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Hi all,

Welcome to the second update for June. This update marks our first significant departure from our initial plans for a month, as laid out on our roadmap, and with good reason. There were several chunky systems we've been working on behind the scenes that were very nearly ready to push live and, with the camp systems dropping next month, we wanted them in-game before that time.

So what were the various winners and losers in this shake-up? Well the males are now in-game, though with limited content; you can still run, fight, swim, and fuck as a male human, however only two sex scenes are available thus far (and they're both for the bigger equipment).

Our initial four Patron shrines have been moved back a month - with 3/4 of them featuring pre-order content we felt that we didn't want to rush content in without the attention to detail it deserved. Eagle-eyed players will discover the first zone, though it's currently devoid of embellishments and interaction. 

It was a tough decision for us to make, but over the coming weeks and months the shrines will be implemented in waves, bumped back to make way for the new features. The assets are already complete and we're excited to share with you some of the most detailed environment artwork in the game to date.

This change allowed us to implement the first-pass of some key systems that are needed for players to get the most out of next-month's camp update; the new day/night cycle and our levelling/xp system.

The implementation of day and night, as teased in our very first trailer, is something that's really important to how Sabu will develop over time. Currently the change is merely cosmetic, but in future the nocturnal gameplay will feature different enemies and encounters among other changes.

For a long time the RPG component of the game has been in need of further development and, whilst we're still firmly in pre-alpha, we're taking another step in that direction with the introduction of a levelling system. It's currently woefully unbalanced, but you'll now encounter enemies of different levels and your own level will increase with XP gained. This will further feed into other systems as well (that we're currently playing close to our chest).

Another item that had to be shifted back was the 'Welcome Home" quest. Initially we'd planned to release it this month, however it would have dead-ended with an empty camp that players couldn't upgrade, so we felt it made more sense to implement it along with the camp mechanics themselves in July.

"Levels are great, and I wanted that quest, but what about the sex?!" I hear you cry. Well, have no fear, for we have two slaves bound and begging for it... literally... I mean they're on the verge of petrification here. Male and female options are available, though both currently only support a male player. Both are particularly messy in the end too, given that they're for larger members.

We've name-dropped the camp already, and the site for it now exists in the world. What props or buildings you'll find there are temporary however, and will be replaced next month (the votes for the buildings have been delayed whilst we finalised some design decisions and will go up in the next few days).

For now the camp lacks any of its systems, beyond a temporary implementation of the sleep mechanic (to advance time). If you're a fan of a particular time of day then you can interact with the player's bed to skip to it. Again you can already see how this will feed into other systems. We love it when a plan comes together... well not just when plans do it. 

In terms of visual upgrades, both the water and sky have received an overhaul, making the world far more appealing to spend time in. Performance costs have been balanced with further optimisations, so you shouldn't see much of a hit (if any) to your framerate.

New bodies and scenes call for new equipment below the belt, with this month featuring the Demigod-Patron funded Ultimatus. It's a spikey, spiny, nubby, knotted tool of both pleasure and pain. The long-dead being it belonged to has little use for it now, so you may as well take it for a spin.

Overall June has been a mammoth task, laying what we think are some essential improvements for the camp systems next month. We know that this marks a significant change in some areas, though we ensured what we considered the 'core' deliverables (primarily males) were included.

This is a huge step forward and, as the camp drops over the next updates, Sabu is about to have a lot more going on.

Thank you all so much - it's down to your incredible support that Carnal Instinct is developing so rapidly and we're gathering momentum as we race towards Alpha. 

Team Carnal Instinct 


Changelog, v0.2.80

  • Added Sex Scene - "Male Slave"
  • Added Sex Scene - "Female Slave"
  • Added Item - "Human Male Form"
  • Added Item - "Ample Scrotum"
  • Added Item - "Hefty Scrotum"
  • Added Item - "Ultimatus"
  • Added Day/Night cycle to Sabu
  • Added Renown (Player Levelling System)
  • Added Enemy Levels - Colour coded based on your level
  • Added "Empty" player camp blockout
  • Added Player Stash
  • Added Player Bed
  • Added new player capture to the Inventory Screen
  • Added Human Male Locomotion Animations
  • Added Human Male SFX
  • Added various objects to the map including new water materials
  • Fixed a bug with the cosmetic system not applying when saving/loading without opening the inventory
  • Fixed various problems with roaming NPC's which caused them to occasionally spike
  • Fixed a problem with consumable jars not disappearing
  • Fixed collision issues throughout the world
  • Fixed multiple game thread problems improving performance
  • Fixed a bug with cock tints
  • Fixed underwater foliage not spawning
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to sell items intended to be un-sellable
  • Fixed multiple spelling errors within the game
  • Changed wraps to work with 'Human Male Form'
  • Changed the Merchant UI
  • Changed textures on multiple objects for better performance
  • Changed underwater post-processing




nice males charakter ^-^


open the launcher, click "login to patreon" and that button should be replaced with "download game" and it will start the update


Great job guys, some of the elements of your game like climbing and animations are on par with AAA games, you guys clearly have a vision and plan compared to wild life that barely had any substantial update years in the making.


will there be any game over scenes in the future?


I just wanted to say love this game but the new add-ons have made the void weapon become deleted wile equipped also cant seem to find the male body anywhere yet but I'll keep looking.

stephen jenns

It keeps telling me "patron not active" whenever I try to log in on the launcher


Please tell me one of the available male scenes is with the viper / snake lady


Anyone else having a problem with the update? I keep getting the 0.2.71 version even if I download it again. Can't get the 0.2.80...


i keep getting Patreon not active but it is hmm


Something like that happened to me. Give it 24hrs and it'll clear up. It has to do something with the patreon system and nothing on you or your account.


im stuck at the patreon screen, the login button is greyed out so I can't do anything


If you're a recent patron then it can take around 24 hours at the start of a month (this is on Patrons backend and outside of our control. Otherwise please check out the troubleshooting tips here https://www.carnal-instinct.com/support#Launcher


If you're a recent patron then it can take around 24 hours at the start of a month (this is on Patrons backend and outside of our control. Otherwise please check out the troubleshooting tips here https://www.carnal-instinct.com/support#Launcher


If you're a recent patron then it can take around 24 hours at the start of a month (this is on Patrons backend and outside of our control. Otherwise please check out the troubleshooting tips here https://www.carnal-instinct.com/support#Launcher


There are often issues with saves between versions and in addition we're aware of the inventory eating items. We're working on solutions and overhauling the body system, so hopefully problems such as this will be resolved soon. I suspect you've already found the item now, but if not it's around here https://transgressor.dev/carnal-instinct/#6/3730.000/2660.000


I had the same issue and with some obnoxious fiddling I was able to get it working. I had to clear my patreon login from the menu and log back in then exit the launcher and relaunch it. After that I was finally able to download the update.


where do you find the camp?


I've been supporting since March but I can't seem to get the launcher to update from 2.71 to 2.80 :(


Hello WarStag, I would recommend running the launcher as administrator if you haven't tried this yet. Sometimes antivirus software doesn't recognize the launcher as legitimate and denies the download without alerting you.


same issue the launcher doesn't do updates even running in admin mode and with antiviruses off


when will the next update be coming


Can't download anything here either.