a cane. The man was short and thin as he made his way out of the building he stumbled.

Wanda gasped and tried to catch him, but she wasn’t quick enough. The grey-haired old man quickly fell into a roll and bounced back to his feet. However, as he came to rest his face winced in pain. He let out a groan and held his back “oohh I think I pulled something,” nursing his back with a hand “guess I’m not as limber as I used to be,” he chuckled.

“You must be Wanda,” the older man held out a hand to greet her. Wanda took his hand and shook it “I’m William Wonka though my friends called me Willy back in the day,” he said introducing himself politely

The name tugged at something in Wendy’s mind, but she could place why it sounded so familiar. “Yes, I am indeed Wendy,” she said with a chipper tone “I’m here to talk about this gum of yours.”

The old man William smiled and reached into his pocket “yes, yes I knew you would be interested. My pride and joy.” Wonka said as he held out his hand opening it up to reveal a singular piece of gum in his palm. “This gum’s flavor never runs out, it will stay juicy for as long as you keep chewing it,” he extended his hand offering the gum to Wanda.

She reached out taking it from his hand. Wanda brought it in close to inspect it. Giving it a sniff, even through the paper she could smell blueberries. “Oooo blueberry my favourite!” Wanda said excitedly. “So, you’re just giving this to me to review?” she said looking skeptically at the old man.

The old-timer just smiled warmly and nodded “after watching your reviews and seeing your passion for gum. I know you’ll be the one to appreciate my gum the most.” He stepped forward and gave her a little poke with his cane “why I’d wager you won’t be able to stop chewing on it. It’s that good.”

Wanda looked down at the gum in her hand “alright if you say so. It’s gonna be a little bit before the review goes up, but I’ll probably do the chew and review today.” She reached out and shook the man's hand again “so it won’t be too long.”

The man grinned and after shaking her hand he stepped back into the doorway. “I look forward to seeing the results,” he took a bow in front of her removing and sweeping his top hat all in one motion. “I say to you good evening,” and with that, the door to the build closed and the light shut off.

“Strange man,” Wanda muttered to herself before turning her attention to the gum in hand. Looking around she could see there was a park nearby “oh that would make for a great backdrop for my vlog entry,” Wanda said as she made her way to the park.

Wanda started recording on her phone as she walked through the park. “Hey guys it’s Wanda bubble with the latest’s chew and review!” she came at the video with a lot of energy. “It’s a beautiful day in the park and I’ve got a new gum to review, but this one is special.”

She waggled the singular piece of gum in front of the camera “I’m sure many of you remember W.W. the user who said he had a gum which its flavor never runs out.” Wanda sat on one of the benches in the park “well I just came from his place and this is the gum.” She took one side of the wrapper in her teeth and pulled it open with her hand. “Time to find out if this old candy man is telling the truth,” Wanda popped the gum in her mouth.

As she started to chew flavor burst in her mouth “oh my god!” She blurted out as her teeth chomped down over and over “this tastes amazing!” She beamed as she continued to work the gum with her teeth. She let out a groan of pleasure as she bit into the gum over and over “there’s so much flavor, it’s so juicy! My mouth is covered in blueberry!”

Wanda was so enamored with the flavor she wasn’t looking at the screen on her phone. If she had been, she would have seen that her lips which were once red had turned blue. Like dye bleeding into a fabric, it started to spread over her face “oh my god you guys I don’t know what to say. I’ve never had a piece of gum like this. I can’t stop chewing.”

Wanda picked up her pace munching the gum more and more. More and more of her skin turned blue. The colour seeped through her skin running down her neck, covering her body and arms. “It’s incredible! This gum tastes so good I feel fuzzy all over, I’ve got goosebumps everywhere!” Wanda shuddered as the gum in her mouth only tasted better and better.

“Unnnghh guys I know I should be talking, but I can’t, I can’t stop chewing!” As the blueberry tone reached her hands Wanda finally noticed “my hand! They’re turning blue!” She turned her attention back to the phone. Upon seeing the bright blue face looking back at her Wanda gasped and dropped her phone.

“What’s going on I’m violet!” Wanda pulled her top out looking down at her body. Her breast inside her K-Cup bar were blue in too. Looking past them, she could see her once trim belly was sticking out now, like a small pregnant dome. As she looked at her belly in awe her jaw continued to work the gum. Her belly swelled out bigger again, but soon after that Wanda could see that more than just her belly was expanding.

Her breasts looked like they were filling her bra more than before. She could feel the band around her getting tighter and tighter. Her belt started to bite into her waist was making her wince. “Ohhh what’s happening to me I’m blowing up,” she looked around to see if anyone else was in the park. Much to her relief, she was alone at the moment.

Even though she had turned completely blue now she was having a hard time focusing on her swelling problem. The gum just kept tasting better and better it was so juicy and only seem to get even juicier with each bite. The blueberry taste was so sweet and refreshing. “The gum!” Wanda proclaimed. There was a creak from below, looking down Wanda could see that she was the full of her top now.

“Oh my god, I keep getting bigger! I have to spit this gum out!” Wanda went to spit the gum out, but she stopped. No, it was too good, she had to keep chewing it. “But if I keep chewing, I’m only going to get bigger and bigger and bigger!” there was another groan from her top as it stretched along with her swelling body. Somehow, despite her expanding body her clothes seemed to stay intact.

There was a ping as her belt snapped shooting away from her. Well, most of her clothing anyway. Wanda started to walk towards the candy shop the old man could stop this she just knew it. Walking wasn’t going her way though as with each step she could hear and feel a sloshing going on inside of her.

“Ohhhh did he plan this?” Wanda wondered to herself “why would he want a person to turn into a big blue balloon?” Wanda’s eyes widened “no! Not a balloon, a blueberry! I’m swelling up like a massive overripe blueberry!” She groaned as her body continued to swell out in all directions. Her jeans were so tight on her now she could barely move her legs.

Looking down at herself her body looked like a ball. The buttons of her top were stretched bar tight, but through some miracle held on. Wanda wasn’t sure if she could take both blowing up like this and being naked in front of everyone. God she was sure if she stopped chewing the gum this would stop, but she couldn’t.

It tasted too good, it was just too juicy she couldn’t stop her mouth from biting the succulent piece of gum over and over. “Ohhh it has to stop at some point, right?” She asked the air “I not going to keep getting bigger and juicier forever, am I?” As if to answer her question her body lurched out in all directions swelling faster than ever.

“Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhh!” Wanda moaned as she swelled out into a bigger and bigger violet ball. It was getting to the point now that even swelling bigger was starting to feel good. She knew if this kept going, she was never going to stop blowing up like the juicy blueberry she was. She knew she should spit out the gum, but she couldn’t.

It was so flavorful, so delicious, so delightful! Wanda couldn’t let it end now. She was almost drooling with each bite now. With her refusal to give up the gum she expanded, ballooned, and swelled out bigger, fatter, rounder, plumper. Her body was bigger than the trees around her now.

Wanda wasn’t sure when she got so large, she remembered trying to get to the old man’s house, but she wasn’t sure why. The gum in her mouth rolled around her tongue. She slurped it, licked it, chewed it, loved it. Wanda’s jaw worked with a passion she didn’t know she had.

Bigger and bigger and bigger Wanda ballooned filling with juice. The town below her looked small as her massive round body continued to expand more and more. She cast a shadow over the land as her mass grew bigger and riper. “Ohhh I can’t believe I just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger! I’m not going to stop am I?”

As the gum tasted better Wanda chewed ever faster she was starting to enjoy this more than she thought. Her blue round body expanded out over the landscape bigger and rounder and fuller than ever. “Mmmm the more I chew the bigger and swell, but I can’t stop chewing. Ohhh but god every chew makes me grow and grow and grow!”

Her body only ballooned faster and faster as she got bigger. It was taking less time for her massive ballooning body to cover in everything “I’m getting bigger than everything. I’m just so huge and I keep getting huger! Look at me I’m so massive I can see the ocean on either side of me.”

She swallowed over and over gulping down more of the juicy flavor of the gum. Every swallow had her almost orgasming with how amazing it tasted. She wasn’t sure what would happen if she did stop chewing. Would she even stop now? Had she already chewed so much she would just keep blowing up bigger and juicier forever?

Wanda wasn’t about to find out the answer to those questions though “there’s no way I’m spitting this gum out. It’s just to succulent and flavourful. God, I don’t know if I ever want to stop chewing on it now. I’ll just keep chewing and growing I don’t care!” She did as she said chewing and expanding more and more.

Her swollen body was covering in the entire country now. “Ahhh I’m starting to get bigger than the planet now! Oh my god, I’m just so massive! I can’t believe it still hasn’t run out of flavor. Maybe William was right.” Wanda slurped and chomped on the remarkable piece of gum “ohhhh if it never runs out of flavor I’ll just keep becoming a plumper and plumper blueberry! So fat and round and juicy!”

Wanda expanded out bigger and bigger and bigger until she was casting a shadow over the Earth. Her massive blue body was blocking the sunlight from getting to her home planet. Still, that didn’t stop Wanda she was intended to continue crewing the best piece of gum she ever had. She was now the ultimate blueberry. Destined to get bigger, bluer, and juicier. Wanda was content with that as long as she had her gum.

The End.


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