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Tifa pushes the button on the remote again biting her lower lip "mmmmm this is starting to feel good" she said as she rubs the tops of her expanding bosom. Continuing to hold the button down Tifa's boobs swell larger and larger "Ohhh by the life stream they're getting so sensitive" Tifa moaned. After another moment Tifa finally let go of the button. Her boobs had now reached the ground "time to have fun with my giant fun bags" she said to herself.

Tifa noticed that her boobs hadn't stopped growing. If anything they had started to grow faster "what's going on they should have stopped?" Looking at the remote Tifa could see that the button she had been pressed was stuck.

Her tits billowed out of control they were now taller than she was. Her boobs rubbing against the floor was turning her on a lot. She started breathing faster she was going to cum soon. "Ohhhh they're getting soooo big!" Tifa cried out in pleasure. Trying to claw the button out with her nails was proving to be a fruitless endeavor. Her tits continued to swell bigger and bigger and bigger taking up more space in the room.

Tifa started banging on the remote trying to jar the button free. It was no use the button refused to jostle free. Her face was getting flush "Ahhhhhh oh I can't help it I'm... I'm going to cum!" Tifa moaned loudly as her orgasm hit, her body tensed, she threw her head back and screamed in pleasure.

This was like no orgasm she had ever experienced. It was so intense she couldn't even control her body it just bucked and heaved. Her hands opened up dropping the remote to the ground then clenched into fists. Thoughts of pleasure consuming her mind.

After a few more moments her blissful state subsided Tifa realized what had happened. She looked to her side where she could see the remote on the ground the up button still suck inside the remote. Tifa's boobs continued their rampant growth "I-I unnnghhh can't stop it now nnuuugghh" Tifa moaned "my boobs keep growing bigger and faster."

Tifa's boobs had each grown to the size of a minivan taking up most of the space in the room. They were now pressing against the walls. The sensation of her boobs rubbing against the walls was incredible. Knowing she couldn't stop it now Tifa decided to roll with it. "Yes! Oh please more! Grow bigger and bigger and Bigger!" Tifa chanted to her swelling bust line.


Tifa heard the door open in the warehouse she could hear the echo of footsteps coming towards her. She continued to swallow her breast milk only looking out of the corner of her eye to see Yuffie walk towards her. Yuffie's mouth was agape in awe knowing someone was there to watch her grow turned Tifa on even more.

She reached up and squeezed her mammoth tits together. Tifa groaned in between swallows and felt an increase in pressure from the stream of milk that was consistently pouring its way down her throat. Her tits continued to swell bigger and fatter and rounder with each swallow.

Her tits were now covering a vast portion of her upper body and jutted at least 5 feet into the air. Tifa continued to gorge herself on her sweet milk and waiting to see what Yuffie would do.

"Tifa what are you doing?" Yuffie asked.


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