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Dear Patrons, I would like to thank you for your support once again. It is thanks to you all that this project can continue to exist.

The month of August has been a bit difficult for me and we are only halfway through, many Patrons have left us, each time it makes me feel sad.

I can understand the impatience of some, the updates do not bring much content, 3 months between each update can seem long. I understand you very well, too have waited for some games sometimes even longer.

However, I chose to offer you a quality game, a game with an interesting story and unfortunately, it can't be done in 1 month or 2. It's only once you're in the dev's skin that you understand that it's not so easy to release new versions every day.

Now let's have the good news, here is what is coming for the 0.3 version.
Two new places the konbini and the house of Minato, two new characters Asami and Sakuya, the continuation of the story of course with the training in the company of Macumba, the appearance of the new characters with the possibility at the end to choose their way, corruption and friendzone (which will be able to evolve in True love with the wire of the adventure) for Asami and corruption and True Love for Sakuya. To finish you will discover new scenes with Noriko which I am sure will not leave you indifferent.

Thanks to all those who are there since the beginning, thanks to all those who have joined them since. Thanks to all those who will support the project in the future.




Quality is above all, so don't rush things and do as you do, hope steam version will come soon, that could help with engaging more patrons and audience


Just focus on making it good and also advertise alot and I mean ALOT!!!! IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF GETTING THE SUPPORT YA NEED


Don't rush it. I've seen plenty of games that flip because they were desperate to make a monthly update. There are few, that actually does that, but quite rare.


I'm loving this art.


Keep your head up Sensei, these things take time and I know you know that. The quality of your project will attract more people as you go on, so don't be too upset! I believe great things will come from this project!


Most patrons know these things take time. Especially in the very beginning when you are making brand new assets and doing everything solo. Take the time you need so that you are happy with the end result.


with a small team it will take time so ye


i will wait all the time to play your game, You have at least my support