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Hi everyone, it's time to give you some news.

I haven't been very talkative lately and I hope you'll excuse me, I focused on the 0.3 version in order to respect the deadlines I had set myself.

As I can only work on this project two days a week I try to do the best I can. Today it's finally finished, all the CG are present, the translations have been proofread several times, I thank Dandy who thanks to his expert eye could point out the last spelling mistakes, grammar, and other inconsistencies.

I am now in the polishing phase to make sure that nothing has been forgotten. I have tested an old backup to see if they are compatible but the addition of new locations makes this impossible. I'll have to work in the future to solve this problem in future updates.

Coming back to what you are interested in version 0.3 I decided to change my way of doing things. All the bosses will be able to play it at the same time in preview and according to the bug reports and my capacity to correct them quickly the version all public will be proposed at least one week later.

ExtraLife being still a new game it was vital not to block the content for too long.

Other news, the steam page is soon ready, I just have to validate the game and you will be able to find Extra Life on Steam I hope in October.

I think I said it all, the 0.3 version was complicated to release with the vacations, family obligations, Montie who had contracted covid (but is now much better), in short, it was a lot of things and I am surprised that the deadlines are respected.

I would like to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your support to all of you who allow me to continue this project, I sincerely hope that you will like v0.3.

Expected release Wednesday, October 6th




Can't believe a whole summer already flew by and we're so close to this release. Very much looking forward to enjoying all of your and your teams hardwork. Otsukaresama deshita