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Here ya go my darlings XD,

I know i have teased with this story for awhile a harem story with all Illyrias thralls Yay its finally done:P

I hope you all like it this is kind of continuing story from the tower all my stories reference others I have done you dont need to read the others to know whats going on tho.

Heres the tower tho if u want to to read it :P https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-tower-mistress-7596974

Thanks for your patience for those of you like the stories, and have been waiting for one XD. I will have more soon since i have 2 hours of nothing to do on fridays when my mom gets her treatment ^^.

Hope you all like it, critiques, feed back, or if you find errors, thing that dont make sense pm me XD I am new to this and will make mistakes lol.


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