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Year 160 part 2

So many different things to focus on, and perhaps, that is how an empire loses focus. An emperor cannot do everything at once, and though I have significantly more advantages than any regular emperor, I too, feel this limitation. It’s increasingly obvious that I am often the bottleneck of any decision making process.

I have so many different concurrent research projects, all operated by my artificial minds. Time to check in on each of them.

Anti-divine research. The lack of testability hampered progress. The artificial minds are trying the best to reverse engineer the component parts of the blackstar gems, but it’s really educated guesses at this point. Without ways to test effectiveness, it’s hard to know what exactly works, and what doesn’t.

Demon invasion research. Research into extreme terrains was not doing too bad. My main body actually has all-terrain adaptability, and that essentially meant it’s possible for me to survive in their world. The problem was my subsidiary trees, and also the forces that I have to bring to mount a successful retaliation.

Patreeck and my artificial minds are modelling various scenarios, and presented with a wide range of areas where we needed.

Firstly, we needed a way to create mana on their homeworld, and from that mana, create water and other materials we needed. Only with this we can hope to maintain a permanent staging point on their homeworld. I wondered whether such resources are available on their world, but I thought the chances are very slim. So, it’s likely that we’d have to make water. It’s not entirely impossible, there are spells and gems that can do so, but this is a key starting point.

Secondly, we were also working on the alien-world beetles. This meant further enhancing their ability to operate in ultra-arid environments. The brief moments when I spawned trees on the other side gave me some data, and one of which, all the beetles were incredibly brittle without the necessary moisture. Even my trees didn’t hold itself together that well. We needed to design a replacement fluid, something that would not just immediately evaporate in the demon world. Developing this evaporation-resistant fluid would strengthen both tree and beetle, and would reduce the impact of the water-scarcity.

Thirdly, was a matter that needed Stella’s input as my first [void mage]. The issue of maintaining the demon rifts, and the possibility of creating our own rifts. If we could create rifts, we could even find a way to send her home. When I told her that this was a way of testing the portals, she was quickly on board. The idea of helping to defeat the demons through research seemed to appeal to her. But firstly, I need to recreate the rifts, and that’s... a lot harder. Stella experimented with teleportation spells instead, and actually, teleportation within the same area, or even the same continent did not require any void mana. This meant void mana may actually be only needed for inter-world issues. Is void mana perhaps some kind of ‘transdimensional-fluid’?

If so, the void mana merely something to act as a shell, to send a packet through the stars? I... didn’t know how to test my theory.

“Let’s send somebody to the two moons.” Stella said. “We don’t know how to send someone to the other world, but I think we can first attempt the moons.”

That... is a good idea. Are the demons on the same ‘realm’ as us? Or are they actually creatures on some other planes of existence? Maybe this test would go nowhere, but in any case, teleporting to the moon sounds like a good first step.

One small step for the tree, one giant step for the forest!


After that, there’s also the sea related research, and the idea of somehow developing a network of deep-ocean roots. My roots would essentially be subsea internet cables, wouldn’t it? If I could make deep ocean roots, where, at certain regular intervals, I have floating plants to sustain the network?

So, on this front, we also have research on making my roots go further, last longer, and can survive the pressures and dangers of the deep sea. There are monsters down there. I hoped Reefy would be able to assist, or could Reefy be a bridge?

But its has a strong turtle instinct. That meant Reefy’s first instinct is to just hide and build huge defenses.

Are all reefs like this?

Why are trees different?

Anyway, I didn’t have any progress on ocean-level grass, but I did make progress on large floating vines and floating roots. Perhaps I could float a root or a vine all the way to the other continents? Convert the entire ocean into a massive hydroponic farm?

Ideas ideas, but whether the system cooperates by rewarding me with a skill is another matter.


Then there’s the matter of bombs. Alka, my chief scientist, is doing his best. I mean, he’s a little bit mad, as with all those who dabble in research, but I suppose dealing with bombs do tend to make one a lot more edgy than usual.

I decided to award him one of my [Court of the Deitree], so that I can teleport him away should one of the bombs go nuts.

No progress is ever made without a few accidental explosions. On this front, Stella’s also contributing, because one of our earth-inspired ideas was a star-mana and void-mana fusion bomb.

We had to quickly allocate a space, an uninhabited segment of the continent for Alka’s bomb research. Kei quickly dubbed it our Area 51. I thought that wasn’t quite correct, I thought it’ll be more of our Bikini Atoll or some shit.

It’s honestly quite entertaining, to watch shit blow up. I would love to see all these new bombs blow up in front of the demon king. His research also led to some attempts at mixing crystal matrixes with hexbombs. It’s pretty much a ‘dirty bomb’.

Didn’t work very well, it seemed that hex itself did not enjoy being trapped in crystal matrixes and would also corrode the runic formations present inside any crystal matrixes. Perhaps we’re doing it wrong, but Alka and his small army of crystalworkers were hard at work.


Then, after research, was the issue of training. Every year we focus on training new people, and the training programme of the major institutions get finetuned year after year.

I’ve also awarded more upgraded classes, and in Edna’s case, I upgraded more of her skills.

Also, thanks to my recent research into mana, I’ve managed to figure out some ways to increase a ley line’s strength. In some ways, ley lines are like ‘feng shui’ flows, the will of the world’s movements, and it’s affected by strange offerings and structures that normally do not have any magical effects.

In short, a simple statue of the right kind, in the right places, can actually amplify a ley line. There’s a certain set of rules around ley lines, and these rules only apply in a relatively limited distance from the ley line. I am still in the process of figuring it out, but I got help from that [Shaman].

He carved a simple totem, and placed it quite a distance from the ley line, and yet, somehow, it interacted with the ley line and increased its power. That pushed up the levels of the monsters from a dungeon made of said ley line by 10!

So, after a few more tweaks, we finally made a dungeon able to spawn Level 100 monsters.

[Level 100 Dungeons unlocked. Dungeon level limit increased]

Uh? Stupid system. Why make us jump through hoops just to allow us to make more level 100 monsters?

With that, my Valthorns, especially those in the level 80s and 90s, and also Edna, started challenging the Level 100 dungeons. I still had a huge stockpile of experience seeds, though right now, my limiter is actually my [ginseng] plant. Back then, when I first got the skill, I was limited to 3 ginseng at any one time. Now, I’m still limited to about 15 ginseng at any time, and the ginseng needs at least 5 years before they are sufficiently mature to unlock the level limit. Essentially, every 5 years, I can unlock 15 individuals. I missed a few decades during the Burning Rottedlands era, and have been resuming it after I regained my own sense of self, a good 50 years ago. There were a few accidental failures too, due to the erratic nature of the monster spawns, so I still have about 65 or so Ginseng I can deploy.

That’s quite a small pool, but I decided I had to be generous, and gave it to most of the Valthorns that capped out at around Level 80 to 85.

I recently also had my first Valthorn Treefolk that hit his level limit. His level limit was actually higher, at level 95. Still, his class mix was a bit part [Aeonic Berserker] and part [Wood mage], and also part [villager], so some of those levels were not that ‘effective’. Still, it was enlightening to look at a high leveled Treefolk under the hood.

One of the immediate differences was that the Soul Spring seemed to have a secondary source of mana. There was a small trickle of ‘water’ that dripped in from up above, as if it rained in the soul spring. After some analysis, this was the Treefolk’s natural ability to absorb vitality and strength from its surroundings, like a tree would gather nutrients from its surroundings.

So, I really wonder how different Lilies’ soul spring would be. I’m unable to view my own, after all, Lilies and Reefy might be the closest equivalent I will ever find.


Lumoof, Patreearch of the Treeology, the First of the Decarches led a prayer, once every month. There was a schedule in place, each Patreearch or Matreearch would lead a prayer, and they would take turns to do so.

At first, it felt very... old-school to have a religion that conducts prayers, but the priests eventually convinced me that their very class demands them to conduct acts of faith, and mass prayers were one of the best ways to do so.

I still remember how weird it was to have others pray to me, at first, but eventually I got used to it. Now, these mass prayers were the next level. I wonder whether this is how superstars feel like, having a big fanbase. The halls were massive for the prayers, and I made an extremely large sized [Tree of Prayer] in the center of the hall, for them to focus their prayers. It was easily one of the most beautiful ones I’ve made too, with all sorts of flowering colors and little glowing lights.

To add to the spectacle, I had one of the artificial minds coordinate the flowering with the sermons. It helps, apparently.

Lumoof was also a recipient of my [soul strengthening seed], and the unlocked level limit seemed to de-age him by a decade or two, simply because his soul now had a lot more vitality, and that vitality flowed into his overall well being.

Faith is one of the unifying features of the Central Continent. I could actually see the parallels of the Central Continent with the Holy Roman Empire, and also the Muslim Empires, in that faith and governance are intertwined. Part of this by design, my own attempts to forge unity through culture meant the religious aspects also meant there is institutional backing for the missionary and preachers.

As a result, the temples of Aeon, over time, also became a social venue, and a place for those seeking audiences with authority to mingle. Prayers are one of the few rare moments where nobles and common folk can be seen together, at least among the common races of humans, elves, dwarves and centaurs.

For the non-humans, many still remember the earlier racial purges, and that too is a cause for wars between the kingdoms under my jurisdiction. It seemed that past transgressions continue to remain, even till today.

Lumoof paused, as he touched those who came for prayer briefly. A [blessing], a skill of many high priests. It often grants a temporary boost to their health and strength, for usually a week or two. The short duration is intentional, meant to encourage their return to the temples.

Next, was the baby blessings. Children and spawn of all races were brought before him, He chanted, and they all had a warm glow. Also a blessing. It seemed that just like how I have a special [nursery], the priests too have a separate set of blessings for children.

There were a few more act of ‘miracles’ as they called it, as Lumoof demonstrated a power available to all the Patreearchs. An act of healing or restoration very much like my ability to remove curses and fix arms, though with some additional, like they needed a bit of the persons’ memento.

I had often forgotten that priests and shamans have abilities that can often influence the [soul]. The day’s proceedings were over.

Lumoof relaxed and walked to the back of the prayer halls. Some of the junior priests exclaimed their sense of wonder at Lumoof’s abilities.

He smiled.

“A moment, Patreearch Lumoof?” The nobles often tried to find time to speak to the high priests after prayer.

“Ah. I have a meeting to attend to.”


Arlisa and Lausanne attended these prayers occasionally, and they both used a ring that seemed to distort everyone’s perception of them, usually giving them some semblance of privacy. Afterwards, they’d have lunch in one of the city’s many restaurants.

Lausanne was pregnant again, but she coped well, her high levels and strong physique meant she suffered few of pregnancies’ many challenges. Arlisa was pretty much her bodyguard, though there were a few Valthorns in the vicinity ready to assist her should it be needed.

Lausanne had the talk with Arlisa, about children, and sex and the not-so-young Arlisa blushed. She was after all 19, almost 20, and for half-elves, this was at the very edge of adulthood. Lausanne then shared some differences about how babies were cared for on the other continents, and Arlisa decided it was too much for her, so she changed the subject. She had decided to work a little bit harder this year, and that hard work quickly translated to levels.

Maybe it was the pressure of having a younger sibling? At her age, having a sibling that’s just a baby?

I’ve never wondered about the issue of the age gap between siblings in a world where elves can have children for centuries.

Do they even have laws on minors? How does one even shape laws on minors when what is considered a minor differed across species, and the intermixed species which matured at different speeds?


Year 161

Stella’s attempt to teleport to the moon failed again. Of course, during this time, she and Kei brainstormed many issues.

“Surely that moon has no oxygen.”

“We don’t know for sure.”

“It makes better sense for me to go.” Kei said. “I’m a golem. I can live there.”

“But what if I can’t send you back?”

“And sending you there is a better idea?”

“I’m the [void mage]? I can cast the same spell in reverse.”

There are two moons, and both moons have a somewhat elliptical orbit around this world. Or at least, that’s how it seemed to me.

“You’ll die first.” Kei responded. “If there are monsters, or if the moon is inhabitable, then you’re dead the moment the rift opens.”

“Air doesn’t pass through rifts.” That’s what I said, really. The demons’ rifts are more like a pathway filled with filters. One has to use the exact mana sequence and resonance to actually interact with them.

“How do we know that?” Kei argued. “That sample size is based on the demon’s rifts. Why should our magic be the same?”

Stella agreed, but then, this entire argument was one of the few distractions from the real fundamental problem they had. Portal spells... have been lost to time. Heroes have a teleportation spell, unlocked as part of the heroes’ grimoire when they hit somewhere around level 101 to 105, but those are teleportation spells that only works on a small number of people around them, and isn’t a ‘portal’.

They continued experimenting. This, being an area of magic, and most of my magical knowledge were more of the crafting or enchantment sort, meant my ability to contribute was extremely limited, despite my mana mastery.


I also relooked at my inventory. I had stored so many different things over the decades, and then looked at the single unused [Forest rod].

Then I wondered for a moment.

Could I use this on the demon’s world? It’s mostly useless on this world, but could the rod be my single superterraforming stick, to allow me to make that single base on their homeworld?

It could work. I quickly analysed the rod for its characteristics again. I had done so in the past and found certain parts of it confusing, its material some kind of strange metal. It was strange, that it absorbed mana from whoever, and whoever flooded it with mana gained control of it. Yet, how it performs its terraforming or terrain shaping is still something I didn’t quite understand, simply because it worked very differently from my own powers.

I still didn’t understand what it is. There were a set of crystals inside that seemed to hold the entirety of the Rod’s functionalities, and those crystals refused to reveal its’ secrets. I didn’t want to poke too hard either, and risk losing my one and only Forest Rod.

But it was worth trying. Once we can establish a reliable riftportal to the demon world, the Forest Rod will be going to the other side.



Thanks for the chapter ❤️


If he could tunnel down for that city, why not just go under the oceans?


Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter


That day when all other continents see their 'cursed' continent has a fucking homemade-demon-world portal with friendly terrain, hundreds of homemade high level dungeons, homemade portal to the mooooon, homemade nuclear bomb and all other cool stuffs The other continents: *suprised pikachu face*


It won't solve the problem of sparse nutrients, and probably would be even slower than researching ocean adaptations (which, when finished, will allow for quick cross-water expansions without creating potential choke points)


Thanks muchly for the chappy! I am so here for extratreerestrial colonization. 🌙🧑‍🚀


Don't forget museums of lost forgotten races deep underground double as anti-apocalipsis shelters. TreeTree really should try to unburrow every lost city and build second civilization there. Believe in better, prepare for war.

Pawzom Lz

So while I'm all for an invasion into the demons homeworld, I hope this will only happen after the Demon King has been trapped? If it happens while one is there it will just be a waste of time, resources and manpower. Demon Champions get a massive boost to power there while Aeon(and I assume his forces) are weakened there. They will have a hard enough time without the DK there.


Thanks for the great chapter