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Hey everyone, it's been a month since our official relaunch, so I thought I'd give a status report on our current projects and share some of our plans going forward.

First, the Gem Hunter. (2300 subs) Besides a small sound update sometime in the future, she's considered functionally complete. Palate expansion coming soon.

Next, the Ghoublin. (3500 subs/dl) She will get more trinkets in the future, but this was our smoothest launch yet, in fact she hasn't needed a single update as of yet!

Last, the Vixen (6500 subs/dl) After a lot of tweaks, she's also considered functionally complete. Palate expansion also coming soon here, and oh boy are there a lot of them.

Now for some future stuff:

Besides the palates mentioned above, we have a few more older skins edits gathering dust somewhere that will be making their way to the workshop soon, as well as some fan made palates for Xelsword skin edits that will be up there sometime this month too.

You may have also noticed the distinct lack of a current beta now that Ghoublin has launched, to that I say: from out of the sewers comes...something slimy...




Good Stuff 👍


Looking forward to more Xelsword skins!