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A little update for ya'll about our plans and thoughts:

-Gem Hunter has had some lack luster numbers in the download and view aspects. We have been working on a rework (much like the Qipao fox edit became the Vixen) in the background. Art and gameplay is almost done. Still some work to be done. We will release a dedicated post to when the rework will be available as is per usual to those that are in the discord.

-We have been made aware that Xelsword is updating some of his skins to a more concise vision. This is good for everyone... but us. Now we have to update the old edits and skins to match new edits. Although we may jsut resort to leaving what already exists as is. Anyway moving on we will only work with most recent skins as they will stay the same after he updates his skins.

-The poll has been made a tie as of making this post. This will most likely change later but until such a day happens we will focus on just doing what we do best.

That's all for this update! Please feel free to comment or message us on discord if you have any questions or remarks!


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