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Year 131

On the proposals, I had agreed to the top two choices that Trevor and Patreeck proposed. For the marriage candidates, I had advised that we will decide on that at a later date. With the three winners decided, I started work on my long overdue Great Tree Road. I was already halfway to the other side anyway, when we reached the center of the Rottedlands. 

Now for the remaining half. 

The Rottedlands’ energy has become weaker. Right now, it behaves quite like creep or ooze, there’s still some push and inertia, but I’ve noticed the expansionary ‘element’ has been slowly disappearing. That said, hybrids will continue to spawn as long as the terrain remains covered with demonic substances. The god of spawning animals, monsters and plants doesn’t particularly care what is spawned, so long as they fit the terrain. It’s a bit of a runaway process. 

Maybe some demons or hybrids, if they could think, would see me like I am an evil highway builder, destroying and encroaching on their habitat with this highway right through their homes. 

On a macro level, it’s like how roots break rocks or dirt apart. A root goes through it, and smaller ones gradually break it up.  Some plants and trees don’t like hard ground and soil, and requires worms and all to help loosen up the soil. 

Anyway, I started the building of the treeway and the entire process of spawning [subsidiary trees] and [giant attendant trees] took 7 months. Along the way, there were large parts that were submerged under the demonic sludge. 

Ancient ruins coated with demonic goop, cities that were somehow not entirely destroyed by the sludge. Caves. Rivers. There were many interesting sights and locations along the way, and I made a note to Patreeck, and Trevor to return to them.

“We need another artificial mind. One to control access to the path.” Trevor suggested and I nodded. I had capacity anyway. I named my new mind in charge of the highway that branched to the 3 selected allies, Trent. I wanted Treerific, but what would the parents think of that name? So Trent. 

“Hi Trent. You’re in charge of security and trade taxes of the Treeway. Alert us and escalate any unusual matters.” We mentally linked up and soon he was on his way. He’s been given a large regiment of beetles to ensure the security of the path. 

The Council of Representatives made a request for a formal party to celebrate the new path that cut across the entire Rottedlands. 

But it’s not ready yet. Although there is a ‘corruption-free’ path, the terrain along the path isn’t exactly clean. There’s still a need to build roads, build bridges, build rest stops. A lot of construction work needs to be performed before the path is ready for use. Some of this construction should start from the other side, since it didn’t make sense for a construction team to travel all the way across the Rottedlands. That was a 2 to 3 month journey if one walked!

I watched as the other kingdoms, these new partners of ours, send their builders and armies into the new path. 

“It’s rather tiny for a path.”

“Big enough for a few wagons, for sure. But it’s so jarring. It’s like someone planted a row of trees on both sides and now there’s a path through the Rottedlands.”

“Hush!” A Lord on a horse said. “His majesty instructed that we build whatever’s needed for the trade route. This path will relieve our trade issues.”

“It’s probably calculated to be of a certain size. You can’t march a big army through it.” The builders talked. They clearly had no concept of being secretive. 

The path meandered through the Rottedlands, there were natural hills and mountains underneath all the demonic sludge, and it didn’t make sense to cut a straight road and force traders up and down the path. I recalled highways from home usually tried to maintain a steady angle or slope, so I wanted to do exactly that. 

I watched and admired how [builders] made bridges from nearby rock and stone. They didn’t dare to chop down my subsidiary trees, so they improvised and used other kinds of materials instead. Still, given how big and long the path was, the Builder’s skills would actually improve travelling speed. 

They needed a lot of time to build, and on the Freshlands’ side, we’ve sent our best builders to work on it. I even gave out a few [Expert Builder] class seeds to the leaders of the build, to ensure that the path was built as fast as possible.

Because of the long distances, there was also a need for smaller towns. Back in the days of the silk road, I recalled that various cities would spring up along it. 

Trevor and Patreeck had made some projections and calculated that since it took 2 to 3 months to walk from one end to another, horses and various mounts would cut that time by a third, to less than a month. So, there needed to be at least 4 large sized ‘rest stops’ along that path, equivalent to 1 week’s distance horse-ride, or 3 weeks of walking, and another 12-16 medium sized smaller towns in between, such that it took about a few days to walk from one town to another.

Back to the builders, they would need a long time to finish the road. A rudimentary basic road with a simple bridge would be ready within a year, but it seemed like the kingdoms, and also the Freshlands all talked about multiple upgrades, like bigger reinforced bridges, and proper towns. 

“The territory on Rottedlands Pass belongs entirely to Aeon.” Kavio repeated to the envoys. “But he had agreed to all 3 kingdoms that each of these 3 allied kingdoms that they are allowed to set up 1 large city, and 3 smaller towns in these designated locations. It is important that the administration of these cities and towns be made clearly aware to obey the constitution of the Freshlands, or risk destruction.”

Envoys from all the 3 kingdoms were the first to make the trip through the Rottedlands’ Pass, even though the [builders] had not finished building. I witnessed how envoys have rather impressive skills. One had the ability to make his horse jump across the entire ravine multiple times, and another envoy could travel for days without rest. 

It was easier to communicate and coordinate construction and plans with an envoy from our end. It seemed that Kavio and the Council had also sent envoys of our own to the other sides. 

It was better that they were here.. 

Patreeck’s abilities quickly revealed their multiple objectives. One which featured in all 3 envoys was to assess my strength. Envoys are pretty much spies, and they all had some kind of [level-sensing] ability. It’s important when dealing with other kings and lords, since the level of the other king revealed the kinds of power they had. 

[Domain has blocked level-sensing ability]

Well thank you. It’s really convenient that my Domain blocked most of these things.

“My ability was blocked.” The envoy said privately to his colleague. Each kingdom sent about 5 to 10 people to Freshka. “You should know what that meant.” They were most cooperative. 

The road would only be ready next year. Even with the [Expert Builders] on the job. There was also a second round of migrationary movement, as we opened up certain sites for the future cities, which will be directly managed by the FFA.

“Migrate into the Rottedlands?” 

Some looked at a chance to make it rich. Some saw it like insanity. I mean, all of them were probably insane when they accepted this plan, but there are 2nd-generation citizens of the Freshlands, where it was their parents who made the move into the Freshlands. 

The Freshlands was founded about 20 plus years ago, some of them who came had children here, and now those children are young adults. That essentially made them 2nd-generation Freshlanders.

A lot of them grew up in the relative comfort and safety of the Freshlands, so the idea of moving deeper into the Rottedlands is weird and strange. 

I suppose one generations’ suffering does not transmit to the next?


Some of the nations neighbouring our new allies were unhappy, but they didn’t dare to risk my wrath. They’ve heard of the stories of the Six Ports, and they were quickly focused on fortifying their own home cities. Some though, were quick to secretly extend an olive branch to our new allies. 

A spy from Aiva was present too. “We’re actively trying to delay a second crusade.” The spy spoke to a small audience. Essentially me, Kavio, Jura and some of the Valthorn Elites like Lovis, Edna and Faris. Lovis was lower level than Edna and Faris, she only received her [spearmaster] class a few years back, and she’s in her mid 60s. “I believe we may be able to buy some time until the next demon king.”

“Essentially, you’re telling us that there will be a crusade after the next demon king?” Kavio frowned. “How’s that a convincing argument?”

The spy shrugged. “Sometimes, the best we can do is to delay the fighting. The Triumvirs of Aiva will not publicly renounce the war.”

“And what if we publicly call you out on it?”

“Then it will be a real war. It’s in our best interest to have this stalemate. The priests get to retain their divine duty and obligations, but no one actually has to die.” 

“There’s going to be smaller skirmishes and rebellions. There will be death. The Triumvirs’ presumption of a peaceful stalemate is ridiculous.” Kavio said.

“It is.” The spy and envoy nodded. “But it is what it is.”

“Rubbish.” I said telepathically to everyone present, and the spy’s face paled. 


Like dominoes, a few of the kingdoms neighbouring our new allies were quick to reach out, for communication. They wanted a similar arrangement, lest they let their neighbours benefit. It made no sense to agree to them. They didn’t have the balls to submit a bid, and so, why should I give them any arrangement now?

There should be an exclusive period where only these 3 allied nations get the benefit, since they decided to make the investment.

The temples were already in full swing, trying to sow discord and rebellion. A few temple men, realising that attacking me was useless, decided to target those allied to me. They targeted the nobles, the Lords and Dukes, the Kings. A massive campaign to sow hate against the ruling government, simply because they are associated with me.

It’s quite intelligent. The rulers after all don’t have an iron grip and a big brother over their population, and now, their own citizens are fed all these accusations from the temples. 

These accusations amplified the present dissatisfaction. The Freshlands’ first victory and the subsequent shifting allegiances relocated many people, and add to that, there were the surrendering soldiers, few hundred thousands who then increased the strain on the cities and villages that received them. 

It was something that slowly built up over time. As the Freshlands’ expanded, natural stratification and fault lines emerged. There are those from the core cities, those who lived in the original segments of the Freshlands, and then there’s the newly incorporated and assimilated kingdoms.

Each had different views of each other, and it could be something harmless like one city’s citizens viewing another city’s citizens as weird, or strange. All these little differences, suspicions and varying cultures were a formula for conflict. 

It is normal. As species expanded, many would come into conflict with other species who occupied the same niche. 

Cultural differences are a source of conflicts, and the Council of Representatives, as diverse as they are, still cannot allay all these accusations and suspicions. People just naturally formed in-groups and out-groups. Us, and them.

Rebellion broke out in a few of the neighbouring states. It was something Jasmine predicted from her observations. My ability to watch and observe these neighbours are quite restricted, since many have made fortified roads and plazas, and trees are mostly in gardens and designated avenues. Still, we had a good feel of the mood, their discontent and unhappiness. 

I had worked out a plan with the war council. They knew something like this was going to happen. In fact, everyone knew. Even the kings themselves all knew that a rebellion was about to break out. Even regular citizens who had a bit more general knowledge could see it coming. 

It was that obvious. Those cultural fault lines flared up. In some cases, it took a racial turn. Humans versus non-humans. Elves versus centaurs. Some Kings had skills to suppress rebellion and disloyalty, and were quick to do it. The weaker kings didn’t, and so a rebellion occurred. They would use their army to suppress them. I decided not to participate unless I was invited to. 

For those Kings were able to control their kingdoms, we quickly offered assistance to help resolve the underlying forces that triggered their unhappiness. It’s usually rather simple stuff, like a lack of food, or poor harvest, or just ill treatment from their local lords. Things that a wagon or two of food can sometimes help ‘solve’. 

In a way, it was just regular ‘hearts-and-minds’ programs to help defuse the social pressures that exist in these kingdoms. 

Abundance helps to allay the concerns of scarcity. Many of these population groups are barely self-sufficient. Still, abundance would never satisfy the greed of mortals. The only way to ensure aid and supplies are sufficiently shared is if I have people everywhere to distribute these resources in a reasonable manner. 

“We’re going to expand the Valtrian order’s social services arms to all our allied states. All of them.” 

Laufen, of course, was overwhelmed. But by now the Vatrian Order was a massive institution, and has grown it to almost 40,000 people. There are numerous Valthorns who have more ‘defensive’ or supportive skills who could assist in widespread social and community work. Even if it’s simpler stuff like improving crop yields, or fixing bad housing, to the regular kinds of social work performed by the temples, which are healers and rituals.

“We need a massive priest training system and support system. We can’t just send our people to all these neighbouring kingdoms and expect them to succeed without a robust logistic network.”

So, the Valtrian Order went into a hiring drive. We had to expand the size of our workforce if we wanted to try and overcome this propaganda attack. 

There’s two aspects to it. Resolving the short term issue of a rebellion, and then tackling the long term issue of what caused and fed the rebellion. This wasn’t a conventional war.

This was a culture war. 

A group of 2,000 priests and various other social workers headed for the hotspots. Places where Jasmine and Patreeck’s social models indicated that there may be unrest. 

It feels a little minority report-ish that we’re sending social workers before something bad happens, but in a way, that’s preventive work, right?

No one riots overnight. It’s a culmination of decades of distress. Similarly, allaying those feelings of unwellness would also require dedicated care and attention. I could spawn more [Tree of Prayers] everywhere. Those trees can reduce the general stress levels and induce a sense of calmness and serenity. But it doesn’t work if they are already mad. 

If they were in my valley, I could be even more obtrusive and use psychic and dream attacks on them, but that’s like using a hammer to cut a cake.

So, a massive hiring drive. 

Once I have the numbers, they need to be educated and trained.

“Let’s set up a massive priest training facility.” I mentally told myself. Since these gods treat me as a fellow deity, even if I’m evil, it was time to go on overdrive and behave like a proper religion. 

A culture war can only be defeated by another culture. If I want to sustainably push back these ‘enemy’ cultures, I must first convert all those in the Freshlands to my culture and religion. Else, one edict or divine message, and I’ll have large swaths of my population rebellion.

That is not acceptable. 

I marked a hilly area next to Freshka and started work. A large area of forests was merged with multiple Giant Attendant Trees. It was going to be like my Vatican, my Holy See, and I wanted the area to be visible even from afar. 

I used my powers to make these the tallest Giant Attendant Trees ever made, and it took about a month of working and shaping with my [woodshaping]. It’s easier, since I was working with bigger things. I made housing, lecture halls, training rooms, multiple ritual rooms, places for guests and all that. 

I called on ten of the most experienced and high leveled [aeonic priests].

“I have been extremely pleased with your efforts in the past few years to counter the propaganda spread by our opponents.”

The ten all knelt in a circle around a [tree of prayers]. This was the same meeting area. 

“It is time that you are rewarded for your faith and loyalty.” There were five men and five ladies, 

All ten of them received either [Patreearch of Aeon] or [Matreearch of Aeon]. These were upgraded [Aeonic] priest classes, which should empower all their regular priests abilities to a greater degree.

They ate the fruits containing the classes, and instantly, all ten of them screamed.  Their bodies shook, and I sensed their spirits glow brightly. Their skin turned slightly greenish, and all their eyes gained a green ring that glowed. 

One of them, he was a middle aged man who served mostly in the Southeastern Segments, was first to rise. “O Aeon, our great patron of the land, we have received your blessings.”

All of them rose, their bodies healthier and stronger. I sensed the presence of my domain flowing into them slightly. 

Does my [domain] choices influence the kinds of power my priests possess? But no matter. “Rise, my Council of Arches, for the weight of expanding our faith rests in your hands.”

The ten rose, and sat in a circle. Together, they seemed to emit a physical glow. 

“The other gods deny my presence in our world.” I said. “I will need you to push them back. My first order is to set up the School of Treeology, where all the priests will be trained. My second order is to secure the faith and loyalties of all nations allied to the Freshlands.”

The ten answered in unison, their voice seemingly echoing like a choir. “We receive your commandments!”

Then I summoned the [aeonic priests] for all over. If I wanted to be a true global religion, it was time to have a proper structure, a unified code of principles, and well, power. Generic Priests get the usual abilities, heal, cure wound, some barrier and shield powers. 

This is where I let my new ten Patreearchs and Matreearchs to run the show. 



My first order is to set up the School of Treeology, where all the priests will be trained. My second order is to secure the faith and loyalties of all nations allied to the Freshlands. LULs for the first. Waiting for the Crusade from the second.

Code Reed

Hmm. Interesting.


We want more!!!


Thanks for the chapter it was quite interesting


Very nice. I would love to see some group within Aeons religion that is specifically trained to combat the divine. So if the gods decide to send down some angels to smite stuff, Aeon can send out this elite squad that’s geared towards taking down other religions

Bon Bon

Ty for chap!


That time a tree caused the wars of religion.

The on point heavy

NIce, nothing better to really fire up a holy war than a counter religion!


For the next titan, it must be a religious one. Idk what or how, but it must spread the kindness and mercy if Aeon. Also respecc the trees


Do angels exist? Why do they have heros if angels exist? Why not just have an angel and sentient breed to make a hero?


I'm liking this set up for this new tree relgion, I'm keen to see it play out. Dunno how this is going to go but hopefully he manages to set it up to do what he wants it to do Personally I'd keep it simple and leave as little up for interpretation as I could get away with. As an aside I'm feeling like respecting nature, especially and/or specifically tree's would be if not rule 1 then high up there :D


This is awesome! Can't wait to see what the other deities would do.