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I'm thinking about the concept for the era of demon kings after this.  It's probably just a tentative one. 

I was thinking about mechs.  But then, maybe I'm not being 'imaginative' enough. If Mechs (Demons get the mechs) & Kaijus (Heroes get the kaijus!) that'll be like Pacific Rim

Living airships (ie heroes get airship powers. demon king is a massive capital-class super-airship) would be like old school transformers/ace combat with their bosses.

Demonic tree's gonna be like naruto. the last monster tree that spawns the thing. Not my favourite, but a demon tree would be a good conflict against treetree.. Hmm.. 

Ghost themed - well, halloween style demon king, with monsters from all those horror movies.

Dragons/Dinosaurs - self explanatory, i think? Overlaps somewhat with Kaijus i think.

Others - 

a - A doll-demon

b. - Ants. Like... Demonic Ant Queen. Like Solo Levelling/HxH. Ant generals ala Beru/Meruem. 

c - A plague! Bubonic plague? 


I was also thinking about other kinds of global powers demon kings can get, so... here are the few I have floating in my head now : 

a. Global pollution weapon 

- suffocate the world (oxygen drain)

- global heatwave or global winter (ala matrix's operation dark storm)

- global earthquakes/tsunamis? 

- global locusts 

b. Orbital dropships - attack anywhere in the world with demons

c. Global disease/viral epidemic (I must say, quite inspired by Wuhan nCoV)

d.  Global ghost-form - (kinda if the ghost themed demon) would force everyone to burn corpses, or risk them transformed into a ghost. 

Or would an assassin demon king work... hmm..

Anyway, I usually find myself enjoying this whole 'figure out what superpower to give demon kings' more than anything else. 



Thank you for writing this story, has been a fun read so far. Would prefer much less time spent on the "heroes" / "demon kings" sub-plots personally.


I was thinking a fungus would be a good demon for treetree. The beetles could be taken over and they could use his forest as food for their spores.


Since TreeTree/Aoen will probably get a titan sooner or later, I'd think Mechs/Kaijus would be the logic next step a second place would be a tie with the Ghost Demon King and the Airships. Doing any of these three would explain the demons and the gods nature to try and counter each other as well as the demons ability to try to adapt new strategies based on what they/it have dealt with/seen in the world they are invading/destroying/infecting/colonizing. (If you are wondering about the slashes it's mostly due to the fact that I don't think the major W- questions {Who, What, Why} behind the demons have been answered yet so far)


Other thoughts: normal demons again for a few Cycles would make sense. Since it would allow time for certain plot points to advance fairly uninterpreted and it could be chalked up to demons needing time to recharge before sending out more deviant demon king types and give you an excuse to whiddle away the old heroes and bring in the new. Plot Points: Lausanne continue develop and evolution. (I personally want to see how multiple spirits/familiers work.) The W-Questions for the Demons (Who, What, Why) More world building/more expansion.


Final Thoughts on other ideas: Mechs/Kaijus, the Ghost Demon King and the Airships are the most sense with out going to deep into the world building, but the Orbital dropships, Global pollution weapon or Global disease/viral epidemic would require a more development behind the reasons for why the demons have changed tactics now instead of doing this say a few hundred years ago. Also Doll-Demon king, Ant Demon Queen, Dragons/Dinosuars can also be working into as well with out going to much into the demons background or worldbuilding.


Question to Author, if you do go airships would TreeTree/Aeon also get the ability to float/fly like Castle in the Sky or just turn the surrounding valley into a floating country?


Most likely it'll be a floating valley, and it'll be temporary ie star mana powered. Kinda like a rocket that bursts into the air for a while and then slowly floats downward.

Jonathan Seah

Airships makes me think of steampunk rather than bullet hell. But I guess that works too.


I like the airship. I'm thinking like a giant floating slug that trails tentacles. The demons ride the tentacles to the ground and back up. But the tentacles also are weapons on their own.


Small simple self-replicating soldiers. That fly in swarms. Demon fairy swarms.

Cameron S. Moore

Love the evil fungus/rot demon idea. Maybe mix in some disease?

Adrian Engel

These are just my thoughts as a long time reader and big fan, I'm sure some will disagree with me. I've come to think of the world that Aeon is in as a playbox for the bored Gods. The way they seem to just chuck young adults in to save the world seems very whimsical and straight up negligent. Because of that the world is really chaotic and basically a living hell. I don't see why you have to just one theme. Whos to say the God's don't try to the throw a bunch of shit at the wall all at once and see what sticks. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to do just one theme. However, I don't know all that goes into your planning or your vision for the story. Also, if you have a particular theme you want to do I say go for that one. Having the readers choose something you aren't fully into could be disastrous.... But that is also just my opinion... Maybe you would like to try something like that idk... Take this as the ramblings of a fool.


How about something of an apocalyptic setting, where the rift changes and 4 demon kings similar to the 4 horsmen emerge. War, Pestilence, Famine and Death. You can use any one of them instead if you want, too. I would say Famine overlaps well with the Global Warming theme, and Pestilence with the disease one. Makes it more fantasyesque imo.


Un rey demonio lich cuyo atributo sea muerte y no sea afectado por los poderes antidemonio de TreeTree si no que mate todo a su paso con mareas de zombies.

John Doe

ghost theme with people having to face their previous loved ones in battle. Only people who were killed in the current demon king invasion will be resurrected for the ghost invasion. For the ghost invasion, battles that are won will have soldiers develop physical and psychological scar due to fighting their loved ones. Morale will decrease among the living. Areas that didn't receive a lot of damage during the current demon king invasion will have less ghosts. Also, this is the first time that a prior invasion influences the next invasion, and there may be rumors that the current demon king may have left traps that caused more ghost to appear. Cities that did many sacrifices for the hex bomb will be hit the hardest.


i like that hex bomb inspiration. hehehe.


While that's interesting take and one that I'd also like to see. However for that to work a few things would need to be explained. Such as are ghost souls of those who haven't passed on or are they remnants or leftovers of the dead? Because TreeTree/Aeon has those Soul harvesters, he must have a very long reach by now, and must be at least collecting, healing and sending the souls on the continent he is on uninterrupted. Meaning that his continent wouldn't have a lot of ghost to draw upon for use by this demon general. The other continents thought...


I feel like with a tree DK we'll have both the threat's and TreeTree's locations almost stationary, and probability-wise they shouldn't have to interact much. So it will involve much plot being pulled out of the ass which can lead to trauma, unless you want to focus on non-invasion stuff, which would be fine