Camp Vote - Tent Cosmetics (Patreon)
"Fine linens were all about, silks and rare hides too. Never had I dreamt such finery could exist atop so desolate an outcrop. One by one we were ushered past the rows of masked warriors, each wielding a stout staff furnished with a cruel, forked blade. In that secret spot we became the first apostles of her true creed."
Hi all,
This is the first of two votes for the camp starting options. When the system first launches there will be limited choices, something we'll add unlocks for regularly as the game develops. The first Player Tent option is very simple, little more than a collection of tattered rags, fitting as the home for where our story will eventually begin; the Escaped Slave's Shelter.
As we move forward though other paths will open up, different quest outcomes will add to the available cosmetics for the camp. It's to this end that we need your help in choosing what the starting selection looks like. For this month a single option will make it in-game (in addition to the starting tent.
These tents are fairly large and you can walk around inside them, housing your stash, bed and throne. The options available range from the militaristic canvas structures used by the Northern Narthossi Empire, to the rich pillows and silks of those that seek little beyond the pleasures of the flesh.
It's one vote per patron this time around so choose wisely.
Good luck!