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Hi everyone, I hope everyone's doing well. We're finally in 2024 and it's already time to take a quick look back at the work of the first two weeks.

As mentioned last time, I can now officially announce that Asami now has a new path, you can reject her delusion and simply build a beautiful friendship, I know it's not something you'd expect from an adult game but I like to go where I'm least expected.

Rejecting a love interest may seem strange, but if you save yourself for one character in particular, there could be a unique reward waiting for you. I won't say any more about it, I like to leave it in doubt.

As for the development of the godot version, it's back on track and every effort is being made to present you with something that's finished and not buggy or with important features not implemented.

I'll end this news with a sneak preview of what's in store for the next update. Thanks again for your support after all this time. All this is only possible thanks to you.





Don't worry, that sound you heard was just my brain exploding.


Cheer up You're a great person thanks for the great work

Mad God Renhak

Any new updates since we heard from you last month?


Development is progressing, I'll do a post when I have more interesting things to communicate.

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

Quick general feedback, love the art, love the music, love the UI mostly. The writing is very strong, and the story line is interesting. Honestly my only gripe was a few posts back sounded kinda negative. If you need more time to be a carbon-based organism with real feelings, motivations, fears, hopes, etc, like go do that. Ya if you don't post regular updates you'll lose some patrons, most will come back when you start posting updates. But what's important is doing what you love. I think/hope this a passion project for you. Don't let it burn you out, and stay positive.