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We made the call yesterday, his condition was getting worse, and poor baby was so restless and couldn't get comfortable, so before he started to suffer worse we called the vet.

love you all, and take care please hug ur furr babies for me




Sorry to hear that, my own feline companion of 15 years passed last month, so I get how you feel :(


Sorry for your loss Hun,👐 yeah it's hard af, house just feels so empty now. ☹️

Anios Selindar

This is so devastating, i'm deeply sorry hun :( And i know it's a hard decision you've done, even if it was the "best" solution (had to do it for my doggo, years ago, because the poor baby couldn't even see/walk anymore). RIP Mr. Kittyfantastico, you have the best life with the best mistress you could even have ! You was loved and you'll be missed <3 Again sorry for your loss my dear wiwine, lot of luv for you ! *hug*


So sorry for your loss. I lost Jem when she was only 11 to renal failure so I'm always a little worried about Karl now that he's 12. It's terrible to lose a beloved pet, take care of yourself as best you can.


Stay strong, we love you


thank you anios <3*biggest hug ever* i told him if there is such thing as reincarnation, then i will know its him if he goes crazy for a cigarette XD <3


yeah we were lucky to have him for so long <3 thank you hun hug Karl for me, and deffo get worry*hug* <3