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Year 119

During the past few years, I’ve been studying runes, and formations. It’s been something on my mind since I saw those mages do it, and with the heroes’ financial resources, I have a lot to read and study. 

Of course, I can’t read. So, the task is left to some poor Valtrian Order magic student, who’s ‘job’ is to come to the Valley of the Unrotten, and read the book out loud. Kind of like audible, but only a lot more boring because the subject matter is runic formations, magical theory and stuff like that.  

This of course served multiple functions. It’s a means of education for these students. Reading out loud is a good way of learning and committing to memory. Two, it helped me! Three, I get to have a sense of how these young children are. After all, their behavior is quite clear when they are asked to read a book alone in a strange and scary place. 

I didn’t get a skill, sadly. 

But that’s fine. I developed an understanding of the magical formations, and I began experimenting on them. Mainly, in some corner of my growing domain that wasn’t inhabited. 

I had a few things I wanted to do, one of which is to use formations as a source of mana on a large scale. Instead of using mana, create formations that do the reverse of generating mana, like some kind of mana gathering facility. There are smaller scale variants, but I was quite inspired by the former hero, Astra’s ability to apparently channel mana from various sources to create a super hex-bomb. No matter how he did it.

Mirei has been particularly cooperative, and she was very amused with the children reading books in the often uninhabited valley. 

“Tree Spirits sure have strange ways of doing things.”

She helped with the mana-gathering formations. 

“I had the impression trees are able to do this quite naturally. As in, trees gather mana naturally, do they not?”


Mirei, after the earlier set of outburst, stabilised. I suspect it’s the effects of her hero class, now restored. It suppressed those emotions. 

“But it’s a slow process, and I’m hoping to speed it up.”


“Why not?” A massive defensive array requires mana. A lot of it. It took many, many iterations, but eventually we succeeded in producing an array of runes and structures able to produce more mana than it uses. It had to be big, too, so it wasn’t something you could hide. 

But that meant I could channel more of this mana to fight off the demonic energy, and expand even more. 

Gerrard returned in the later half of the year with a fragment. The third piece that was given away. I scanned it, and sadly, it was still an incomplete image.

-demons. Dragons. Combat. A lot of combat. Earth cracked, and so did the skies. 

It is still incomplete. There are pieces out there. But how do we find it?

[Grand Mind-Tree has blocked attempted influence]

Ah. Again. 

“The Frozen Tree was very willing to share.” Gerrard explained. “It told me that he would like to meet you someday.”

“Likewise.” A frozen tree spirit. That’s extremely fascinating. This Frozen Tree lived in a frozen lake in the far north, in an uninhabited island that’s almost completely frozen over. Home to ice giants, monsters and all that, the Frozen Tree is the overlord of that island, and has kept the island free of demons for millennia. 

I wonder what other tree spirits think of this entire situation? Surely they don’t just accept it like Lilies? Or they all do, because that’s how trees are? Nature is what it is, and they just accept it.

Is going against the rules of the world a thing that trees don’t do? 

[Domain and Grand Mind-Tree has blocked attempted divine action].

Uh. I take that as a yes. It seemed that trees really do not attempt to break the cycle, even if they are long lived and can see things with the benefit of history. Surely, this systematic, demonic destruction is not acceptable, since it’s way more than just regular ‘constructive’ destruction. 

And yet they do nothing.

Why? I don’t get it. Gods. Has to be the gods. Meddling, meddling gods. 

[You’ve gained a level. You are now level 157]

[Skill : Natural mana overwhelming upgraded]

Uh. Why is the same skill getting upgraded over and over again? 

And I still don’t get why I gain a level from it.


The constant expansion of my territory and also the influx of more refugees means the population has increased significantly. Outside of my research, I spend more time, together with Jasmine, to watch over the multiple towns and cities that have popped up. 

It’s a very big area, and for the most part, Kavio and the new Council of Representatives all deal with me directly. 

The focus is on the next demon king. Our preparations, readying ourselves for the coming wars. 

The heroes also worked on making more anti-demon weapons. More armors and more sets. Weapons! Yay! Over the years I’ve managed to equip a 200-strong group with a full set of anti-demon armor, and I hope to grow this force to 500-strong.

Of this group, about 50 are now at least level 40. Once they hit level 60-70, they should be able to handle a demon walker without my assistance. They gained this level by hunting naturally spawning monsters, and made regular trips into the Rottedlands to fight the hybrid spawns. 

In a world where the Rottedlands is like a large ‘dungeon’, the level of the residents should be high. Else, it’s jarring. Even with protection like my army of beetles. But then, if their levels go up, that makes them more dangerous to me, isn’t it? I’m not too worried about high level merchants or craftsmen, but then... warriors, I have to get them on my side. 

Anyway, we regularly deployed soldiers and recruits into the Rottedlands to fight monsters. That way, the soldiers and recruits who work for me gain levels, and prepare for the real demonic attacks. 

Is this what rulers do? I mean, I didn’t really actively do it, but it must be trying to do this whole play-each faction against each other schtick. Balancing levels so that all the factions never get too powerful and they continue to obey me? Too fucking time consuming.

I mean, I was on this train of thought as news of civil war broke out in Harris’s now fractured kingdom. I mean, the man is still alive and already they are fighting. Children, fighting each other.

It must suck to be a father and watch your children fight. It suppose its like a typical family drama where a wealthy tycoon passed away and the kids squabble over the riches. 

In fact, it absolutely drove him into depression of some kind. Well, I’m not sure whether it’s actually depression, but it made him feel, very very sad.

So much so that Mirei was the one comforting him.

“What should I do?” Harris was sad. Already, some of his sons and daughters came to talk to him, and asked him to stop it. But he gave away his rights to those lands, and some of his more ambitious children are taking the chance to do something. 

“Stop him, father.” A boy said to Harris. “He’s attacking one of us.”

But truth was, everyone was provoking each other, and Harris had his own network of informants that seemed to suggest none of his children were entirely innocent. If he wanted to lay down the law, he would have to do it to everyone. 

And yet he is but one person. Even those who served him, he is not surprised if they are already taking sides in the conflict. 

“You can do two things.” Mirei said to a sad Harris. “Stop it, and enter into a loop of constantly interfering. And eventually when you do die, they will still continue the fight that they’ve postponed. Or do nothing. They have land and territory now, and let them fight each other over it. Let them prove themselves by blood and war.”

“That’s so cruel.”

“It’s always been this way. Territorial disputes are as old as nations themselves, and the right to rule is one protected by might and magic, not by name or heritage.”

Harris regretted breaking his country up then. He knew he would just be kicking the can down the road until the day they die and they’d fight it out anyway. But at least he wouldn’t be alive to see it. 

So, as much as he knew it was a stupid thing to do, he started left frequently to stop the fighting with his summoned army. There was no way he could let it continue, even if it did lead to a constant vicious cycle. 

A cruel fate.

Mirei said as much as she watched her friend feel like shit. 

“You know, that’s partly why I didn’t want to have children. After I discovered what happened to so many, so many heroes and their families, I just feel really sad. I don’t think I could ever watch my children drift apart and start doing that.”

“Conflict is eternal. But perhaps, so is reconciliation.”


I used more and more runes and formations to gather more mana, and added runic formations to the Valley of the Unrotten. Mana means territory, and I’m pretty damned good with using mana to push back against the demons. 

More mana.

More mana.

More runes.

More mana! Eventually, I made a formation large enough to trigger a notification that I wasn’t quite expecting. 

[Soul Forge : Yellow Unlocked]

[Artificial Souls Level Cap increased to Level 60]

[All artificial souls now have Yellow option unlocked]

[Class/Skill/Experience Seed merging unlocked. Ability to merge souls and classes, and multiple class seeds and experience seeds together]

[Class/Skill/Experience Seed upgrade unlocked. Able to upgrade classes, skills and experience seeds to superior forms]


Looks like I’m one step further, and closer, to make myself an army of super elites. 

Yellow Soul Forge from just using a massive array and formation to gather mana. Who would’ve thought of that!

That meant soul forges actually just require different ‘types’ or ‘origin’ of mana, not necessarily unique or special magical leylines. But... wait.

If I get enough star mana, could I have Soul Forge : Star? I mean, theoretically possible, perhaps? What overpowered ability would I have?

Or what about demonic mana? Could enough demonic mana power some kind of Soul Forge too?

So, I began to explore both aspects of these mana, experimenting more on the hybrid demonic trees. I hoped to at least somehow unlock a better understanding of the demon’s mana, even if it didn’t lead to a soul forge. 

At the same time, I started the whole class seed upgrade and merging process. Essentially, class seeds are upgraded when one adds essence, mana and materials. Combining them increases their strength and power, and fusing multiple class seeds create special ones.

It’s a bit like crossbreeding, splicing and grafting different trees together to create something different at the end. 

I began rather conservatively, like fusing multiple [ranger] and [druid] class seeds together, which formed the [Mountain Druid] class. Or multiple druid classes were fused together and then obtained the [Great Druid] Class. The ratio is like 10 normal classes to form one single better class. And I kept at it. I have a lot of class seeds and essences accumulated over the years, and I’ve finally found a place to fuse them all!

20 [Knight] classes made one single [Grand Knight] class, and 10 [Warrior] and [Soldiers] made a [Warmaster]. 

It’s honestly extremely enjoyable, and I felt like a cook when I fused all the different classes together. 

Adding essences to it also did some strange things. Iron and mineral essences fused to a [Knight], eventually created a [Steel Knight] class. 

But, there is a limitation. These evolved classes, not all can be further fused. Not all, and I’m still trying to find what ‘can’ be fused. 

Eventually, One of the few twice-evolved classes I discovered was 30 [Great Druid] classes fused into a single [Lord of the Forest] class. And 50 [Grand Knight] classes fused into a [Knight Master]

With it, I was eager to test it out. So, I selected one young promising 13-year old Valthorn. 

His name was Faris, and he’s been living in one of the outer sections of the Freshlands, before he was recruited to join the Valthorns 3 years ago. He’s been training with Yvon for a while, and in 3 years he’s already a level 30 [druid]. 

A regular [druid] class. I gave a [Great Druid] class seed to Yvon. 

“You want to give this to him?”


“Are you sure?”

“Why not?” 

“I mean... this is a rare class, right?” Yvon didn’t know I unlocked the class-fusion ability. Let’s keep it that way. 

“Yes, I believe it is time I stop hoarding these things and grant them.” 

So Yvon did in fact, give it to Faris. There was a small ceremony, something like a small award ceremony in school where the principal would then give out certificates, only, he received a small seed.

“This, young Faris, is a gift from Aeon himself. A fruit which will grant you the class [Great Druid].”

Everyone in the room of course clapped. Faris didn’t waste much time and chomped down the fruit. I observed him that entire day, and I watched his soul change slightly, as the new class merged with his own. After one night’s sleep, he found himself with increased mastery over his druidic abilities. 

[Domain and Grand Mind Tree blocked passive influence from a Great Druid].

Ah. I suppose I should be more careful with giving out classes relating to control over trees. I think that was a passive. 

Faris and Jura came to me for an audience the next day. He was still a young boy in the end, even though he does have a good class. 


So, so young.

“Aeon, I bring the one that you’ve granted the seed.”

“Greetings, Faris.” I spoke mentally, and already I could sense some pressure pushing back. 

[Domain and Grand Mind Tree blocked passive influence]

“I believe you may be unknowingly using some passive abilities, young Faris.”

Faris flustered and he seemingly nodded. “Ah. I... I’m sorry.” Then I felt the pressure lift. Do druids have these abilities all these while? Is this how they attempt to control trees? 

He is still but a young child. “Good. How do you like your reward?”

“It’s quite amazing, Aeon. Upgrading my class to a Great Druid at my age is unheard of anywhere in the world. All my skills are stronger now.” 

“Good. It is a gift, and a reward, and with it, responsibility and expectation, that you will do more and better for us. Our land remains heavily damaged, and we need people like you to help heal it.”

Faris nodded. He was very agreeable and impressionable. 

At that moment, I wonder whether I’ve made a mistake in giving him such powers, the same way the Gods gave their powers to young teenagers. 


One of the foolish things about people is that, well, they seem to forget that trees in the forests have eyes. So, Jasmine and my Artificial souls alerted me to the presence of some cultists. 

It’s common. A land newly reclaimed and filled with people, where law enforcement is still not yet secure, and leaders still vying for power and position among themselves, some will inevitably turn to magic, and occasionally, blood magic.

So, in the depth of the unnamed woods, a group of 35 men and women were gathered. One of them was an old noble from the nearby city, who migrated to the Freshlands and settled there. They had with them about fifteen slaves. The slaves all looked extremely afraid.

“Should we save the slaves, master?” Jasmine asked. There were beetles and spiders who could easily intercept. 


I wanted to see this for a long time now. Blood magic. I’m sorry, slaves, but I believe the benefit I gain from learning how blood magic works will allow me to save more lives in the future. 

30 men formed a circle, and with a quick cut, one of the slaves were killed. His body splattered in the middle of a strange formation. They chanted, and I could see the soul very clearly, torn apart by the blood magic. 

They did so repeatedly, with all the slaves. I watched, with all my sensors, magical and not. Blood magic being executed right before my eyes, I saw their magic rip the soul out of the slaves, and fused them together.

Oh wow. It really is a kind of soul fusion. But it’s incomplete. I saw the core of their souls break free and the remnant, the outer souls of the slaves stitched together by their rough blood magic. Incomplete. Irregular and messy.  

But it is strong. Just like how my artificial souls are without a soul ‘core’, from this alone I could easily see that their blood magic is essentially using the ‘outer’ part of the souls, and fused together into this mess. 

After a chant or so, the blood magic compressed the tangled fused souls into a small reddish drop on a small plate. The noble took it, and he drank it. Instantly I saw his body’s energy levels spike up. This was quite like using blood magic to strengthen himself, and his features quickly turned younger.

Ah. Youth. Interesting. 

The ritual was done. I think I have an idea why the hex can be reversed gradually via those negative emotions. 

No more reason to leave them alive. Most of them. 

“Well. Capture the two chief ritual masters alive.” There were two of them that led the ritual, and well, I have plans for some good old interrogation.

An army of beetles and spiders descended on them. The noble was strong, his strength amplified by the blood magic. So, it still took me a few hits of [Serpentine Rootstrike], and an army of beetles quickly slaughtered the rest of them.

Hex. It’s essentially an unstable fusion of the outer souls, which is why it leaked so much negative energy. And, because this negative energy is contagious, it caused others close to it to also suffer hex poisoning. Walking into a field of hex is like being infected with depression that killed you from within. A rot in the soul, caused by exposure to unstable fusion of soul fragments. 



It's my first time being so early, so how's Covid-19 been treating all of you?


If you don't count lockdown, then I did have it good :D An excuse to not leave the house :P

Cameron S. Moore

No!!! The chapter was just getting great!! More, More, MoreMoreMoreMOREMOREEEEE!!!!!!!!!


[Lord of the Forest] seems like a very dangerous class