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Hey darlings, 

I am back that was a rough couple of days sorry for all the pm poll spam.

If you don't care about me opening myself up, and talking honestly, and openly about shit I am going through then please skip this, and I will post some titties up for you later XD. I will also add stars to when I get to the meat, and potatoes and stop whining XD, so ya can read about new updates.

This whole situation has made me analyze, and do a bit of soul searching.. Probably over analyze XD sorry that's my anxiety kicking up to full gear XD. I thought a lot about what if I can't get my page back what do I do? Will my homies follow me if I move to another site? Will I be able to continue to do this full time? Do I even want to do this forever? 

I left my retail job because my hobby paid more than my day job, and at the time the cost of living was lower, we had extra income from child support etc.. looking through old post to clean up my patreon to appease the overlords. I realized I was making roughly 500$ via patreon on average plus coms, and quickies. Now I make less than half that. I also looked back at my goals back then, and my whole purpose was to make more personal art, studies,  more sfw art, comics, and do commissions & quickies as a fun side thing, because I like drawing new original characters, and making new friends through art.    

I have been struggling with the last year like crazy not content wise I think so far this is one of my best years on patreon. I find I am finally able to look at my work, and be proud of it and that's actually hard for me I usually hate everything I do after its done.

I need to start being a bit more selfish, and start doing more stuff for myself, and take better care of myself. I am a big push over most of the time, and very much a people pleaser who cant say no XD  that combined with depression, anxiety and low self worth means I try and keep things the same to keep people happy, and takes a long time to take any risks.

Insanity is doing the same stuff over, and over and expecting different results. I have been in the smut game since 2012, and have never really hit my stride, watching friends surpass me, or leave the scene entirely. I am a droplet of water in an ocean of smut, but I don't want to give up on my art or my fans/friends, so I need to make some changes.  


I will be looking into different side options for people who aren't a fan of patreon. Gumroad has options now with subscriptions, so I will open some subscription tiers over there, or do a drop down menu, so people can pick the content they want from each pack. 

I will continue to do a monthly supported pic here on patreon, but I will be closing the higher tiers, and offering up quickie, and sketch coms a little more often ( at a discounted price), but they will be open to all patrons, but higher tiers will get notified via discord the day before to get first dibs.  That way if life gets busy, or something happens I have the option of not doing quickies (and not owing art that has been paid upfront) that month which mean less playing catching up, less stress and not working so slowly on commissions.

I will be upping my commission prices, I have done the math and was making like 5$ a hour for 20hrs of work, that's nuts, and needs to change XD. I will be keeping quicky prices the same for those of you who want a pic by me, but can't afford a polished piece, and soft shaded will only go up 5$ the rest I am still figuring out the math.

I will be focusing a bit more on sfw, there are so many more options available to me for sfw, like twitch, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, artstation, shops and more.. So in the future when I open commissions I will be willing to give a discount to those who order sfw comms.

Some of these changes will take place on December 1st since it's the busiest time of year for me in my personal life. Commission prices won't be changing until I am done the queue I have.

I want to thank all of you for helping me grow, and helping me feed my family and I hope you continue to help me grow as an artist and a person. Love you homies <3 also if you read all this thank you sooo much for your time <3



i am sorry in advance for typos and grammar issues


I wholeheartedly support you in whichever direction you wish to go, Elwinne 😊 You are a wonderful person, and your art is amazing! ❤️


What was the reason you got „banned“? Patreon is a mess and i hate it, but sadly for me it is the best way to support.... i really dont like buying stuffpacks like gumroad...


i am pretty sure i was reported, because they made me remove posts that were public from waay back before they were strict about nsfw, also my illyria banner was a issue. Patreon usually doesn't check random pages unless someone reports them as violating the rules. Gumroad has made alot of changes they now have subscriptions and blog posting etc.. so its pretty close to patreon now just a bit simpler in the features, but i get most people aren't a fan of gumroad either. But its a good option to have both available, so i don't have all my eggs in one basket.


thank you soo much hun &lt;3 i am blessed to have people like you in my life &lt;3