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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing good!

We're super excited to let you know that version 0.7 is almost ready. All the CGs and animations are done, we just need to check over the English translations and sort out a few bugs.

So, it looks like the game might be coming out sooner than we thought. This also means I can get started on the feed with Noriko quicker, which I bet some of you will be pretty happy about.

Now for the not-so-great news.

I haven't really hammered this home before, but Goodbye Eternity could really use your support right now. Patreon is the only way we're making money to develop the game. Itch.io hasn't been great for us adult game creators, so I don't think we can rely on them going forward.

Big thanks to everyone who's supported this project, or plans to support it in the future. You're the reason this is even possible.

Take care, and we'll be in touch soon about 0.7.




Oscar Funez

I must say this game has come a long way. Since the beginning when there was barely much to go on in terms of story and interactions. I hope the project continues to thrive despite setbacks. This is a hidden gem, one of the few with amazing quality.


Thankfully got a new job so i can support this game again i've always loved this project, so i'm happy i can finally help you

Tyores Argoro

Courage and stay strong

コランタン ジ

C'est un plaisir de financer des projets comme le tien, continue comme tu le fais et force à toi 🤟💪


stay strong out here looking out for yall, doing all of us a service, looking foward to the next update