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Hi all,

We're here at last, bringing with us the first implementation of many camp systems, a boatload of new weapon variations, and a whole host of crafting materials. We've managed to make up for a lot of the time lost to staff sickness, though we'll be the first to admit that there are some things we'd love to have implemented already if we'd all been operational. We're a small team and so when two of our number are down it does have an impact, but despite that we've delivered a chunky feature-heavy update.

The addition of crafting to the game brings with it a plethora of new kit, including multiple variants of our Khopesh, Longsword, Spear, and Daggers. Not only can you shape metal into weapons, but the very bones and teeth of your enemies can be fashioned into vicious implements of death (that will soon deal the upcoming "primal" damage type).

As the game creeps towards including more RPG features, our enemies now drop new lore-relevant crafting ingredients ranging from various types of Essence to everyone's favourite Writhing Grubs. Some ingredients cannot yet be used, such as the Reptilian Pelt, however they're needed for things that are already in the works.

The Camp now features the first handful of customisation options, allowing you to choose your Tent, Bed, Follower Housing, and Monument. For now these are purely cosmetic changes, but many will shortly be linked to NPCs that wander your camp (Follower Housing) or the tier of NPC that will roll in the sheets with you (Bed).

With the addition of Khaba's audio, the main quest up to the final stage of Diamond in the Rough is now fully voice acted. More quests, including main quests and the next boss-fight, are currently in-development.

Finally we've taken on board the tidal wave of votes, including the famous Bread V Sweat straw poll, and overhauled our roadmap top to bottom. We not only looked at the winners but the runners up and all areas of interest, factoring this into our new full-time schedule. We'll publish our rearranged roadmap in the coming days, but for the time being please note that the current one is out of date; August is now focussed on Character Customisation, with Dynamic Sex the next priority.

We want to thank you all so much for your support. We've got a decent chunk of the "normal game" content in and can now focus more on quests, sex, customisation, sex, and sex for a while. The community continues to grow and we're still listening and watching (and echo is stacking the references document full to the brim with tonnes of the art posted in the various channels - damn that Tiger Demon Chick...).

We love engaging with the community and we're constantly looking for more ways to get you all directly involved in development, so keep an eye out for polls and discussions in the coming weeks. Again we truly appreciate the support for our unwell team members - they're both back in the saddle now though so we're firing on all cylinders and mixing our metaphors like never before!

Team Carnal Instinct


Changelog, v0.2.90

  • Added Crafting System for Weapons & Potions
  • Added Total 30 new Weapons
  • Added Items - "Bone Khopesh", "Bone Daggers", "Bone Spear", "Bone Sword"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Khopesh", "Ornate Bronze Khopesh"
  • Added Items - "Iron Khopesh", "Refined Iron Khopesh", "Ornate Iron Khopesh"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Daggers", "Ornate Bronze Daggers"
  • Added Items - "Iron Daggers", "Refined Iron Daggers", "Ornate Iron Daggers"
  • Added Items - "Bronze Spear", "Refined Bronze Spear", "Ornate Bronze Spear"
  • Added Items - "Iron Spear", "Refined Iron Spear", "Ornate Iron Spear"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Sword", "Ornate Bronze Sword"
  • Added Items - "Iron Sword", "Refined Iron Sword", "Ornate Iron Sword"
  • Added Items - "Bronze Ingots", "Iron Ingots", "Bronze Fragments", "Iron Fragments"
  • Added Items - "Beast Claw", "Beast Heart", "Beast Entrails", "Beast Pelt"
  • Added Items - "Reptile Pelt", "Reptile Scraps", "Reptile Skull"
  • Added Various Crafting Items
  • Added Camp System
  • Added Camp Item - "Sturdy Shelter"
  • Added Camp Item - "Escaped Slave's Shelter"
  • Added Camp Item - "Nomad's Pavilion"
  • Added Camp Item - "Desperate Followers"
  • Added Camp Item - "Nomadic Followers"
  • Added Camp Item - "White Marble Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Dark Sandstone Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Red Marble Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Pale Sandstone Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Sleeping Roll"
  • Added Camp Item - "Simple Mattress"
  • Added New Enemy - Hidden Cursed Ones
  • Added New Enemy - Tomb Robber
  • Expanded Map Area, Various Map Adjustments
  • Changed Merchant Lines to go along with fix to Merchant interaction which allowed movement during access
  • Changed saving system to prevent auto-save from saving during Dialog
  • Fixed an issue with various materials
  • Fixed a bug where the Tomb of Q'Tesh was flooded
  • Fixed an issue where you could just have balls with no cock
  • Fixed Cosmetic Duplicated Issue
  • Fixed an issue with destroyed interactables not being handled properly on save/load
  • Improved dialog with older scenes to make it clear that Horse cocks do not work with them
  • Added various drops to NPCs




sorry to hear about the sickness within the team, hoping people get better, but it's very cool to see how much the game has been getting improved upon in the little time i've been with the patreon


Thank you so much for the content despite the setbacks from staff sickness. I hope you all are doing well and are not overworking yourselves.


I went to the crafting and weapon merchants but can't make anything, just buy. I am unable to upgrade any weapon. Is this still awaiting implementation in the game?


the weapons have level requirements along with materials and prerequisite weapons


I just hope you guys don't push it, if two of you are getting back into the swing of things after coming back from being sick, the last thing I want is for them to relaps and for it (their illness) to get Worse, But as long as you lot are absolutely sure you can handle the load, then I'll be cautiously optimistic about things going forward. I love this project, and I don't want anyone on the team to get stressed to the point of burnout or quitting. Take as much time as you require, just keep us up to date on the situation, that is all I'd ask.


I am busy with the quest for the jackle dude, i gave him his eye from the bush and he gave me the key for the temple but i saved and left the game before finishing the quest. when i reloaded the key was gone. any way you can help me?


go back to the Anubis statue and ask about his right eye and the quest will re update and he'll give you the key again.


Hi. I don't know if it's been mentionned by someone else or if it's just my computer, but for every save I do, even if I delete other saves, it takes longer and longer to save. I'm at like 1 or two minutes frozen per save now.


when i want to continue the quest diamond in the rough and tales of the void i cant reach the location caus of an invisible wall

Whale Tunnel

yeah the shop inventory got a terrible bug I cant gain access to the materials that I want due to my inventory window block the shop window along trying to get underground to get the Anubis eye the key is glitch disappear and never return.

stephen jenns

Is the male option a skin you get in the game as an item?


Is anyone else having the Save issue where each completed quest increases how long it takes to save?


Same here and also when starting up the game. The bigger the save, the longer it takes to load. Thought it was frozen but decided just to wait and it eventually loaded.


Yes. My saves currently lock up my machine for 10+ minutes


The ability to put on the male body but still look feminine would be amazing

stephen jenns

How do I change genders?


I would love if you could become a naga they look un-believably good, keep up the amazing work