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Lissa was stood outside of the Outworld Gate, she was looking over it with a mixture of awe and curiosity. The strange gate had been dormant for some time now. Lissa had been told to stay away from it, but she couldn’t help herself she loved the mystery of the gate. As she leaned in looking at the ruins some of them started to light up.

“Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Someone is coming through.” Lissa bounced on her heels excitedly, she stepped back to give whoever was coming through the room. With a flash of energy, a light blinded Lissa’s vision. She raised her hand shielding her eyes.

Once the brilliant light had faded Lissa could finally get a view of the newcomer. He was a tall man in his mid-twenties if Lissa had to guess. His hair was black, cut short, and he had some stubble on his face. He was quite handsome really. As he turned towards Lissa, she could see he was quite well built. His was a body of intense training.

He wore leather armour, straight pants, with black leather boots. In his right hand he held a lance it seemed to be his main attack weapon Lissa couldn’t see anything else on him. “Oh, I have to tell everyone! Someone new has come through the gate!” Lissa turned to run towards the base camp.

“Stop!” Obito roared, his hand held up in the direction of Lissa, he approached her. The magical symbol glowed around his hand as he held the strange woman in place. She wasn’t a fighter that was certain, most likely a cleric. Her eyes watched him with worry “I mean you no harm,” Obito said as he circled her sizing her up. There wasn’t much here to notice, she was cute, but entirely lacking in any curve appeal.

Her blonde hair was wild, done up in two pigtails, she had buttons in her hair, along with some ribbons. Her clothing was of the most interest, it looked like something a much bustier woman would wear to show off her ample bosom. Right now, it was somewhat of a waste covering such small bumps. Looking her up and down Obito began to picture how he felt this woman should look.

He stuck his lance into the ground and help up his other had at Lissa “manifest!” he called out. Lissa still unable to move could feel a warm pleasant tingling rippling through her body. As the warmth spread it went from a pleasant feeling to arousing. What was he doing to her? Lissa could hear the creak of her leather as her body started to grow larger in her corset. She groaned lustfully as the pressure felt amazing to her.

Looking down with her eyes, Lissa would have freaked out if she could. Her breasts were getting bigger before her very eyes. They were swelling and swelling fatter and fatter. The narrow strap between her top and her collar was being pushed out more and more as a wealth of cleavage formed. As cups and cups of breast flesh manifested before her, her enlarged boobs spilled out over the top of her corset. She once had modest B cups now Lissa was sporting something closer to basketballs.

He’s turning me into some kind of oversexualized freak, Lissa said in her mind. Oddly enough she wasn’t hating what she was seeing. It was kind of turning her on to watch her body become some pervs dream. There was a ripping sound as the sides of Lissa’s skirts split letting her fat, plump, creamy white thighs spill out. Lissa started breathing faster as the tingling grew stronger inside her. If this kept up, she might cum, it felt so good.

She knew she shouldn’t be into this, but she honestly wanted more. And more she got as she grew taller bit by bit not quite the height of the man before her but certainly taller than she had been. Her breasts still ballooned out fatter and fuller till they were almost the size of beach balls. Her plump nipples were jutting out now barely covered by her now overtaxed shirt.

Finally, the tingling went away. The man finally lowered his right hand. Still, Lissa couldn’t move “now for the final piece of the puzzle,” he said as a new purple energy surrounded his hand. “Command!” he bellowed Lissa’s mind started to feel hazy, she couldn’t focus at all “I am your new master Obito,” the man said, “you belong to me, you want to please me, you love your massive breasts.”

He cupped Lissa’s large fat tit she groaned lustfully yes play with my big fat udders, I love them so much, she thought to herself. “The only thing you love more than your massive boobs is me,” He released her Lissa was able to move again. Master wanted her to move now.

Lissa’s hand now free to move again found their way to her beloved breasts “Master you’ve made my boobs so big! I love them even more now! I don’t know how I ever lived with them being so small. I’m so happy you made me so sexy!” Lissa blabbered as she rubbed and fondled her round, plump, tits. Her mind could barely focus on anything else Lissa just loved how good her breasts felt when rubbed.

She moaned loudly as she got closer and closer to orgasm. “I love my boobies so much Master I’m going to cum just from playing with them!” Lissa panted and groaned loudly as she started to shake all over. Her orgasm overtook her, and she fell to her knees. Her hands kneaded her sex pillows harder as she was raked with pleasure. She was certain she could do this all day.

Obito looked down at Lissa with a grin on his face. Yes, she was so much sexier now, he loved how much she took to his suggestions. It was like she was made for this life. “What is your name?” Obito quizzed Lissa as she came.

“Lissa,” she looked up at him, her eyes shining with devotion “my name is Lissa, Master!”

Obito crouched down next to her, his hand still glowed with the command spell “tell me about the surrounding area, who is nearby, what are their allegiances, strengths, weaknesses. Anything you can think of.” Obito cupped Lissa’s chin drawing her attention up “if you please, Master, I’ll be sure to reward your good work handsomely.”

Lissa was then an open book, she talked at great length about the land they were in. About her friends, her family, the army she was apart of, the key players of said army. She went to great lengths about how honorable and skilled her brother Chrom was. She talked about the beautiful and brilliant tactician Robin, who without they would never have advanced so far. Lissa talked for the better part of two hours. Obito simply nodded and asked probing questions when needed.

He was interested in several of the woman Lissa had talked about. Robin was vital for him to bring into his ranks. A beauty and formidable war strategist was just too much to pass up. Tiki and Nowi were musts two ancient dragons would be powerful additions to his group. Tharja sounds like a skilled mage who, based on what Lissa had described about her clothing was already a little more promiscuous herself.

Lastly, the shy, enchantress, dancer Olivia was someone who sounded very up Obito’s ally. He loved getting the shy ones to come out of their shells. Plus is she’s skilled with her hips on her feet those skills could translate to other areas. Obito could feel himself getting excited at the prospects of what was about to happen.

Looking back to the hyper busty Lissa who was still fondling her breasts in passion. Obito decided a little fun was in demand for now as well. Grabbing Lissa’s top Obito undid the buttons exposing her ample bust to the evening air “oooo Master,” Lissa cooed as she jutted her chest out further for him. Obito didn’t waste any time he started to suck on her plump nipples.

Lissa cried out in pleasure as he sucked on her left teat, before switching over to the right. Lissa cupped the back of his head pressing Obito in against her soft, supple, boobs. As he pressed against her Lissa blushed, she could feel his hard manhood poking her in her plump thighs. Her Master was enjoying her quite a bit. She loved every second of it.

As things got hotter and heavier Obito paused long enough to undo his pants pulling out his long, fat, throbbing cock. Lissa quickly worked her panties off exposing her moist sex to the world. Obito kissed Lissa passionately as he entered her. Watching women transform before him always made Obito hot. He was almost ready to burst already. As her inner walls clenched down on Obito’s cock over and over he moaned loudly getting closer and closer to orgasm. He went back to suckling on Lissa’s massive breasts again.

He loved how big and sexy he had made her. It was never 100% certain what was going to happen when Obito made changes. The person's desires still impacted what happened. Clearly, Lissa had wanted to have such large breasts. They were bigger than he had pictured them. Knowing this was how big Lissa wanted to be, turned him on so much.

With a loud moan and some erratic thrusts Obito exploded inside of Lissa. The blond-haired woman let out her shout of lust as she too came. The two lay together on the ground panting “that, that was wonderful master! I hope I was good for you too!” Lissa said as she looked down between her breasts at Obito.

Obito nodded “you were exquisite Lissa, I’m very happy with you.” Obito stood up putting his clothes back on. Lissa was about to do the same. Obito wagged a finger “ah, ah, ahh you’re never to cover your breasts you understand?”

Lissa nodded at Obito “of course Master! They’re so beautiful, why would I ever cover them!” She bounced on her heels as she said this.

Obito nodded his head in approval as she dressed “good girl, manifest!” Obito called out holding his hand up to her. Lissa’s already large bosoms lurched out even bigger. “Continue to please me and I’ll keep making them grow bigger and bigger and bigger.”

Lissa moaned in joy as her ample bosom swelled out even more massive “yes master! I’ll do well! So, my boobs can keep getting bigger for you! I love how big you’ve made them!” Lissa’s hands went to her flesh torpedoes rubbing them all over. She moaned in pleasure as her breasts were now more sensitive than ever.

The colour of the magic on Obito’s hand changed “command!” he called out the purple aura glowed from his hand “Lissa you are to make your way into the woods and set up a hidden camp,” Lissa nodded again. She now had one of her nipples in her mouth suckling on it. “I will return once I have scouted and possibly acquired another member for our group.”

Obito looked off towards the war camp Lissa had told him about. “Once camp is set up, you are to pleasure your breasts until you are completely satisfied. Not a moment before. You may only stop playing with your breasts to get water and food.”

Lissa chewed her lip “of course master why would I ever stop playing with them if I didn’t have to?” Obito was impressed he never though his command would result in such a powerful lust for her breasts. If she loved her fat boobs that much, then he knew she would be unquestioningly devoted to him.

Obito turned away from Lissa to make his way south to the camp. Releasing the command spell Lissa turned and headed into the wood to complete her task. Obito dropped low, he sprinted across the meadow, eager to get into the woods to avoid being seen. While he was powerful, it was better to avoid unnecessary conflict.

With any luck he might encounter Chrom out on a patrol. If he could get control of Chrom taking over the kingdom of Plegia would be much simpler. If what Lissa said was true, the Shepherds were a force to be reckoned with. As Orbito got into the forest his ears twitched. He could hear singing, keeping low and quiet he made his way towards the beautiful voice.

A smile spread across Obito’s face, crouched next to a stream based on the description Lissa had given him was the beautiful Olivia. Her voice was so clear and pure. Her long pink hair was now slick with water. It seemed that luck was on Obito’s side, he happened upon her as she was bathing herself. The woman’s body was toned, an athletic build made for graceful dancing. Laying next to her was a sword.

She was clever too, even while bathing she kept a weapon close at hand. Though from what Lissa had said Olivia was not much of a fighter. She was a morale booster for the Shepherds. Still, for a woman who was meant to be a dancer she lacked the curves Obito would like his dancer to have. He would need to change that.

There were other things to see to first though, Obito held up his arm “command!” he called out. Olivia raised her head in surprise, though her eyes quickly clouded over. “You belong to me now,” Obito said as he emerged from his hiding place. “Your one true joy in this world is to dance for me, it fills you would unfathomable lust,” Obito walked over to Olivia “dance for me.”

Olivia smiled coyly “of course master,” she stood up and pushed Obito back against a fallen log. “Sit,” she said as she walked away from Obito her hips already swaying as she walked away. Looking back over her shoulder at Obito Olivia’s hands started to trace around her body.

Making himself more comfortable, Obito released the magic of command “manifest!” he barked as the yellow glow surrounded his hand. Olivia’s hips flared outgrowing wider and wider; her waist narrowed to accentuate the volume of her hips even more. Obito had a picture in his head of what he wanted, however like before he allowed Olivia’s emotions to weigh in upon the changes as well.

Obito was very happy he embellished in Olivia’s subconscious urges. Her hips continued to grow bigger and wider. They were easily four feet wide when they stopped. Olivia’s thighs grew plumper as well, swelling out to match her new hips. Obito could help but start to rub himself as to his surprise Olivia’s sex joined in the swelling as well. Her mons grew fatter and plumper. It looked so juicy right now, her fat pussy turned Obito on so much he was hard as a rock.

The changes didn’t stop there though. Olivia’s small, perky breasts billowed out swelling rounder and fatter. Where Lissa’s breasts had more of a teardrop shape to them, Olivia’s breasts remained round and full. They stood high on her chest not sagging at all. They swelled and swelled and swelled.

They didn’t hang a low as Lissa’s, but it wasn’t long before they rivaled Lissa’s size. Still, they kept growing fatter and fatter, Obito was going to have to make Lissa even bigger now. He wouldn’t be able to accept anything less. Olivia’s breasts didn’t stop till they were as wide as her hips. Olivia’s ass cheeks filled out as well.

They pushed out bigger and jigglier, as Olivia rocked her hips her butt cheeks bounced and quivered. Olivia moaned loudly as she explored her new curves. Her body moved like water, swaying and flowing in front of Obito. Olivia took steps towards him. It was only then that Obito noticed her legs were longer now. Even more elegant than before.

As Olivia closed the distance between them, all the while staring at Obito with her sultry eyes did Obito truly get to appreciate how much plumper her sex had become. There would be no way for her to hide it under clothes again. Everyone would be able to see her puffy, wanting vagina. Olivia smiled “do I please you master?” she said as a tiny petite hand slipped in between the fat mons of her pussy. She groaned loudly as juices started to pour down between her legs. She was so wet and horny now.

Obito smiled undoing his pants, he pulled out his hard cock exposing it to the air. “Oh yes Olivia you please me greatly,” he said as he rubbed his cock watching her dance.

Oliva chewed her lips, “master already knows my name?” she blushed “I’m so happy to hear I please you.” Olivia’s already four-foot-wide hips flared out even more. Swelling bigger and bigger and bigger they were almost as wide as she was tall now. Obito seeing this released the manifest spell.

As much as he enjoyed her ample curves, he still needed his company morale booster to be able to walk. “Yes, Lissa told me your name,” Obito said. It was a good thing Olivia was already an athletic woman. Olivia was getting more aroused by the second. Her master loved her dancing. She had to do more for him.

Olivia watched as her master pulled himself in front of her. She could do that for him too. He deserved it, after all, he was her master. Olivia dropped to her knees in front of Obito “please master let me,” she opened her mouth and placed his pulsing cock head between her lips. The dancer’s plump lips wrapped tightly around him.

Olivia’s tongue slurped around the top of Obito’s cock, he let out a groan of lust. The twitches of his cock only seemed to entice Olivia further. She opened her mouth further taking Obito deeper inside her mouth. Obito gasped the sensation of her mouth was fantastic. Despite the shy outward appearance Olivia once portrayed, it seemed like she wasn’t all that innocent.

No one inexperienced would be sucking cock lick this. Obito’s hips twitched, his legs tensed up as she bobbed up and down on his pole. Olivia was practically trying to pull the life out of him through her mouth.

The lightly armored man gripped the sides of the tree trunk he was sitting on so tight, the whites of his knuckles showed. “Olivia, that’s it suck harder on my cock, I’m getting so close,” the seductress responded in kind, she worked harder on his shaft and head. Olivia rubbed his balls as well knowing he was about to explode inside her mouth.

Obito cried out in pleasure “Olivia!” as he tensed up, his balls clenched over and over. Olivia squeezed them encouraging his cum sac to explode with full force. As Obito came inside Olivia she simply gulped his cum down. After a few moments, Obito’s muscles relaxed.

Olivia pulled away from Obito a thin trail of saliva lingered between her mouth and his cock. Olivia licked her lips “I believe I have pleased Master greatly,” she looked up at Obito as he panted “would Master like to please me?”

The grin of a hungry wolf spread across Obito’s lips “yes I would,” the yellow glow of the manifest spell surrounded his hand. He pointed it at himself. His still hard cock throbbed out bigger and fatter between his legs. His empty balls replenished themselves and billowed out fuller than ever.

Olivia watched this with great awe. The fatter her Master’s cock grew the more excited she became. “Oh, wow it’s so big now Master,” Olivia cooed.

Obito reached down between Olivia’s legs rubbing her fat sex “it has to be for such a big sexy pussy,” he leaned in and kissed Olivia. The woman moaned loudly into his mouth as Obito rubbed her hypersensitive pussy. She nearly came just from knowing her Master was touching her there.

Olivia melted into the kiss as it went on. Finally, once Obito was done he pulled back, Olivia stared into his eyes passionately. “Please Master, use my big, fat pussy, cum inside me!” Olivia stood up from the ground. Olivia stepped up onto the stump, spreading her legs she lowered her swollen pussy down onto Obito’s giant meat pole. Once inside Obito’s cock was large enough that it made Olivia’s belly bulge out from its length.

“Ahhhh yes! Look how much it fills me, Master! It’s stretching my pussy so good!” Olivia was already gushing all over Obito’s legs. His pants were drenched in seconds from the river of pussy juice that flowed from Olivia’s expanded sex flower. Olivia didn’t even bother to ease into it. She humped and thrust hard onto Obito’s arm-sized shaft.

Obito had to force himself to stay upright, the hot pressure of Olivia’s huge pussy all over his massive cock nearly made him pass out. Once recovered though, the heightened sensitivity of his pulsing dick drove him into a frenzy of lust himself. He matched the hyper-sexualized dancer thrust for thrust.

Both of them groaned and cried out in pleasure. Olivia’s gigantic udders bounced in his face. Obito stuffed both nipples into his mouth, he sucked on them roughly. Olivia pleaded for more as he sucked. Obito wrapped his arms around Olivia, Olivia wrapped her legs around Obito. Obito was completely engulfed in the soft supple flesh of his current lover Olvia.

Her body shook and quivered as the two passionately fucked each other wildly. “Ahhhhh, Master! I’m going to cum!” Olivia screamed as her puffed up pussy clenched down harder than ever onto Obito’s cock. The young warrior king roared in pleasure as the cum was pulled from his cock by Olivia’s powerful pussy.

Obito came and came and came into, Olivia her belly swelled out filling with cum. Maybe if she was lucky, she would bear him children from this Olivia thought to herself. With the amount Obito pumped into her, Olivia now looked like she was pregnant. The feel of her Master seed inside her was more than she could handle. Olivia couldn’t let this end now, she needed more.

Olivia stood up from Obito’s cock, cum oozed from her punished pussy. She stepped off of the stump, turned around, dropped to her knees, bent over, and pulled her massive ass cheeks apart too. “Fuck me here to Master! Please, I need it! I need more! I want Master’s cock in all my holes!” Olivia’s asshole was plump and eager to take her Master’s fat cock.

Obito being just as drunk on pleasure as Olivia was, couldn’t refuse her offer. His hand glowed again “manifest!” he called out using the powerful spell once again. Obito’s now empty balls refilled, his arm sized cock grew out fatter and longer than ever. He manipulated his body to make it more powerful, his cock extended more and more till it was longer and thicker than his leg. “Don’t worry Olivia you are pleasing master greatly so I will reward you with what you want,” the yellow faded from his hand. Obito stood from the stump angled his massive tree of a cock between Olivia’s plump ass cheeks and began to thrust.

As the impossibly fat cock head pushed its way into Olivia’s tight asshole her whole body tensed up. Her neck was so tight the veins could be seen as they pulsed “unnnnnghhhhhhhaaaaaaa! YES!” Olivia screeched as her body was wracked with orgasm. “Haaaaaaa! More! More! More! I want it all inside my tight, slutty asshole!” The promiscuous dancer screamed as just the tip of Obito’s giant manhood entered her.

She nearly whited out as the rest of the bulbous head slid in. She wasn’t going to let herself pass out though. Olivia would please her Master. She braced herself against the ground. Olivia pushed back helping Obito stuff his colossal rod deeper and deeper inside her. The further in it went the more pleasure Olivia felt. Nothing in life had ever compared to this. This was her Master’s cock it was better than any other cock in the world. Olivia came harder and harder, over and over onto Obito’s cock. The forest floor was flooded with her pussy cum.

As his hand sunk into Olivia’s enormous butt cheeks, Obito called upon the powers of his manifest spell again. He invoked it with both hands. The power poured into Olivia; the woman’s body surged out in all directions. Her tits pushed her up off the ground, her hips swelled out bigger and bigger, her ass cheeks grew so massive Obito was completely wrapped up in them as he pumped his giant cock harder and harder into Oliva.

The woman was so horny now she wanted to be nothing, but a massive fuck toy for her Master. She wanted the biggest hips, the fattest ass, the plumpest pussy, the roundest tits. “Ahhhh, Master! I feel so good! I can’t stop cumming!” Obito was about to cum as well his massive balls were large enough to touch against the ground now too. The pressure from Olivia’s humongous ass cheeks bouncing against them pushed Obito over the edge.

Just as he buried his gargantuan prick all the way into Olivia’s ass, he blew his load. His cock pushed out from Olivia’s belly so much the head of his cock suck out past Olivia’s breast. It was like there was a flesh-colored condom between Olivia’s tits. Only the condom was Olivia’s belly itself. With a loud moan, Obito’s hips bucked erratically.

Gallons of cum escaped from his balls into his lover Olivia. Lost in pleasure herself Olivia rubbed her cum ballooning belly as it swelled bigger and fuller with her Master's seed. The shape of Obito’s cock vanished from Olivia’s belly as it was stuffed with his hot goo.

After what felt like an eternity the two collapsed, they panted and moaned completely spent from their hypersexual odyssey. Olivia’s breasts were easily three times her size, her hips were wide enough they touched the trees on either side of her. He ass so massive Obito couldn’t see light from where he was between them.

Now fully satisfied Obito invoked manifest again. The two of them began to shrink down. It took some time, but eventually Olivia was returned the size she had become, just before the two started having sex. Obito returned himself to his normal size as well. A giant cock was fun for lovemaking, but it made for a poor weapon on a battlefield.

Olivia lounged on a patch of grass looking at him lovingly. Obito moved over to where she was, he sat next to her. Obito leaned in and gave her a tender kiss “you have done very well Olivia,” he stroked her cheek with his thumb “I promise we’ll do this a lot as we travel.”

Olivia chewed her lip looking away shyly, now that she was no longer dancing for him, she had taken to some of her timider nature again “I... I would like that Master.”

Obito didn’t feel there was any information he would need to press Olivia for. Most likely she would have the same information Lissa did. Perhaps some more gossip as she would most likely be on more intimate terms with the soldiers. Obito didn’t need gossip right now, he needed control.

His hand glowed purple as the control magic enveloped his hand. He directed Olivia to where he had sent Lissa. He told her to wait for him there. He also told her that she was to have fun with Lissa as well. Giving Olivia a similar mission of passion he had given Lissa. Once the two had bathed in the river and dressed they went their separate ways. 

Obito made his way deeper into the woods he intended to reach the other end of the woods by nightfall so he could slip between the Shepherds war camp under cover of darkness. It was getting close to that time now Obito’s session with Olivia had taken longer than he had planned, though it had been worth it. Obito was getting close to the main road of the forest now he would follow along the road till he got to his destination.

“She should have been back by now,” a deep voice caused Obito to stop. Getting low Obito stealthed his way closer to the voice. “It’s not like Lissa to vanish for the whole day,” there was a reply, but Obito could only hear muffled words. As he came to some bushes at the side of the road Obito’s grip tightened on his lance. He could see the owner of the deep voice now. It was the strong, honorable, leader of The Band of the Shepherds. It was Chrom.

To be continued.


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