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This took way longer than I thought. To my detriment I may have gone overboard with the details lol. Still though I think this came out amazingly. One of my best in fact!

    While the men planned their next route into the dark unknown of the earth below them; a small creature waits patiently for her cue. Content on expressing her artistic skills on spare parchment.
    With a sharp whistle from the siren, she dons her attire and grabs her pickaxe and gleefully skips towards another fun day of digging for treasure. While her family of miners focuses on the task at hand; she digs a way forward and ahead. Her mission: find gems to fund further expeditions. She is a natural at this; able to sense loot easily. She passes little pieces in search of a big haul: a motherload in fact.
     Suddenly-her floor gives way! Without warning she plummets into a chasm and laid there motionless for who knows how long. Covered in dirt cuts and bruises; she awakens with a foggy head and a new dent in her helmet. Before she can fully awaken however, she is assailed by a truly horrifying sight.
    Before her lied a terrifyingly massive door. A door that had waited centuries-no millennia for a mortal soul to find it. It stood alone and beckoned to be opened. The small creature couldn't rightly think straight; but even she knew that something was not right with this door. Visions began swimming in her head before manifesting before her very eyes. The door shone with blinding red between its cracks and hinges and began to crack open. She was terrified! Never before had she seen something quite like this. Its evil aura permeated sickeningly and without a moment's hesitation: she ran.
    Screaming away she ran to the opposite side of the cavern; intent on finding the exit or at the very least making one. The door stood motionless once more: waiting to be truly opened. If only she knew her mining brothers had caught up to her tunnel. Despite their appearance they were worried for the little one and dug forward to see why she had not returned. With what luck did she manage to find what they had been searching for for years?! She can wait. The job comes first.



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