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Hello my darling ^^, Since you guys are some of my biggest supporters I have some news/question to ask ^^ 1- quick commissions - I have been thinking of closing up my quick commission for the summer or just opening them on a as need basis. I would love to know your opinions on that. 2- are you guy happy with the content you have received so far and do you have any suggestions complaints or questions. 3- mile stone goals ??? can anybody think of something super awesome to put there??



I would say for the 1st question that i dont mind if you close it, Sure it will suck to not be able to commision you as often, but if you want to take the summer off that's your right. "Everyone need vacation from time to time" :) For the 2nd, i would say that everything is perfect as it is but i'll never say no to more rewards. lol :P And for your 3rd question, i would say that i dont have any ideal sadly :/ but those two you already have are awesome enought as it is. ^^

Anios Selindar

That could be nice indeed to put quickies as a "free/needed" list for the summer ; i guess this could give you some spare time to rest/have fun and enjoy summer, AND still having some works/funds incoming. ;) I'm totally with all your goodies dear ! I love seeing sketches, draft, .psd of everything you do, and also wip and final pic. You really take care of us, that's for sure. :3 I don't have any suggestions about goodies and/or milestones for now, but i'll think of something tonight if i can. ^^ *big hugs* hope you're okay and start enjoying the summer :P


1) I think giving yourself a break over summer on Quickies is an okay idea as long as you can still effort to enjoy your summer without the revenue they bring in. 2) As the minimum pledges for each tier of your Patreon content are inclusively low I think the content you offer in return is more than fine. 3) I might suggests dropping the height if the first milestone or splitting the first milestone into a series of them with increases in frequency, number of winning art pieces (say 1-3), whether they're (N)SFW, and how complex they are. The second milestone is fair, considering how much extra work it would mean for you.